Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/638

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SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. I1. cs. 40s. 1912. 615 not included in the forego` , to continue available durmg` the fiscal year nineteen hundred , $27,8§0. LEGISLATIVE. usauuvs. Statement of A ro riations: The statement of a riations ,,,,°"““",,.,,'°' *”"" made during each gegsigi of Congress, includingonew o§:Pcreated, m°g•·•¤M•**¤¤,°*, M o6ces omitted, and so forth, required by law to pre ared under the direction of the Committees on Ap priations of are Senate and _ House of Rzplresentatives, for the gt session of the Sixty-second Congress, sh_ be consolidated with the statement to be prepared of the appropriation bills for the second session of said Congrss and inclu ed m the same volume. Busta. swam. To a Helen F e White and Alice e Briggs; dau ters of the ¥;H""‘?;,'2‘§?,h. nm sgsim wang. 1>. Friye, from msisiysts of Muse, iisoo. ••··~, "“°“,, mm ,__ To patigdamie Love T? or, widow of the late Senator Robert Love Payment towinlvw: Ta lor, m the State 0 Tennessee, $7,500. Gmmlnum To gy Kate I. Nixon, widow of the late Senator George S. N-IXOD, nymssmwnéw. from e State of Nevada, $7 ,500. _ ‘ To reimburse the omcial reporters of the proceedings and debates g°',{‘2',,,;"’.‘§,°“‘ of the Senate for e es incurred to July first, nineteen hundred and twelve, for der? hire and other extra clerical services, $4,810. For miscellaneous items, exclusive of labor, $10,600. _ ’"‘°°”"°°°'"°"" For repairs to Maltby Building to continue available during the gum fiscal year nineteen hundred thirteen, §500. _ _ I C N Aw To y C. Talbot $750, Addison T. Smith $500, and J. K. White ,,, ·,·_‘s,,§.°‘•_,-,. If $150 E3 servicm rendered toftlée Cognmittee on P1’.I.V1l8g%lD(}1E.l00· ¤·s:,¤im*; tionsmal¤ng` inves` tiono ecargesagainstlsaac enson involving his right seat the United States Senate ast:%enator from the State of Wisconsin; m all, $1 409. _ B_sm,‘M_ To pay_HaEy B. Straight for extra clerical services, $3QO. _ gig: To pay F. . Wakeiiel for pretpaz-mg the lusto of legislation for ,;,,,5,, ""‘"‘,,, uu, the Sepate in first glnsd secon sesgionsdgf ttl;et§1xty-sigcoiid (@:1; **¤¤· •*¢· gress, or out tracing an no ca on plan em of the Senate anii clerks of committees, $1,?00. I l W nun To pay Robert W. Farrar for extra services as clerk to the Qom— anu, ‘ ' gnittee on Pensions, Sixty-second Congress, iirst and second semnons, 1 . T30 pay Dennis M. Kerr for services as sdstant clerk by detail to K"' the Committee on Pensions, Sixty-second Oongres, iirst and second BGSSIODS, $1,000. _ ~ _ u'ugq·_¤gg_ To pay Edward T. Clark for extra services rendered the Committee s•¤-was ggsgmmlgratmon during the fiscal year mneteen hundred and twelve, · . · Oennihe Q Pub '£¢1}};;y the assistant clerk to the Committee on Public Building mA;tuu_=p:.m’ an unds, $360. , , Clinton x runs. To pa Clinton B. Thompson for extra clerical services in comme- sts. · gg?) with the work of the Committee on the District of Columbia, °°"*°° · , cunmittee on hb To psy the assistant clerk w t.hs_0¤mmitpee on Public Health and 1% •:_.‘ Nation Quarantine for extra clerical 881*71065, _ wm; hyqup For payment for services rendered to the special committee of the uaiugy Senate making ‘invg'§5tion of the election o Wilham_Lonmer as a Senator of the Uni States from the State of Illinois, as follows: To E. L. Comelius, $1,000; _Miss Kathleen F. Lawleré$250; F. N: Wezlilbe: $250; Magnus L. Eidsness, $150; md Frank . Jones, $50, i¤ , 1.700- . . a.w. nessus To pay A. W. Prescott for extra clerical services, $360. 87618°—v01. 37-rr 1-41