Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/687

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664 SIXTY·SEGOND CONGRESS. Sus. III. Cus.30, 34. 1913. N¤¤¤¤~\ ¢¢¤¢*°’¥ no. 2. That the Sccretari of War, under this Act, is directed to

i?°"°h"°°h“g°’ tags the necema steps for the proper transfer of the cemetery to_ the

Government, any when the same has been duly completed, to put rt rn charge of the keeper of the national cemetery at _L1ttle Rock, Arkansas, requiring him to exercise the same care m the preservation, beautifying and caretaking generally as is done m regard to the national cemete ; also that a suitable gate or entryway be made in the stone wall wrhich now divides the two cemeterres so that glersons mav readilyc pass mile to the oézher. Whatznelr ad tional funds ma r u` ort e urpouo c ou eprovrsrons of this Ag: shallulre paid out ofp any fund which may be available for the maintenance of national cemeteries. Approved, February 7, 1913. brauy 91 - CHAP. .— tion thirt -three hundred and ninet ·two Rm- B··£%1i] zi of the Stintutgiif Sites, as amgnded by section thirty-two df the

 Act of August fifth, nineteen hundred and nine.

Be itenaded theSemtca1adHo1raeqfRe entativesof the United iii:.i¤m$°°$r°;i»- States S Amergvla in Uongrear assembled, H3 section thirty-three °‘°,{*~s N my ,,_ hun and ninety-two o the Revised Statutes of the United _States, GM. mhreeh. rm amended by section tbirty-two of the Act of August fifth, mneteen v°" °°""1°°` hundred and nine, be, and the same is hereby, amended to read as follows:

  • '°*'>¤=¤'°'¤"*'°°· "Sec. 3392. All c` ars weig more than three unds per

thousand shall be paclied in b t before used for tliiiit puxose containing, respectively, five, ten twelve thirteen, twengydive, ty, one hundred, two hundred, two hundred and fifty, or ve hundred u__§’,,‘;';§_;Q,’}‘°% Q2; cigars each; and every person who sells, or offers for sale, or delivers, ' or offers to deliver, any cigars in any other form than in new boxes as above described, or w 0 packs in any box any cigars in excess of or less than the number rovided by law to be put m each box, r - tively. or who falsely lbrands any box, or affixes a stam on any lax denoting a less amount of tax than that required by law, shall be _ fined for each offense not more than one thousand dollars, and be §Q",{‘5°',;,,,_ imprisoned not more than two years: Provided, That nothing in this section shall be construed as preventing the sale of cigars at retail by retail dealers fr·om boxes packed, stamped, and branded in the pr$ii2¤w»hi§:¤i°¤$i" manner prescribed_by law: Provided further, That each employee of a manufacturer of cigars shall be permitted to use, for personal consumption and forzcxperimental purposes, not to exceed twenty-one cigars tger week without the manufacturer of cigars being required to pack e same in boxes or to stamp or pay any intemal—revenue tax thereon, glrclggrertrrptior; tg bpiallowed under such brgles and regulatronsas c rearyo te reasu ma rescri:Andprov1ded' ,,,;`Q§§§§§w,f°q“l"d further, That every manufacturer oflzirzigargttgs shall ut u all the cigarettes that he manufactures or has manufactures for and sells_ or removes for consumption or use in packages or parcels containing live, eight, ten, fifteen, twenty, fifty, or one hundred cigarettes each, and shall securely allix to each of said packages-or parcels a suitable stamp denoting the tax thereon: and shall properly cancel the same prior to such s e or removal for consumption or use under Immm ciggmrra. such {951 ations as the Commissioner of Internal Revenue shall pgescrrbeg and all cigarettes rmported from a foreign country shall addptggiéié igzmlpueg, the stgrnpz canceled like manner, in 0 sam rurcarn rnspcci - house before they are withdriiwn therefrim! t on of the Custom Approved, February 10, 1913.