Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/719

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696 SIXTY —SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 86. 1913. V°¤*·P·"· Act to amend an Act entitled ‘An Act tp provide for the reogganization of the consular service of the United Sta.tes,’ approv April Efth, nineteen hundred and six," and amendments thereto, as follows: Consuls eral, $303,000; consuls, $734,000; ‘m all, $1,037,000. °°¤*°'*”"*P‘°°'*’”· For saigies of Eve consular inspectors, at $5,, $25,000. nxrmwsns or ooxsuun msrmcrons. . .· F the t alandnecesarytravf andsubsistonceexpenses ’g‘¤':u¤‘ ma u of cgnsnilariliiiidl tors while traveling grid inspecting under instructions from the gtgsetary of State, $15,000. _ snanms or cousunan assrsraxrs. _ °°¤•¤*¤‘“*·¤*'· For forty consular assistants as provided for by law, $46,600. annowaxon ron cnn: mm: ar ummm srarns coxsmnrns. °l"""°°°""""°" Allowance for clerk hire at consulates, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of State, $375,000. saunas or ro cousuures nw cxmu, cuosmr, Juan, nm summa. _ 1¤¤n¤¤i¤ •¢¤¤¤~ Interpreters to be employed at consulates in China Chosen Japan '°i'°° and Siberia, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary oi State, $41,700. _ mxrmssns or , cuanns, nm so roirm, is rumnsn noimuoxs, Arm so FORTH. "},{"°’F‘°""·*"*"’°· Intergietexs and guards at the consulates in the Turkish dominions, Persia, orocco, northern Africa, and at Zanzibar, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of State, $25,000. sALanu·.s or nnnsxns ron consiman oomrrs. ¥•¤¤•'•~ S M3& for the consular courts in China, Chosen, and Turkey, 11, . nxmmszs or Parsons ron nnuuoax oonvrcrs. °°“""“’“’°“· Actualexpense0fren' a risonatSh h'f Am' - mum victs in China $1,200; fdi·n§ontii1gent expeix :;,200; fogiligtivgggs of a keeper of such prison, $1,200; and or the wages of an assistant kegper of p_uchdpr1ion, $800; f Ch ‘*·¤**¤··*"•°°°’* ,*7mg <>r ¤ eepingan cedm' o rise ‘ ‘,ch , PyLu·;*:·_;,___L Siam, and Turkey, $9,000: Provwilag Thiit ngegolrlia thlgiilso 3:;;; pu- day for the keiping and feeding of each risoner while actually confined shall be owed or paid for any such keeping and feeding. Tlus is not to be understood as covering cost of medical attendance and medicines when required by such prisoners. '~°'*‘·°'°·'*`°'*°’· Rent of prison for American convicts in Turkey, and for wages of kewers of the same, $1,000. . xeepssrzamm. eggs of prison keeper in Chosen, $600. In all, $15,000. nmmr nm momcuou or lummcan smaumw. _§$g;_*°’ *¤¤¤¤¤ Belief and protection of American seamen in forei countries, and ¤1¤Pwrecked American seamen in the Territc oInA.laska, in the Hawauan Islands. Porto Rico, the Panama anal Zone and the Philippine Islands, $20,000. _ ’