Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/82

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SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sus. II. Cns. 26-28. 1912. 59 the judiciary " approved March third, nineteen hundred and eleven, be, and it is here y, amended so as to read as follows: _"Smo. 110. The State of Vermont shall constitute one judicial dis- ,,,X,9,g*¤°¤* 1°<11°1··1 tnct, to be known as the district of Vermont. Terms of the district 'rermk court shall be held at Burlington on the fourth Tuesday in February, at Wfindsor on the third Tuesday in Matg at Rutland on the first Tuee , day in October, and at Brattleboro on e third Tuesday in December. In_each year one of the stated terms of the district court_ma , when adjourned, be adjourned to meet at Montpelier and one at Ngwportz Prooided however, That suitable rooms and accommodations shall be {gg?-_,iBnm·_ furmshed for the holdmgs of said court and for the use of the officers um. of said co1n·t at Brattleboro free of expense to the Government of the - United States until the public building provided for by Act of Congress shall be .er·ected." · Approved, February 1, 1912. CEL?. 27.-An Act To amend an Act entitled "An·Act to c , revise, d Y¢b1'¤¤1’Yr 1912 amend the lawsrelating to the jud.iciary," approved March third, iiixnfgteen hunxd [H' K M3'] and eleven. 4 [pubum Nm -,1] Be it enactedlrytheSeriateMulHmueqfR eeentativea the Unitd Slate: of America in {)'oii.grese assembled, mt section ge hundred liv°.l'flisstZ°°{,.°°ii"ia:‘, and four of an Act entitl "An Act to codify, revise, and amend the ""°“‘*°"- laws relating to the judiciary," approved March third, nineteen hundred and eleven, be amended so as to read as follows: _"SEc. 104. The State of Rhode Island shall constitute one judicial °,§'{,°,‘},‘j,,,§‘_'·“‘* ·1“‘“‘ district, to be known as the district of Rhode Island; terms of the Tame district court shall be held at Providence on the fourth Tuesday in May and the third Tuesday in November." Approved, February 1, 1912. GEAP. 28.-An Act To amend sections ninety, ninety-nine, one hundred and F°b¤1¤1’!5 1*12- five, and one hundred and eighty-six of an Act entitled "An Act to codify, revise, ____E;?jwLl __.__ and amend the laws relating to the judiciary," approved March third, nineteen [1»*ubHc.No.7s.] hundred and eleven. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled That sections ninety, ninety- uiium Stetencomits. mne, one hundred and ve, and one lnmdred and eighty-six of an ,,§j‘,§‘f,f‘§,,{L§;,‘§§· Act entitled "An Act to codify, revise, and amend the laws relating to the `udiciary/’ approved March third, nineteen hundred and eleven, be, and they ereby are, amended to read as follows: _ _“Sec. 90. The tate of Mississippi is divided into two judicial d,§f‘,.,?;",§f‘*1’*’*·l“"'°"’ districts, to be known as the nort em and southern districts of Vvkedw. 1>- 1116. Mxssissip i. The northern district shall include the territory °°z}°Z'i¤¤sé¤ use-ice. embraced) on the first day of July, nineteen hundred and ten, in the §*g§,‘°;f‘§§,‘f"’°“ counties of Alcom, Attala, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Clay, Itawamba, ' Lee, Lowndes, Monroe, Oktibbeha, Pontotoc, Prentisc, Tishomingo, and Vilinston, which shall constitute the eastern division of said district; also the territory embraced on the date last mentioned in “`°¤°°1’¤ d*'*·**°¤· the counties of Benton, Coahoma, Calhoim, Carroll, De Soto, Grenada, Lafayette, Marshall, Montgomery, Panola, guitman, Tallahatchie, Tate, Tippah, Tunica, Union, Webster, and alobusha, which shall constitute the western division of said district. Terms of the district T"’“'”‘· court for the eastern division shall be held at Aberdeen on the first Mondays in April and October; and for the western division, at Oxford on the first Mondays in June and December, and at Clarks-