Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/690

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SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sms. HI. Crrs.39, 40. 1913. $67 cultivated beginning with the third ear of the entry: Provided, "••**••· That ap; qualified person who has heretofore made or hereafter muniqeiirgimniziiruurriis makes ditional entry under the mvisions of section three of this "°°“ "‘°'"°‘°‘ Actmaybeallowedtoperfecttitlgtohisoriginalentrybyshowing comphance with the provisions of section twenty-two hundred an ninety-one of the Revised Statutes respecting such original ent , and thereafter in making proof utpon his ad rtional entry shall Ilia credited with residence maintains risen his original entry from the date of such original entry but the c tivation reqhuired upon entries made under this Act must be shown gsecting suc additional entry, which cultivation, while it may be e umn either the original or additional entry, or upon both entries, must cultivation in addition to that relied uw; and in proof upon the original entry· or, if he elects, original and additional entries may be considered as one, yvith_full credit for residence upon and improvements made rmder his original entry, m which event the amount of cultivation herein regurred shall apply to the total area of the combined entrgé and proo mai be made upon such combined entry whenever it can shown that e cultivation required b_y this section has been performed; and to this end the time within which proof must be made 'fimcérrlnnlrrcvl upon such combined entry is hereby extended to seven years from the °”°"° ` date of the origmal entry: Provided further, That nothing herein ‘“'“'·"‘°°· contained shall be so construed as to require residence upon the combined entry in excess of the period of residence, as by section twenty-two hundred and ninety-one of the Revised tatutes. ’ Approved, February 11, 1913. CHAP. 40.—An Act To amend section seventy-t.hree and section eeventyaix of Febrrwr 12.l¤l. the Act of August twenty-seventh, eighteen hrmdrcd and nine?-four, entitled "An _ [E L ml] Acttoreduce taxation, toprovide revenuefor theGovernment,an forot.herpurposas." [Public, ue. m] Be it emwted by the Senate and Horrs;;5fRepreee1rtatives of the United A States of America in Oontgresa assemb , That section seventy-three .;.,.,Z""“" pm"' and section seventy-six 0 the Act of August twenty-seventh, eighteen u,}’:,}h°d’f’· P- ""°· hundred and ninety-four, entitled "An Act to reduce taxation, to provide revenue for the Government, and for other purposes/’ be, and the same are hereby, amended to read as follows: T t_ w , "Sec. 73. That every combination, conspiracy, trust, agreement, miiilé °cr"i€rSZ or contract is hereby declared to be contrary to public policy, illegal, "*°° °°°‘*'°" "- and void when the same is made by or between two or more persons or corporations either of whom, as agent or principal, is eng§ed in “¢,*;,f" °‘ ¥"‘°°*l"‘ importing any article from any foreign country into the nited States, and w en such combination, conspiracy, trust agreement or contract is intended to operate in restrarnt of lawful trade, or free competition in lawful tra e or commerce, or to increase the market price in any part of the United States of an article or articles imported or intended to be imported into the ignited States, or of any manufacture into which suc imported article enters or is intended to enter. Every person who is or shall hereafter be engaged in the remuimportation of goods or any commodity from any foreign country in violiation of this section of this Act, or who shall combine or conspire with another to violate the same, is guilty of a misdemeanor, an on conviction thereof in any court of the United States such person shall be fined in a sum not less than one hundred dollars and not exceeding five thousand dollars, and shall be further punished by imprisonment, in the gretion qi the com, for a term not less than three months _ nor exc twe ve mon ." " Src. 7dl]gl`hat any property owned under any contract or by any m?"fi°il,`{.'§,S$ $.*3. combination, or pursuant to any conspiracy, and being the subject P°”°"·°‘°·