Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/771

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748 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sms. IH. Ch. 142. 1913. ` ts, $3,000· cler·ks—four· at $2,000 each, four at $1,800 each, seven

515,600 each, one $1,500, eight at $1,400 each, ten at $1,200 each,

ten at $1,000 each, eighteen at `$900 each, two at $800 each, ten at $720 each, four at $600 each, two at $480 each· four jlpsmor messengers, at $360 each. Arrears, special service: cler , at $1 200 each; porter, $720; junior messenger, $360; rn all, $102,5§0. euarnssxsr l)rs·rarmrr·roN or cum nmaxxs: For service in connection with the distribution of card indexes and_other publrcatrous of the Library, including not exceeding $500 for freight charges, exlpressage, travehng expenses connected with such distribution, an_ the expenses o attendance at meetings when mcurred on the written authority and direction of the Librarian of Congress, $30;000. ‘_ _ ·r¤¤r¤>r¤·ne-vn-ra Tnuronanr smzvrcrs: For ral and temporary service, mclud- ' extra. special services of rsglg: employees, at the discretion of the lL1il»rarian, $2,000. _ _ _ _ ` ¤•rr¤=¤¤¤¤¤¤¤· Canama snnvwnz For service m connection with the Senate and House Office Buildings $960, or so much thereof as may be necessary. ¤¤¤¤¤r ·>v¤¤i¤¤- Smmar overuse: 'l'o enable the Library of Congress to_be kept open for reference use from two until ten o’clock post mend1an_ on Sundays and legal holidays, within the discretion the Librarian, including the extra services of employees and the services of additional employees rmder the Librarian, $10,000, orso much thereof as may be necess . · ’ ¤·¤•··•°”·*”°·¤'· Incrialiyass or Lmaaar or Coxeanss: For purchase of books for . · the Library, including payment in advance or subscription books and society publications, and for freight commimions, and trayeling . expenses incidental to the acrprisition of books by purchase, gift, or { exchange, to continue availab e during the fiscal year nineteen hrm- °'°° °"`“°°°‘ dred and fifteen, $90,000, together with the nnexpended balance of the sum appropriated for this object for the fiscal year nineteen hrmdred and thirteen; ' raw vmn, eu-. For purchase of books and for periodicals for the law library, under the direction of the Chief Justice, including payment in advance for subscriptions to law periodicals, $3,000; m Supnmccom For- purchase of new books of reference for the Supreme Court to be a part of the Library of , and [purchased by the marshal of the Supreme Court, under the tion o the Chief Justice, $2,000; renwiws For purchase of miscellaneous periodicals and newspapers, includinglpalylmgnt in advance for subscriptions to the same, $5,000; , 100,000. mmrggogcs ¤¤¤k= M The distribution of embossed books manufactured b the American §,,,.,’§{.`,·,q.m,d, Printing House for the Blind at Louisville, Kentucgyihput of the. income of the fund provided by the Act of March , hteen ver ar. an hundred audseventy-nine, shall hereafter include one cop gig every %>ok manufactured to be deposited in the Library of Cbngress at as ton. ¤¤¤¤¤:¤¤¤¤¤¤¢¤¤¢·- Corrrmenrrr nxmmsns: For miscellaneous and contingent expenses of the Library, stations , supplies, and all stock and materials di. rectly purchased, liuscegneous traveling expenses, tage, transportation, and all incidental expenses connected witholhe administration of the Library and the Copyright Office, including not exceeding $500 for expenses of attendance at meetings when incurred on the written authority and direction of the Librarian of Congress $6 800. emsrneuarrgma Cusronr, cans, AND uaIN‘rzNaNcz or Lrsaarzr nurnnirm lama '§’,§§,,"‘,,,,,,d,,,,_ m enonrms: Superintendent, $5,000; chief clerk, $2,000; clerks—one $1,600, one $1,400, one $1,000; messenger; assistant messenger; telephone switchboard o tor; assistant telephone switchboard operator; captain of watch: $1,400; lieutenant of watch, $1,000* sixteen watchman, at $720 each; carpenter, painter, and foreman of laborers at each; fourteen laborers, at $540 each; two attendants ladies room, at $480 each; four check boys. at $360 each; mistress of