Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/597

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574 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 391. 1912. For additional pay to such officers for length of service, to be paid Xitilh their current monthly pay, one hundred and ten thousand 0 ars. ‘ mgQ¤·¤°= °°P•'°· Onmuncn Dnrurrnmirr: For pay ot officers in the Ordnance ’ artment, two hundred and twenty-eight thousand five hundred d0F nal ch Hi fo length f be or "0 paytosu ocers r rviceto `d with their current monthly pay, fifty thousand dollcars. ’ pm ,.§*';'.?{,”"‘”" °’ Q¤A1:°Tr§¤iAB'1‘¤R'6 For psy of the gu". M. nm- s , an forty-e1gh usan two hundred dollars. _For additional pay to such oiheers for length of service, to be lvnutlh t]10l.l'(£)ll1’f6Ht monthly pay, eighty-six thousand three hun ,,§ ”°""" Sunsrernucn Dnranrunirr: For pay of officers in the Subsistence P¤•¤»P·¤- Dexartment, one hundred and twenty-three thousand dggt hundred wm · mm,. dollars: Provided, That so much of sectmn twelve hun and sixty- Hgs mm P_m_ one of the_Rev1sed Statutes as_pertams toadditional pay for acting mmdea. ’ commmsaries be, and the same rs hereby, repealed. _For additional pay to such for length of service, to be watih céirnent monthly pay, thirty-four thousand four hun ed an ollam. m={¤¤•¤ 1>•r··¤· Mmarcar. Qnraxnmur: For pay of officers in the Medical De artmegtaiolzglm pfve hun?1ed and forty-seven thousand eight hunor `tion yto oilioersf langthofsuh be aid

 cm-rent monthl'; pay, one huilrdred md ei§1ty-iivd;°thoud’and
&1>;%¤¤¤¤¤ hujgar D
;;n 0Ft¢g)p;yu3f3(gi1§;s in the Pay Department, one

_For additional pay to such omcers for length of service, to be paid with tthelnucunent monthly pay, forty thousand two hundred and twen y dollars. Jgzgre ndvocate J AD Gnlmallr lumlrrz . $2-= " °°""' m¤U.ii»Gei;e Aiigcoffic General’s8DIg;:rtment, i¤rEt;°ie$ZytiY£uZf?X§$?, hugdreadgpllarsai ‘ h or tion pay tosuc 0£cers for len of service to be aid with their current monthly pay, eight mend sevéu hung,-ed dollars. “'“‘°""'· Smmu. (Bears: Forpa {th E fth S' al C - dm: me gotrim mousxa i»$0°u¤i;E-gd usual.? °rps’ °°° he _For addmonal pay to such officers for length of service, to be aid B mvuthly pay, twenty-seven thousand seven hu ngred nw- W I ZSFPLAB At;1'0:;1:%dI£<;1i1 of officers of the Bureau of _or _ (JOD paytosuchofli f I h f ' with their current monthly payfgvéo ghoilggntd ilollzdlrgcey to be pwd Hetiredomoers. anrrann orrrcnns. P"' For pay of officers on the retired list and for offic . h be p{1a1:ed r::?ur1ng the current year, two millioiizrgiglitohliiiidred ‘ _ or _ tion payto such omcers for length f ’ 4; be ·d $3 g$‘l'&l;‘”"°¤* mmm? IMI, f¤¤r hundred zndezilgt?-d)ve tligiionmxvuuviee. For in ‘ d thetimd _ _ ex em°'°3“%v.%’i‘.¥;..3§..i i‘hi.°§’3.;‘iF" ‘° ‘°°"° "“°"· ‘°""