Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/847

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824 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sec. III. Ch. 144. 1913. Shell Creek, De Soto Count , Floridahfrom to Bermont. Mobile Harbor and bar Aihhama, with a view to securing such additional depth and width of channel as the interests of commerce ma require. _ Iyaint Rock River, Alabama, for a distance of twelve miles above its mouth. . E _ _ _ annum. Canal leadinglirom Centennial Lake at Vicksburg, Missisiilppr, to _ the Mksissip i iver with a view to the preservation of the anne]. 1"’“”""“‘ Bayou Lafiiurche, liouisiana. _ _ "`°"‘ MouthofBramsR1vcruptoI•‘reeport,Te:ae,w1tl1aviewto securing a depth of twenty-five feet. ‘ _ _ _ _ Channel at Seadrift, Texas, with a. view to providing e siutable connection with the Texas cout waterway. ‘°"°'“"" Arkansas River about five miles below Danlanelle Arkansas, and at or near what was known as the old Gleason and Gravens mercan- ‘ tile establkhment, with a view to the improvement of thenavi- " gatiou of said river. · Arkansas River,&ust below Little Rock, Arkansas, and_ around Fourehe Island, wi a view to the improvement of navigation.

  • °"?‘°*Y· Licking River Kentucky, with a view to the prevention of a cutoff

at the town.of liarmers, consideration being given to any tender of tion on the part of local intersts. w‘Oiiilo‘Biver above the dam at Louisville, Kentucky, with a‘view to protection agéisitooverllow caused by Government mul:. ‘ °"*°· Cleveland r, Ohio, with a view to the completion of the east breakwater and shore ang, including any planter cooperation on the part of the cigrof Cleveland. ~ _ Sandusg Ohio. . "'°"'8‘”· Grand `ver, Michigan, from its mouth to Street Bridge, Grand Rapids, with a. view to changing the existing project so as to i°°1ii° i d1i£.thr°iir£ii;°}°Mmmgmi°°f ‘ ui · been mg umf ac wi a view to o a erm depth of twenty-one ieet from lake to the turning basin op site the city of Holland. Ki); Gres River, Micliigan. 'Harbor at Empire, ichigan. Keweenaw waterway Portage Lake Ship Canal, Michigan, with a view to_making a cut-oil at Princess Point. lgeackinac Harbor, Michigan, with a. view to lengthening the breakwa r. · Muskegon Harbor, Michigan, with a view to closing the gap in the eoigh regetment. RN Mm fm ere uette er, , m dee water in the harbor of Ludingtox:·?ollowin§ the south ranch of said) river, to the State road and non bridge, an thence to the city of Scottville, with a view to the deepiening of the channel by and other improvements. Port uron Harbor, Michigan, with a view to constructing some compensatory structure m the Saint Clair River fronting the city of Port Huron, between the foot of Lake Huron and a point below the . Grand Trunk timnel, that the city of Port Huron madv have a depth pggvater nogflm téhtgenagventy feet from the present ock line out to Saugatuck Harbor, Mich1gan` , with a view to determining additional works are necessary or desirable to maintain the vcillisiiiiil of the existing pro'ect. ‘"'°°”*¤· Fox River, atliaukauna, Wisconsin, consideration being given to an§lprrtpg;o:;tg;10e1;11v§lving‘;:mpcmtiontgn the part of local interests. a , isconsm W1 a min depth of twenty-one feit. , new to sec 9 8 C Bl