Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/626

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SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 408. 1912. 603 Parrish, being the rinci al sum of the 'udgment, with costs '· fied by the court, £22,82%.62. 1 I as com RIVER AND HARBOR WORK. . ¤i*¤¤•¤¤hm¤n To pa claims ad`usted and settled under section four of the river “*’*,,,¥’“¢,,M I °’•*¤• M and hargor appropriation Act, apgroved June twenty-fifth, nineteen v¤1.¤s.;;‘°•ia. hundred and ten, and certified to ngress in House Documents Numbered Three hundred and thirteen, Six hundred and sixty-four, Seven hundred thirteen, and Eight hundred and twenty-three, at the present session, and Thirteen undred and eighty-six, Sixty- first Congress, third session, $1,509.05. NAVY DEPARTMENT. · ¤•v1>¤v•r¤¤¤n¤- To pay the claims adjusted and determined b the Na De art- P"“"m,,,,,, °'“"" *' ment, nmder the naval appropriation Act for theynscal yeaviiningteen i°¤g·g¤¤· mmm nm hundred and eleven Statutes at Large, page six hundred °`°°' PJ"` and_seven),_on account of axnages occasioned to private prpvgerty by collisions with vessels of the United_States Navy and for `ch the naval vessels were responsible certified to Congres at its present session in House Documents Numbered Three hundred and ninety- ` four, Four hundred and eighty-four, Five hundred and sixty-nine, Sax hundred and six, Eight hundred and twenty-eight and Senate Documents Numbered N me hundred and one an Nme hundred and six, $2,371.54. NAVAL ESTABLISHMENT. Nw- GENERAL sccomrr or ADVANCES. To reimburse "General account of advancx-:s," created b the Act ·d°,{';f,'_}‘ '°°°“"‘ °' of June nineteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy-eight (Twentieth Ve!-M. v-in Statutes at L§e, page one humdred and sixty-seven , for amounts advanced the rom and expended on account of the several aplproriations named hereunder m excess of the sums appropriated thereibr for the fiscal year given, found to be due the general account" on adjustment by the accounting omcers, the accounting officers of the Treasu are authorized and directed to credit bggransfer from un ndedy balances of alppropriations for the aval tablishment fisc5 years nineteen hun red and eleven and nineteen hundred and twelve, amounts as follows: _ For pay of the Navy, nineteen hundred end Mght. $i.7!9·22; ""’· - For pay of the Navy, nineteen hundred and seven, $8l0.80; For contingent, Marine Corps, nmeteen hundred and eight, Q22.60; ““’*°°°°”* For outfits pn first enlistment, Bureau of Navtgatwn, nineteen u_{_¤¤•¤ of ¤•v¤•· hundred and eight, $219.73; _ _ mjnm of lm For contingent, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, nineteen hun- md ,,,,,,,,,,,,,""’ dwd and nine $3855; . . Bureau of 1(edidne For Medical De artment, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, fiscal ncsu-guy. year nineteen hungred and eleven, $17,442.3% For Medical De artment, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, fiscal year nineteen hundred and ten, $13,951.37; _ _ _ For Medical Department, Bureau of Medicme and Surgery, mneteen hundred and nine, $30; _ For contingent, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, nmeteen hundred and eight, $24.58; . _ md _ For repairs and preservations at navy yards. nineteen hundred and ,w,”""",} """` m¤°» **·°22-13; - »...m¤...».. For maintenance, Bureau of Yards and Docks, nineteen hundred mh and ten, $14,419.71; ·