Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/759

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736 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sus. HI. Cus.123, 141- 1913 ·······**•** °“*’m.·-‘”?£6£..‘3‘“*¤;a ,a?m‘a‘t,’2mf“.;t°.§6;’£¢.‘E.?.t:i

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f r the use 0 _ 0 , · °Approved, March 3, 1913. gg (IEA?. 141.-—A¤ Act To create • Department of Labor. . . 1 · R entaii the United [mm No M S.ZZ;‘2f”X“‘dMm·°" Z'.“€.»”$»‘Z,Z'?Z}ZTt2"§dT’ni$'Eu¤ a"§2.°{by mad wgegarmiui of ul an executive department in the Govgrrimant tolbe c;l:fidbtg1¤tl{;¤¥.:¥8$ _ _ `th Sec IG B T, W 0 E . ,

  • ¤P°g",'*;•,;;‘§; "" ;ii,;:;0?ftg?,l;0:’ pzinteg by tlhfeageatident, by and with the advice and

umm ° consent of the genate; and who shall receive a salary of twelve thousand dollars per annum and whose tenure of office shall be lrke that R.S..·•¤¤-15¤.P·%· °{ the heads of the other executive departments; Sud SGCUOII 0116 °m°d°d' hundred and fifty-eight of the Revised Statutes is hereby amended to include such department, and the revisions of title four of the Revised Statutes including all amendihents thereto, are hereby made

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e$·etary_ggre0f shall be called the Secretary of Commerce:

M; £»»»~»» **7} "‘§ A°° °ii1i i»u°i§°i¤g1yd D°l%'§‘§u°“?(..,° °‘ ?.?‘§.“§°i>°§ mmd {$2*2 ° BIB KIDS - mi"` Iulabor shall be to foster, remote, and evelop the welfare of the w e earners of the United States, to im rove their working condi- ¤B . . 1; tions, and to advance their opportunities or profitable emplexmeut. seam. The said Secretary} causeha seal og oiliscgatlmi be made foré _ oh d artm t f evice as the ent apprevean ju Cl nglice slilzlll llesgizken of the said seal. raeaneseueury. Sec. 2. That there shall be in said de artment an Assistant Secretary of Labor, to be a pointed by the liiesident, who shall recerve a salary of Eve thousand) dollars a year. He shall perform such duties com employee. as shall be prescribed b the Secretary or required by law. There shall also be one chief clerk and a dis ursing clerk, and such other