Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/777

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754 SIXTY·SECON`D CONGRESS. Sms. III. Ch. 142. 1913. ten at $1,000 each;]§oi;1ia;;:;·00 each; three assistant messengers; hree l be ; , 4 . _ o¤c•¤u¤<¤¤¤rf¤¤ t Orrrrlzn rc(ir1lSAuui>n·on ron War. Dnranruzmrr: Auditor, $4,000; w" °°'?"°°°°" assistant and chief clerk, $2,250; law clerk, $2,000; chief of dryisron 3*v.‘*°°°.i.““‘2’;l2é»%•*?° ; °i‘“" ¥.‘}‘m."“‘°"’ $;%Z.°é JB.`§‘i,“2§"$? ‘d‘2$£i°‘ 680 Q C _ 1 • t twent {go of’class four, forty-nineldf class three, sixty-two of class two, nifty of class one, nine at $1,000_each, three at $900 each; skilled laborer, $900; messengeriluiigoalsairggmt messengers; ten laborers; messenger-‘ be , $480; _ omuaaummm Onion or·yAm>rmnH;on Nur, Dm-am·um¢·r: Auditor, $4,000; 1'•'¥ °°¤•"'°°“‘ chief clerk and chief_of division, $2,250; law clerk, $2,000; chief of division, $2,000; assistant clnef of division, $2,000; clerks—thirteen of clms four, twenty-two of class three, twenY of class two, twenty- three of class one, mx at $1,000 each, six at 900 each; messenger; assistant messenger; three laborers; in all, $141,390. oem: awww Omen or Aunrmoir ron Immuon Dnramnnr: Auditor, $4,000 ; new ¤¤·e··¤··¤¤*~ chief clerk md chief or division, $2%250; l;w clerk, $2,0?0i3s<;h&¢ge¤f dr] " $2000; clerks-—fourteenoclasso1xrsixteeno c e, twenty-six Lt class two, nineteen of clms one, five at $1,000 each, one $900; two messengers; three assistant messengers; laborer; in all, $130,650. ‘ omcm A¤¤i¤>r¤¤r Omen or Amgrmon ron Srra·m_.u•1> Oman Dnaxmmrs: Audi-

i’Z°& °°°" "°""*1aa-, $4,000; chief and clu
f’¢éf , $2250; law clerl}

$2,000; two chiefs drh ‘ rx, a each; c class four, one of class four (special ,exa.m.iner), seventeen of class three, thirteen of clas two, thirteen of class one, live at $1,000 each, five at $;1u00:;1fé1 r; two assistant messengers; twoelahoromcs otauditorior emériiiom ior Aimulon ron Posr Onion Dzrnrrumrr: Auditor, ,*;‘{,‘§,_°°°° °°""° $5,000; assistant and chief clerk, $3,000; law clerk, $3,000; expert accountant _$3,000; four chiefs of drvisron, at $2,250 each; our assistant chiefs of division, at $2,000 each; four prmcipal bookkes , at $2,000 each; clerks-twenty-seven of class four, Egg-one of elder: tries, §ty-two ggggaswtyo, nélngtycngo of class one, y at $1,000e ; teenat e ;s’e arers-—e`tt$840 each, eleven at $720 each, six at $660 each; female lalgre: $660; messenger boys—four at $480 each, five at $360 each; nine male Elbosrztrg $:0 $660 each; forewoman, $480; nineteen charwomen; in _n;s·»¤¤ employ- for coinpensation on a piece-rate basis, to be fixed by the Secretary of the Treasuryil of such number of employees as may be necessary to tapnglate byml e use of :;Gé$·l1%¢8»l devices the accounts and vouchers o e pos service, , . ¤gg¤¤¤<>¤*¤¤;·°=$ The Secre of the Treas may, d _' th fiscal te .2::., ·=······ ··= ··· 1..1,.d ...2%m..¤, in t1’."dscr.c¤l.{“§i¤c2j.h e’§°¥;$.$. Z'? positions of the several gradesbelow the grade of clerk at $1,000 per annum in the office of the Auditor for e Post Office Department and use thepnexpended balances of the appropriations for the si- .P P mP¤¤:_·-_{j¤:_lx;·_{¤•g,¤; tums so dimmrshed as a fund to pay, on a piece-rate basis, to be ged vices. by the Secretary of the Treasury, the comlpensation of such number 9 employees as may be necessary to tabu te, by the use of mechan- 1cal devices, the accounts and vouchers of the postal service. P,§;',§',‘°‘¤‘,§’,f,,§*;;,§,f Under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe, yB§ce—rate emsglplyees m the Office of the Auditor for the Post Office pertinent be entitled, from and after the approval of this Act, to the same leave of absence with pay as is provided for clerks and employees m the Executive Departments by $2%%; ghngsv $3, section five of the Act approved March third, eighteen hundred and sm. ninety-three; section seven of the Act approved March fifteenth,