Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/773

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750‘ SIXTY·SECOND ·(X)NGBESS. Sms. HI. Ch. 142. 1913. arator; two firemen; two watchman; two elevator conductors, at $720 each; three laborers; tw: charwomen; in all, $248,954%) masses Fmui roncn: Dnstn secrettu-res·—two at $2, each e $2,200,- four at $2,000 each, five at $1,800 each; clerks——one oi cldgs four, one of class three, one of clam one, seven at $1,000 each, six at . _ $900 each,_five at $840 each; messenger boy, $480; in all, $45,680. No detplxgem ue No detail of clerks or other from the executive depart-

  • ’“"""‘ ments or other Government esta ents m Washmgton, District

of Columbia, to the Civil Service Commission, for the performance of duty in the _Dmtrxct of Columbia, shall be made for or duringkthe ,h“_,“ at W year mneteen hundred and fourteen. The Civil Service m- rvhvrsu. mission shall, however, have wer in case of emergency to transfer or detail an; of its employeesihcerein provided for to or from its office nn, force, field ores, or run; examining board. hmm"' ,.'“'§,, Exrmar nxnrmms: ort eeml »·· f xpert am1n' t U ilpigilge Federal servic: prppare guleslzlvog an?] sate pakgrs in ;sa.:i)i— not 8.1:8 asglbepecmlsz 03; jects or which examiners wrthxn e service are ’°°“‘”’ "°"" Establishuientland maintenance f edi ‘ •r$_u_w!“_u_initid _ _ osystem_o( ciencyratmgsfor me _ year. For the establishment and mamtenance of system of Bévvrton sauna- eHic1enc ratings forinitialyear $15 000 tobeunm' edia ailable. mg '§°°5%5°€I t1`h0Olv5S0ljVic6(}0mmi¤!ion sliall invest' ate and 1'6P0::?):l:6Pl'£- ¤¤¤•·¤¤··D- gint, wrctgmralti E to ltgizdadministratilve needs of ` ¤¤1'V1_ _ m_ e save ex tiv artm te andsimdegxdent ts rn the Dktricgcgf (golucriiibia, ?id report to ngrem details of expenditure and program of work herel_»:.,,,.,_ under at the begmning of each regular session: rovided, That no ’““'*""· $1333 Sgnsumlgoumelmployd hereunder at a. compensation in excess of

mum. ea., ex- Ifor necess traveling expenses, includmg' those f amin "”"°* acting undaratlge direction of the commission, and for? eafpfensescdl exanunatrops and mv ations held elsewhere than at Washington, and including not ex $1,000 for expenses of attendance at grsgztrpg ggopublrc omcxals w en specxncally directed by the commis- ! I ' nepsnmem or DEPARTMENT OF STATE. BDU. _ seaman. A-at ForSecreta of State, $12,000; Ass` t ntSec t $5000-

  • 2,*3::;,:,,, gévfh, and Thu·d_AssliYstant Secretaries, at $#5500 eachrfdigctoxi of thiegiiig

uummrm ¤¤- sular_Servxce, $4,500; counselor for the De artment of State, to be on appointed by the President by and with the advice and consent of ,,,,,,f§,_’;°“ ““‘"·“" the Senate, $7,500; eight officers to aid in important drafting work four at $4,500 each and four at $3,000 each, to be appointed b the Secretary of State, any one of whom may be employed as chgaf of . P LY division of far eastern, Latin American, near eastern, or European affairs, or upon other work in connection with foreign relationsassnstant solicitor, $2:,000; two assistant solicitors of the Department (md dm, cum ef_State, to be appointed bg the Secreta of State, at $3 000 each- .n,.,.,,,,c;,,r,, m, chief clerk, $3,000, who sha s such oiiiizrial papers and docu tg as the Secretary of State may dgriiecir law clerk $2 500 · I l lima d assistant, to be selected and appointed by the’Secr·eta’ avligr an edit the laws of Congress and perform such other dutligso ate, bt: required of them, at $2 500 and $1 ‘ . its ma » ,500, Féspectryely chiefs o bugpsgtwz aid pach, 15:0 at $2,100 each· two translators at , eac; _11ona to,c`fofbureauofachountsasdib " clerk, $200; pnvate secret rc th ‘ . 8 "“'“‘g Secretaz, $1 ,800; Cl6!'kS—$%1;ylZ9811 oflzligglfhhaifydighztggn? , fzlclasserk ttchrlha twetn:ly— ve of class two, forty-three of clam oire three df whom sheall be h. mh operators, eighteen at $1,000 eadh, nineteen at $900 eee , messenger, $1,000; ive messengenv twenty-five assistant mwsengess; measmger boy, $420; packer, $7202 four laborers at $600