Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/701

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678 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sus. III. - Cns. 54, 55. 1913. dians o otherwise the i ernor of each of said States, respectively, Ixth the iipproval oi the§n·etary of the Interior, is hereby authorized, withm the aaaa described in section ope of AJ; to lotdate noto erwise noexceeding osecons ihuxily one township, whichldhall for by the United States as herein rovided, in quantity equal to the loss, and such selections shall be mad,e prior to the opening of such lands to settlement. ., °‘ "" Src. 8. ’111at the lands allotted, those retained or reserved, and the smplus lands sold, set aside for town-site or granted to the State, or otherwise disposed of, shall be su ject for a of twenty- fiveyearsto allthelawsof theUnitedStatesproh tmgthemtro- Mj>¤¤*'•“°¤¤ °" . . ere is appropria ou

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R3.: "°°i°d °° 'llreasurg not otherwise apprhprigtedz the dum of ond hundred and eigh ousand dollars, or so much thereof as mag be necessalrly, to a Yer the landsgnnted to the States of South akota and orth samp, aw. Biota, as provid insection seven of this Act. And there IS hereby propriated the further sum of ten thousand dollars, or so muc thereof as ma;be necmsuz, for the purpose of making the surveys {’,,Y?,'?Y'§,,,,,,,_ and allotmen provided or herein: Provided, That the said ten thousand dollars, or so much thereof as msg be earlpended for the p of out the `pligovisions of this ct, sh be reimbursed tomtgllnited tatq from proceeds received from the sale of the landséiixgibedhermnorfrom any money m the belonging ¤,’§°..Q'.{‘§”Q,$“w’”°' *05:3. 10. mTliat in this Act contained shall in any manner bind the United States to purchase any portion of the land herein described, except sections sixteen and thirtyysix, or the equivalent, in each township, or to said land except as provided herein, or to guarantee to find pure for said lands or any portion thereof, it being the intention of Act that the United States shall act as trustee for said Indians to dispose of the said lands and to expend and M Pe; ma ***9 Pmsswmvmermswz ski °“j.,°*#°‘,:2>:l;· my ,,,,,,,anasere1nro : ano in t ·¤£¤·••l wl construed to dgprive the said Indians of the Standing Rock Indian Reservation of any benefits to which they are entitled under existing treaties or agreements not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act. Approved, February 14, 1913. F°?{f‘§` CRAP. 55.-An Act Regulating Indian allotments disposed of by will. l*’“"“°· “°· ml Be it enacted by the Senate and Howe 0 Re eacniativea o the United m§','§,if§:.g'“" Ts; gray; in aamnblerg section tw}; of an Act m_‘;,,,,_,_ · F enutl An Act to provide for determining the heirs of deceased Indians, for the disposition and sale of allotments of deceased In~ dians, for the leasing of allotments, and for other purposes," approved dulpe twenty-fifth, nineteen hundred and ten, be amended to read as o ows: ”'¤’°°*‘ °"°*"*°'* "Sn¤. 2. That any persons of the of twen -on h ' ed sllotmuit, trust _ _ _ 8 BIITS 8 mm.,-r, sa-., by wm. any right, t1tle,_or mterest any allogint held Ender tiiust or oilhlg patent contaming restrictions on alienation or individual Indian moneys or other property hold ui trust by the United States shall have the ng: prior to the expiration of the trust or restrictive period, ore the issuance o a fee simple patent or the removal ertxgestrictlgins, to dispose of such protpergcby wiH, .in accordance P,,,,,,_,,,,_ mp .§$“ t‘°¤$ l°° ba P1'¤¤<=¤!><>d by 6 rotary of the Interior: A1>l>f¤\‘¤·l¤¤1¤i¤¤- my fom; 1; Thu ¤° glu $;>uQ€6¢£1¢]§dhshaHbbe valid or have an un 1 s a sv ¤$y°2¢°°¤a°Z'x°i$i° the Secretary of the Interior: Provided further, 6'l‘h;(t¤thldPSgdr`;fimtg