Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/668

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SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ras. 52, 53. 1912. 645 ant rmission for the erection on public rounds of the United §g,'g“*°”‘°“ '° °’°°* Sltatesliii the city of Washington, other lghan thise of the Capitol, the &`m¤¤<i'».iIii°£¤i!i1in,i1•ii»1i¤‘i Library of Congress, and the White House, of a joint memorial, of ’ °‘ simple and artistic form to Mmr Archibald W. Butt, United States Army, and Mr. Francis bavis let vice chairman of the Commission of Fine Arts, officers of the United States who perished in the Titanic disaster: Promkied, That the site chosen and the design of the {'§'§f$;, of ,1,,,,,,, memorial shall be approved by the President of the United States **¤'P¤¤· upon the advice of s e Commission of Fine Arts, and that the United States shall be put to no expense in or by the erection of the said N° °"°“‘°‘ memorial. V Approved, August 24, 1912. [No. 53.] Joint Resolution Amending the Army Appropriation Bill. $1331:;:, gg. Reeobved by the Senate and House of s of the United [mn. n¤.,x¤. eu.] States of Ameriea in Congress assem led, t in the "Act making mtipgt •m>r¤x¤i•» a. propriation for the support of the Army for the fiscal year ending msu-iswm on ae Jiine thirtieth, nineteen undred and thirteen, and for other pur- $2;;* °”‘°°" poses,” there be substituted for the word "hereafter” where It first Ama 571- occurs in the iiist proviso under the heading “Pay of Officers of the Line," the words: on and after December n , nineteen hundred and twelve Approved, August 24, 19].2.