Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/65

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42 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ras. 8. 1911. Territory shall by proclamation declare the said amendment a part of the constitution of the proposed State of New Mexico, and. there— ¤*¤¤'•*°¤*·*•- u n the same shall become and be a part of said const1tution· but regaiihiim mm N ifptthe same shallsfail of such majority, then Article XIX oi the constitution of New Mexico as adopted on January twenty-iirst,_nineteen hrmdred and eleven, shall remain a dpart of said constitution. _ ,·§.•g*;¤m=_*¤•°* *¤ Except as herein otherwise provide , said electron_ upon thisamendment shall be‘in all respects subject to the election laws of New Merdco now in force. _ ,u°gg•*¥}“°°•‘ W Sec. 6. That the fifth clause of section two of "An Act to enable assmnau. the people of New Mexico to form a constitution and State government and be admitted into the Union on an equal footing with the original States; and to enable the eople of Arizona to form a constrtutron and be admitted into the [ihion on an equal footing with the

 Stats/’ approved June twentieth, anno Domim nineteen

hundred and ten, be, and the same is hereby, amended so as to read - as follows: . i %{f"°""“"" "Fifth. That said State shaH never enact any law restrictin or •¤·¤¤•·r° F 5% abridging the right of suffrage on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude." . §§‘}'¥,,,,,‘,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_ Sec. 7. That before the proclamation of the President shall issue, •¤¤¤¤¤¤ *¤ ¤¤ *·>*·¤ announcing the result of said election m Arizona, and at the same up;-&,p.171 time that the State election is held, as aforesaifl, the electors of · Arizona shall vote upon and ratify and adopt the ollowing proposed _ amendment to their State constitution as a condition precedent to the admimion of said State, to wit: ,,,{,{,§§,{" ‘° b' "Section one of Article VIH of the constitution of the Stateof Arizona, adopted b%the electors of said· State at an election held on the ninth day of ebruargémanno Dommi nineteen hundred and eleven, be, and the same is by, amended so as to read as follows: ,,,{;§{,$§° vm " "‘An·rrcr.n VIII.-—Rmuova1. mom Orncz. °:¤¤¤¤v¤¤•¤¤·>¤· "‘1. nscau. or 1>uauo·orr1csns. °¤·=¤¤· •¤•=•l>¤ J¤- “‘SIO'l'I0l' 1. Every public officer in the State of Arizona, exc t g1°i.°l' °°N°°t ‘° "' members of the judiciarg, holding an elective office, either by electign ¤°¤•**¤¤- or appointment, is surbject to recall such office by the qualified electors of the electo district from which candidates are elected to such office. Such_ electoral district may include the whole State. Such number of said electors as shall equal twenty-five er centum of the number of votes cast at the last receding neral dlection for all of the candidates for the office held by such oéecer may b petition, which shall be known as a recall petition, demand his recall; " Rgiotinzugmngb The ballots to provided for said first State election shall have ”‘ °"` printed thereon this Iproposed amendment and there shall be placpd on said ballots two b ank squares with dimensions of one-half an inch and opposite one of said squares shall be printed the words "For constitutional amendment" and opposite the other blank square shall be tho words "Agai.nst constitutional amendment. ’ anus; union _ Any e ector desiring to vote or said amendment shall place a cross m the blank square opposite the words "For constitutional amendment," and those desiring to vote against such amendment shall _place a cross in the blank square opposite the words "Against conc,,,,,_ ,,,,,,,,,,_ stitutional amendment/' an said ballots shall be counted and canvassed bg the election officers of said State authorized by law to count an canvas the ballots cast at the election for State officersand the returns of said election upon said amendment shall be made by_sa1d electron officem to the secretary of the Territory of Arizona at Phoenix, who, with the governor and chief justice of said