Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/750

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SIXTY ·SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. III. Cns.100-108. 1913. 727 than aix months, or by both such line and im risonment, in the discretion of the court aving jurisdiction thereof HEXIBTING 00N•rr.a0·rs Ncrr arncrmn nr scr. " Sec. 3. That the provisions of this Act shall not be so construed k.?c¤¢ ¤¤¤¤•·=¤ as to in any manner appglto or afect contractors or subcontractors ”°° M` or to hnut the hours o service of laborers or mechanics engaged . upon a public work of the States or_of the District of Colum ia, or 'pexsons employed to perform services to those of laborers an mechanics in connection with dredging or rock excavation in any river or harbor of the United States or o the District of Columbia, for which contracts have been entered into prior to the of this Act or may be entered into imder the provkions of appropriation Acts Ilapproved lprior to the passage of this Act.” Sec. 4. at this ct shall become effective and be in force on and H5 ences uma 1. after Marclfiirst, nineteen hundred and thirteen. Approved, March 3, 1913. . CEA?. 107.-An Act To amend Subchapter II of Chapter XIXol the Code of mnagigu Law for the District of Columbia. - [H.1Lzrm.] Be ac mma by the sms and House O Rgemnzem 0.. was "'“"“°""*‘°*‘ Stateaef America in assembleeil t the Codeojoi Law for cgucuseccccauu. the District of Columbia amended by adding to Subchapter I1 of v§i, $1, P, M, Cha ter XIX the followimection: ·¤•¤¤•·*· "§no. 851 a. Whoever be gui1ty_of any offense defined in sec- ¤lg¤_¤:i·;¤¤g,¤;‘¤z{ tions eight hundred and thirty-four, eight hundred and thirty-five vnu. ' eight hundred and thirty-six, eifbt hundred and thirty-seven, and e' ht hundred and ht 0 the Code of Law for the District of (lglumbia. shall, where t detilging, evidence of debt, property roceeds or proits be of the value of not more than thirty- vc dollars, be punished by im risonment for not more than one year or a fine of r¤¤au¤.au.»». not more than iiire hundred dollars, or both." Sec. 2. That this Act shall take effect upon its passage. mm. Approved, March 3, 1913. CHAP. 108.-An Act To amend Subchapter II of Chapter XIX of the Code of March aim. Law for the District of Columbia. _ i*‘·“··2”l*l ___ Public, No. A10. Be it enacted by the Senate and House q§_Represe1•tot·ioea filu United [ I States of America in Oongreaa assembled, That the Code of w for the c,§*§'*°‘°'°°‘“““‘ District of Columbia be amended by adding to Subchapter II of “Xgh_{¤· v- ¤¤. Chagter XIX the following section: _ • " so. 851 b. That if any person entrusted with the possession of ~¤¤¤·¤¤¤·¤¤ ¤v¤¤» anything of value, including things savour? of the realty, for the ' purpose of atplplying the same for use an benelit·of the owner or person so d shall fraudulent! convert the same to his own use he shall, w the value of the so converted is thirty- nmnsmnuqfive dollars or more, be punished by imprisonment for not less than one nor more than ten years or y a fine of not more than one thousand dollars, or_both; and where the value of the thing so converted is less than thn·ty-tive dollars heshall be punished by imprisonment for not more than one year or pigs fine of not more than five hundred dollars, or both.: Provided; t nothing contained in this pvwi mu section shall be construed to alter or re al the foregoing sections c¢$m°¥nm¤.£" contained in Subchapter II of Chapter Xlg of this code." Sec. 2. That this Act shall take effect upon its passage. ¤*=¤~ Approved, March 3, 1913. 87618°-vox. 37-1*1* 1--48