Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/613

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590 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS Sess. H. Ch. 391. 1912. ,andthe‘urisdicuo ted' thCommmsm" ith gigict of Coluinbia overnxalwsiiareefbeinlélthaels certain padlczlsog land in the coun? of Fairfax, State of V` ° ° {known as "Bc1voir” or ` the “White ouse" tract, containing hundred acres, is hereby ...·~·»"··* N M  :§..'§:r¥.o;.'{‘r;.§"r€‘;,‘*T""i..i.."‘° S"‘é'§§“B:;f 7 1 DBTB O B uict of gohrmbia to use such of the clay deposits on said site as may sm wma, M be required m the bnck plant in the Workhouse Insu- ,,,,,,,f tation at And the sum vd_._,.m_ herem_ appreprra _ is I _ av a or u con— on. , m. tamedmtheD1stnct prop tno At Jirst, V 8 F nineteen hundred andsgme, u::lérlthecdf?lldPd;)X sites for reformatoiy and workhouse," as amended by the rovision contained in the urgent delicmancy Act, approved August. Hgh, nineteen hundred and nmo- ,}§f"°"°" "' the plmvision contained m the Act approved March thirty-fi1st, mneteen undred and nme, that the two tracts of land to be acquired as liar a. refonnatori workhouse shall be wideli separated, me o oo. ‘“o.o 2 "·i=¤;‘1‘£’ ¥% ,.o“.,...‘” °°.I§"1fo¤...‘ '”'°..g‘”S iff .."°.o¤."€ ·"...-,»"°"o1’.“¥‘if" o _ · _ 6

`{.d Army Reserve provided for the services of men who have

· wnh“oo°?$i:u°°oomh°;ot:,°o‘Iold1g¤wrmttli:,R°g`durmom €'§‘31i iblydmmdooamfwqor have called n hononbly discharged soldier: of the gg, toresentmnsnlv f "·¤poo15‘y

s:§ect to sucE1c‘p?1lditio§: as ma; be prescn  shid 

mu shall boon dj,d,,,g,,d said A.rmyiyw1P:h_character reportgg as at least iced, gh: peen form physically uahiied for the duties o a soldier, if not over S.g.‘*“’..·“::m:f. e2£“·“or..,.,m:·‘ete::·1·: ‘¤·°-021*:* ease; as **1 ***0 , , _ W1 e t ‘. c¤•v¤¤•¤¤¤e¢. m sud proclamation, shall receive onpgomreenllisting a bosggtl

°::1;np§ at_the  might dcgllars for each month

. pmod a s av his mwormkmwrmrymmmd ieilsmiiieeii lars per month for the second eldr of such ;ldri•:tl·tat? trlidcrglf;3 gig; dollars {per month for the year of such period · and at the rate of two do pre per month for any subsequent year of such eriod b t

 excess &f upthewtxtpndred dollars shall be paidlto any pgrsgd

lzlhunent term ' o..n.,o.,;,. Andthatonandafterbl beiirg ' "6{$¤.,,..,;, nm 3,'°IY°» ¤? E:·;tip thaoviazinldr Arixlynilhillsohlellldglixhegi egg: ·· . • . , theservicewiththe ’ ho f which th nhsour years m organizawisgsgmvided Img? thotduhgtshahggorm a part, and, except as othernoone yeam on furlo and tt h mgglgnag Pg; to the drmy Reserve hereinafter provided for: Prmgl Th:t if thd nm, mg mrstlvls of four yearn? continuous service with such organization: bemmulgtgs • im er any subsequent enlistment, any soldier ma ' in which m£°€ "‘°».¤ oo.u”°"‘°H§‘o2?.2*§"i§‘o{r“3’s;c‘€.‘“°'£;£”'}h?,°“ **3: o2::f¤· ’° *·· epiisumnc: Pmvidedferthe-, me · ’g° m Peer my fm ,:1:; moooo. ..ov¤.g‘§‘¥'or.°“'T.€.‘§¤'} .§"‘“" -°Zo°.'3§.°Z¥i‘§§ . Subsequent enlistment 7 ‘ umu, my be fur? l d t , ¤P0¤ Written applilmdiscm °“§;*c°d ¤ ransfen·edto theArm Reserve ' is _ tionof the _ retaryofWar,mwhicheven1?'h h ’m ___‘ my- ·-me eq ws- Prwndedfurqwr, That for all enlistmeu em

  • °°°mP ¤¤d¤r the provisions of this Act t° h°'°"“°’·

e..~····~o. Mmmm emu°“*o22¤;:;5.1*;3¤r;2m2.“.1*¤¤r:Q:*ii·`ir¤-’°`”~e°“um§·`$“? all nlis ’ . onou · · e ted men who, after having served, not lg: than f‘d?1r yea;