Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/551

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528 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. sm 11. cu. ass. 1912. V fi thousanddll ·f te upl,onethousand

 dollars; in all, iigtygiéntmthhidsahd fiis   dollars.

¤.$l§"°° R°'°"" The Secretary of the Interior 1s_ ereby author1zed_and directed to Bgw ¤•°•¤**Y· make an investigation of the conditions on the Nava]o Indian Reser- °°°" um cation at Shiprock, New Mexico, with reslgect to the necessity of coristructing a bridge across the San Juan ver at Shrprock on sand reservation, and also te cause surveys, plans, and report to he made, together with an estimated limit cost for the construction of a suitable bud? at that place, and submit his report thereon to Congrem on the first onday in December, nineteen hundred and twelve, and the sum me thousand zlSl;rs, te; so much as may be necessary, IS or urpose re uthormed.

 Fo1?thld]§1i?rdf· one specialllttorney for the Pueblo Indians of New

Mexico an or necessary traveling expenses of sand attorney, two thousand dollars, or so much thereof as the Secretary of the Interior may deem neoesary. _ 1*** Y¤*· NEW YORK. . "'°°'*,,,,,,,,, Sec. 14. F fulfilluig' treaties `th Seneca of New York: For vu. 4.i M- permanent ariiliuity in lieu of inters;1 on (Act of February nineteenth, teen hundred and tlnrty-one), six thousand dollars. §,’{,,{‘,,',*;"'· For treaties with Six Nations of York: For pea·mavu.1.pZI. nent annuity, m clothing and other useful arheles (artmle six, treaty of Novemiper fleventhacslenmtem hundred and nmety-four), four M¤¤¤·mlc1¤¤ Fm- Pay gfcone special agltgat one and fifty dollars, one Sh 'emnatsixhundreddo _ Andoneiimneialelerlcatsixliundred omlrs annum, in addmon to emxlpyees otherwise provided for attheN‘grYorkAgen , inall,two usandtwohundred andfifty o . d llars cy ”°"" °"°“"‘ NORTH CAROLINA. °¤¤*••**°°'- Sec. 15. For snépport and education of one hundred and eighty Indian pupils at e Indian school at Cherokee, North Carolina, and for a of superintendent, thirty thousand dollars- for eralre airs _ Y . . Bm P and improvements, two thousand dollan; for rehuxlding employeed xrarters diesflroyed by fire, six thousand dollars; m all, thirty-eight ousand dollars. '°"·‘ ”"‘°““ NORTH DAKOTA. P,,{,Y,§§,{_•,':_'¥°“ Nite;. For auppalrt anddcitwlizstion of the Sioux of Devils Lake, ota, ve thousand 0 .

 ’°""°'“ _ (hor supggt and civilisation ofalindians at Fort Berthold Agene ,

“{;as·¤·¤.•¤·=·¤¢ ¤¤- in North ota, mcluding pay of employees, fifteen thousand dollars. ‘¤'¤**¤• ¥···=¤*·**· F rt and eivilizati n {Turn M tain}; d fChi cialirwipddreiw. Neir-ghdggggta, elegendthousanld ;lollar:B 0;; an 0 Pixma, ¤¤¤·r¤k¤¤¤¤¤r or su ort an e uc tion d Ind` ' Indian schgol, Bismarck,aNortli)D(:llil§>tau1dlnd for pagiuhfllghlpldsridtlerlldl? ent, eighteen thousand two hundred dollars; for general repairs and improvements, two thousand dollars; for the purchase of water and Egation éor the of trees, shrubs, and garden truck, two usand ve hun ollaxs; m all, twenty-two thousand seven rm mm]. hundred dollars. _ For supsiolgt and education of four hundred Indian pu ils at Fort Totten In Sch0ol,_ Fort Totten, North Dakota, andp for pay of _ supermtenélent, sixty-eight thousand five hundred dollars; for general repaus ain6vn;n]pmveme1`;t:lias;1sx thousand dollars; in all, seventy-four