Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/676

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SIXTY·SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. III. Cns. 15, 17, 20. 1913. 653 all thereafter be maintained and cared for in a neat and orderly conditron by the trustees and beneficiaries named in this Act, without any expense whatever to the United States. Approved,.January 27, 1913. GHAP. 17.-An Act AE th ‘ ° '“‘ 1°”· South Dakota. ecting e town sites of Timber Lake and Dupree in 'h;:“;h;?L“ Be it enacted by the Senate and House R esentatioee the United ,,,,,,_,,, States of America in Oemgress assemble? mt the Secreqirary of the Rcncrlxiions in Intcrror be, a.nd‘he is hereby, authorized and directed to cause to be gZ';,°°§i"i]i°.£{'°w°w`§ set apart and reserved for school, park, and other public purposes ;*°’:_‘°* P°'*”° P¤*· not more than five acres of the lands not heretofore disposed of, wrthineachof thetowns1tesofl‘imberI»a.lreandDu ree inthat portion of the Cheyenne River and Standing Rock Indian lleservatrons m the States of South Dakota and North Dakota, authorized to be disposed of under the Act of May twenty-ninth, nineteen ¥.°i餔d.°"°` hnmgreddand ergthpf Patlentp shall be fgri the lands so ele: apa an reserv orscoo, , or0 er uic urposestot said municipalities of Timber End Prolivided, That the gig:-eil: me town purchase price of all town lots hereafter so d under the supervision '°°" of the Secretary of the Interior in the said town sites of Timber Lake and Dupree shall be plaid at such times and in such installments and _ upon such terms as e may direct, and he shall cause twenty per ’°°“° centum of the net proceeds arising from such sales to be set apart and expended nmder his direction m the construction of schoolhouses or other public buildings or improvements in the rupective town sites in w ich lots are so d. Approved, January 28, 1913. CHAP. 20.-An Act To amend the license law, approved July Grst, nineteen Jlflgfg $1},%* hundred and two, with respect to licenses of drivers of passenger vehicles for hire. Be it enacted by-the Senate and House ofR;£1:sentat·ives {the United States of America in Umpgrus assembled, t paragrap eleven of @%,°°‘;':_}’& section seven of the Act o Congress approved July lirst, nineteen hun- ¤*¢$m••~ 8__ m dred and two, entitled "An Act making gppropriauons to provide for .¤•¤h.a." °‘ ‘ the expenses of the government of the rstrict of Colum ia for the iiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and three, and for other purposes,’ be, and the same is hereby, amended by adding thereto the following: "That in the District of Columbia no person, not an employee of a ,,},·’¤°}',§d'f' ‘°"""°” street railwail comfpang, shall engage in driving or operating any passenger ve 'cle or ire, whether said vehicle be driven or propelled y an animal or animals, or by ani other form of motive power without first procuring a license from the assesor of the District oi Columbia, which license shall not be issued except upon evidence satisfactory to him that the applicant is a person o good moral character. "Each person licensed under the provisions of this amendment '*`•*· shall paian annual license tax of one ol1ar._ _ " App `cation for such license shall be made to said assessor in such ,§g¥{§g;”'{‘;;;m,g__ form as shall be prescribed by the Commissioners of the District of non. Columbia, and no such license shall be issued until an investi ation of the character of applicant shall have been made by a member of the Metropolitan po ice force, designated for this purpose by the ma'or and su erintendent of police, and a report of such investigation shall have been delivered to the assessor by said major and superintendent of police.