Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/594

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SIXTY—SEOOND CONGRESS. Suse. H. Ch. 391. 1912. 571 scopes, heliostats, and other nemssary instruments inclu necessary for use on taiglget ranges; ons .;:§,,._°‘u°°“' "‘° an augsgicps, including their maintenance an repair; telephone apparatus_( _ usive of exchange service) and maintenance of the sameelectrical installations and maintenance at military posts; fire controland direction gsgaratus and material for Held artillery · maintenance

 repair of tary telegraph hnes and cables, including salaries of

civilian employees, supplies, and general repairs, and other expenses connected with the dut of collecting and transmitting information for the Army b telegrapli or otherwise, three hundred and seventy-five thousan dollars: Prognded, however, That not more than one hundred giiulifitr aerial methousand dollars of said amount shall be used for the purchase, main- °"‘“°* tenance, operation, and repair of airships and other aerial machines. Wasumerox-Ausxa mixranr canes mn rmnmnun srsrnu: ,,§,g*‘;?,_"°°"‘·'*’°¤** For cost_ of such extension and betterments of the ¤¤€¤¤¤¤¤¤. •¤·. Washington- ka lI11.lJ.l'»&l'_Y cable and system as ma be approved by the Secretaryr<£1War to be a b e until the close of the fivgcal year nmeteip ang fourgeeni fromhthe receiplfit oi;1 the ashington- ca e an e system ave been covered into the Treasury of the Uniotirdagtat the extent of such extensions and the cost thereof to be reported to%ongrese by the Secretary of War, fifty thousand dollars. A.mmNcu·r0n suzma srsrnus xr rancnr unions: For the instal- liixiiiusmeifserlation of anmmciator buzzer systems at such mm ranges as the '“'~ Secretary of War may determine, ten thousand do . rar or ormomzs 01* rim Lum. _ W- For gay of officers of the line, six million eight hundred and ninety- "“° °“°°”‘ three thousand nine hundred and eight dollars. _ For additional pgy to officers for ength of service, to be paid with I‘°“*°'“" their current mont y pay, one million five hundred and twenty-four P I thousand one hundred an twenty dollars: Provided, That hereaiter in Restriction on as time of peace whenever any officer holding a permanent commission in §§‘,,{* °“°"' "°’°" the line of the Army with rank below that of major shah not have been ¤•¢· v- M5- actually present for duty for at least two of the last six years with a. troop, battery, or company, of that branch o the Army in which he shall ho d said commission, such officer shall not be detached nor rmitted to remain detached from such troop, battery, or company, iiir duty of any kind; and all pay and allowances shall be forfeited by ,,,:§,'{,$}§}',{,‘g§,$};§}Q’,{ any superior for any period during which, by his order, or hns permis- 1~¤¤¤- sion, or by reason of his failure or neglect to issue or cause to be issued the proper order or instructions at the proper time any officer shall be detached or permitted to remain detached in_ violation of any of the n•;a¤¤;emm•¤¤. terms of this roviso · but nothing in this proviso shall be held to apply in the case of any officer for such period as shall be actually necessary for him, after having been relieved from detached service, to ]om the treo , baggy, or company, to which lie belong 111 thatbrapch in mumuupuda whigi he 1 hold a permanent commission, nor angtbanf m this proviso be held to apply to the detachment or detail of officers or duty rn the Judge Advocate General’s Department or in the Ordnance Department, or in connection with the construction of the Panama Canal imtil after such canal shall have been formally opened, or m the Philippine Constabulary until the first day of January, mneteen hundred and fourteen, or to any o&cer detailed, or who may bqhereafter mum Mmm, detailed, for aviation duty. And hereafter no officer olding asgeji manent commission in the A1-incyhyvith rank below that of ma3or _ mum v_ mn Bw be detailed as assistant to the 'ef of the Bureau of Insular AEMXIS mpigm Bi _ with rank of colonel, or as commanding officer of Porto R100_R8gl· mm, md p€,‘§u,$ ment of Infantry, or as chief or assistant chief (Director or Assistant <>¤¤¤¤°~*¤>‘·