Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/695

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672 SIXTY·SEOOND CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 51. 1913. . wud cpm • of 'd d factoryto not less bghmmm vfoxvnlfuof the {dill ca$t)ylther·e‘df X3`! ueach calendar year. ms. memes. Nocsart o£51ny.mouey e¥l£wPd¤;•£'3z'r*l:;;®t.”h%1]:‘b° °xP°$dgg for powder o er than cents a und. f s.e¤¤¤a purchase manufacture and test of seaceast cannon cr ~i?~`*'·§r·a,,‘··¤*¤,,r¤ M °·*·‘·¤°:.;:··n,··...*·*·.,,Pm:.; :2**:,: mug, m necusary ,000. . . anmumou hr ”?::m1 , mgmrfacture, and tat of ILHIIIIIIZIZEIKIOD fo!' Spa- . cthommnt ?t‘l?,mn’d necessary for its at tb: lll ·*··¤¤°*“°" '°" · For tl·::1 , manufacture, and test of ammunition, syb- =¤:°-muwmw caliber guns, and other accessories for seacoast a1$lletrly priuétlcileé including th%6n63chmery necemary for their man ac re 3 IIBEDIIS $42 1 · · • ' d tenan f th b1le artillery mclud· ··¤‘€·%T‘¢"·¤“°`“° "` ,,§g,"£‘,$,;;‘§‘,;§'1‘§1‘1, m 0?L&.e;J§Z mu, m%Si;·wm¤§ necessary for ewor an expenswo e Hgnge Ammunition fi! For t]?:5 mguijfgqture, ind test Of. ammunition, sub-

  1. ,4 °“`“‘ °'°m°” 'bc guns and other accmories for ‘mcuntam, field, and megs

zrdtillelry practice, including the machinery necessary for their manummm arsenals, $130 000. _ _ ¤,@__*° ’*P“‘ { For th; of three and two·tenth,s inch batteries to rapid- "' "°‘ fr; nam batteries, including sights, implements. equipments. ond the materials and machinery necessary for alteration and manufacture at 1;}; nals $175 000. _ _ _ _ ¤¤$.1;°'.$'Yiu-§i°" °°°' %d;S:he alteration and maintenance of seacoest art11lery,_ mcludmg the purchase and manufacture offmachmery, tohsllls, matérnals neczsf thework andexpenseso ci mec csan uy gitgeizamem men engaged thereon, $300,000. Mama, user pea raovme onomm, suny noox, omsw umsm. um. as For cm-rent expenses of the ordnance provmif ground, Sandy Hook, New J ersey, comprising the maintenance of r and water transportation, repairs, alterations, accessories, and service of employees mcndental to testing and proving ordnance maternal, lure of assistants for tlhgad Boeird, purchased of 1l;1siLruix£;ai11;i;.a agdmgrticles ' r an experunen wcr u an airing hiiitus and (targetslglearing and grading ranges, $56,200._ mggpmnq mow- Folrdtgre nec?s‘ary enpterhrges 0 officers while teixnplogéagilyfmpllogred u res a ro groun an a rom err ru eau. ees. glrioger szgtizn, at the rate oP$2Y;lgper diem while so employed, and the compensation of draftsmen while employed in the Army ance Bureau on ordnance construction, $18,700. s,,,,m,.,,,, ,,,,,,,5 strmnnmn urns. rmam, se. For the purchase of submarine mines and necessary appliances to operate tllizm for closing the channels leading to our principal searts, an or contmu o to o experim ts, $50,000. xumeaaaewrsup- P°For the maintenanclialibof tgiidsubmaririe-9rIi1ine matériel within the

  • ’“°'· °‘°· of continlegntalglnxtefl States, for the purchase of the necessary

a ,u.r., inery,too,an imem tsf th fthto d ‘°;°3°T‘?$· yeapcot at Fort Totten, lgew tilorkfufor eggs.-udiit 0Ppgy ei solgiaexg necessarily employed for periods not less than ten days m connection wrth the issue, receipt, and care of submarine-mining matériel at the torpedo depot, and or torped0·depot administration, $68,000.