Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/743

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720 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sus. IH. Ch. 93. 1913. allowances; and to rovide means for the theoretical and practical ’*‘¤**>¤¤¤·•*°· truti tthel§l)ngineerSchoolbyt11e urchaseoftextbooks, lrznkiscofozfzrence, scientific an$¢;5p0r&t;essionalJ papers, and for other mo I ° , rmm mmrm. S Eiwldggnlii mouitvmnrr or raoors: For_ pontoon matenal,_ tools, °°"” instruments, and supplies required for use m the engineer equipment of troops, including the purchase and preparation of engineer als, $50,000. . _ _ _ Ii”i·~°$} construction of pontoon shed at Washington Barracks, District of Columbia, for shelter for new pontoon and bmi? material, $15,000. emma sauna. Crvimsrr Assrsraxrs ·m mcerumm ormcrms: or services of sur- ‘°"‘ veyors, survey parties, draftsmen, tphotographers, master laborers gud clerks to o e staff of division, corps, and artm t commau ers , .

 °g0N'1'1ZN°;ENC1`IB, Euoirgiura Dnramunnr, Ifxmxmvmn Isnamisz

For contingent expenses mcident to the operations of the E1§;neer Department in the Philippine Islands, to be expended at the cretion of the Secretary of ar, $5,000. _*L*¤•¤¤• °•P•"· onniuiwz nnranrnnur. °""¤*°¥’°""· Onn :.~: For the current expenses of the Ordnance

   connection with purchasing,   steriip, and

issuing ordnance and ordnance stores, compnsmgpo ee an_ omce . duties, rents, advertismg, stationery, typn `ters es u exchange, an fxuniture, totils, and instruments of service; for incidental expenses of the ordnance service and those attending prachcal trials an tests of ordnance, small arms, and other ordnance stores; for publications for libraries of the Ordnance Department, includirf the Ordnance Oiiice; subscri tions to periodicals which maébe pai for m advance, and payment ger mechanical labor in the 0 ce of the Chief of Ord- , $300,000. m·gg¤g¤·ggg_°¤ '°* mggiiuancm SI'OBEB*A.h(IUNl'.l'IONZ Manufacture and purchase of · ' ammunition and materials therefor for small arms for reserve su ply; ammunition for burials at the National Soldiers' Home in Washington, District of Columbia; ammunition for firing the morninixand eve gun at military posts prescribed by General Orders, umbered geventy, Headauarters o the Army, dated Julpltwenty-third, eighteen hundred an sixtyseven, and at National ome tldr Disab ed Volunteer §oldiers and its several branches, includi¤.§ National S0ldiers’ Home m Washington, District of Columbia, an soldiers' ?,,'§,"';,, 1,,,,,,,,, and saxlors’ State homes, 200 000: Provided, That no part of any ¤¤¤¤•¢~ sum in this Act appropriated shall be expended in the purchase of ordnance powder at a price in excess of 53 cents per pound or for small—arms powder at a price in excem of 65 cents per pound. '1‘·=¢¤¤x>¤¤¤¤·- Suau.-Ames ranom memos: Ammunition, targets, and other

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1 y , IHS OP arms of the service, and ammrmition, targets, target material, and other accessories mg; be issued for small-arms target practice and instruction at the ucational_mst1tutions and State soldiers' and sa1lors' orshans’ homes, to which issues of small arms are lawfully made, un er such regulations as the Secretary of War may prescribe, proy1ded the total value of the stores so issued t0`the educaummmmc tc tional mstxtutions does not eirxceed $3u0_,000, $750,000. ·° ·- Mamrracrunzoranus: or t , ‘ , ’

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mmg; ° · ° ·· _ Nance mpamsaunsurrnmsz oi-overhauIing,c1 , - _ mg, and preserving ordnance and ordnance stores in° £sm<if