Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/685

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662 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 27. 1913. Samuel Isham, of New York; Albert Jaeger, of New York; Francis C. Jones, of New York· H. Bolton Jones, of New York; W. Se%ant Kendall, of New York; Bancel La Fargo, of New York; will H. w, of New York; Frederick Macmonnies, of New York; Hermon A. Mac- Neil, of New York· Carl Marr, of Wisconsin; Walter McEwen, of Ilhnois; William Rutherford Mead, of New York; Gan Melchers, of New York; Willard L. Metcalf, of New York; H. Siddons Mowbra , of Connecticut; Leonard Ochtman of Connecticut; Maxiield‘Parni, of New Hampshire; Robert S. Peabody, of Massachusetts; Charles S e Pearce, of Massachusetts; Jose h Pennell, of Pemrsylvama; Charles A. Platt, of New Hampshire; Ggo B. Post, of New York; Edward Clark Potter of Massachusetts; B15:. L. Pratt, of Massachusetts; A. Phimister Proctor, of New York; Edward W. Redfield, of Pcnnsylvanirr Robert Reid of New York; F. G. R. Roth, of New York; F. W. Ruckstuhl, of New York; Albert P. Rgder, of New York; John nt of Massachusetts; W. E. Schofiel , of Penns¥$jarua; H. M. y, of New York; Edward Simmons, of New York; 1ll1am T. Smedle , of New York; Lorado Taft, of Illinois; Edmund C. Tarbell, of hgassachusetts; Abbott H. Thayer, of New York; D. W. Tryon, of New York; Elihu Vedder, of Massachusetts; Lionel Walden, of Connecticut; He%·K` Oliver Walker, of New Jeréei; Horatio Walker of Canada; `tney Warren, of New York; Adolpt A._Wemman, ot! New York; J. Alden Weir, of New York; . Wiles, of New York; Arthur Bird, of Massachusetts; Howard rockway, of Maryland; G. W. Chadwick, of Massachusetts; F. S. Converse, of Massachusetts; Walter Damrosch, of New York; Reginald De Koven, of New York; Arthur Foote, of Massachusetts; W. W. Gilchrist, of Pennsylvania; H. K. Hadley, of New York; Victor Herbert, of New York; Ed§.r Stillman Kelley, of Ohio; Charles M. Loeflier, of Massachusetts; W. Parker of Connecticut; Harpy Rowe Shelley, of New York· David_S. of Connecticut; F. an der Stucken, of Ohio; Arthur Whiting, of New York; and their successors duly chosen, are hereby mcoipgrated, constituted, and declared to be a lglodty o téhgng Lpf Columbia, by the name of the . a o trtute o an tters. P¤n·¤•·¤·» Sec. 2. That the purposes of this corporation are and shall be the furtherance of the mterests of literature and the fine arts. comma powers _ Sec. 3. That the National Institute of Arts and Letters shall consist of not more than two hundred and fift regular members, and the sand corporation hereby constituted shally have power to make b - laws and rules, and regulations; to fill all vacancies created lily death, resignation, or otherwise; to provide for the election of foreign, domestrc,_or honorary associate members, and" the division of such rnetzbezrjs into classes, and all other matters needful or usual in such ms u ions. mQ,¤,’;;‘;‘n_m°°"“¤ Sec. 4. That the National Institute of Arts and Letters shall hold an annual meeting at such place rn the United States as may be desrgpatg agibshall mag.? an annual report to the Congress to be fled with e rarran o ongress.

  • `¤-·*°¤Y“°*‘““¤’· Sec. 5. That the National Institute of Arts and Letters be, and

the same is hereby, authorized and empowered to receive bequests and donations of real and personal property and to hold the same in trpst, aérd ftiritmvist and the same for the furtherance of the rneres o eraurean e earts. ·*¤*°°¤*°¤'— right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act rs hereby Approved, February 4, 1913.