Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/852

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SIXTYZSECOND CONGRESS. Sms. HI. Ch. 145. 1913. 829 A helpers at $720 each· one blacksmith, $900· lj tm W watch, ,81,000; thirty-iour watchman, at $720 telighfiilve °°':°e·mm' hw at $1,200 each; two skilled laborers at $960 h- l ' { . _ tant m rs ui , eac , cixggamtor, $900, °*ghl*°*m assis $961180 ¤¤¤611§; boys or $509 each; twenty-one laborers, ml ys, ori charworlrgriii ii: $480

 ‘:;’1 m¤·¤» $544};  m6¤, at $240 each ;,for extra

en em 0 en 000. Total for Office oliythe gecrye-Tary, $303,%%. WEATHER BUREAU. Weetherlturesu. _ Saunms _Wm·rmm Bonus: One chief of burea $6000· "•Y °* ·='·*•' J ¤SS{B*·¤¤*· 6h-IST bureau, $3,2Q0;_ one chief clerk ziid execirfilrig mm"' assistant, $3,000; one chief of prmtingsdivision, $2,500; three chiefs of division, at $2,000 each; seven cler , four; nine clerks, class

 tygvsenttyicingorgerks, class twio;k8 clerks, class one; twenty-

ocer a each;ninecar at$900 h;fi ’ts typewriters, at each; one telegraph operat<?rltc$1,2(i'(l’ assis(i.{- aut foreman of division, at $1,600 each; one lithographer, $l,5(X); three hthographers, at $1,200 each; six compositors, at $1,250 each; fourteen printers, at $1,200 each; eleven printers, at $1,000 each; four folders and feeders, at $720 each; one chief mechanic, $1,400; five skilled mechanics, at $1,200 each; seven skilled mechanics, at $1,000 each {done mechgplc, $840; one skilled mechanic, $720; six skilled rsans, a $840 e · one engineer $1,300· 0 and steam fitter, $840; six firemen, at $720 eacli; one captleiiln of th-e watch, $1,000; one electrician, $1,200; one gardener $840; two repairmen, at $840 each; eight repairmen, at $720 each; four watchmen, at $720 each; seventeen messengers, messenger boys, or laborers, at

 each; six messengers, messenggr boys, oi hagaorers, at  egg;

y—one messengers, messenger oys, or a rers at ; eighty-seven messengers, messenger boys, or laborers, at $480 Zach; five messengers, nggssenger £$<g)s, orllaborersliat $450 eacgh twermg seven messenger ys, at eac ; one c arwornan 3 0· t chgrwomen, at, $240 each; all, $32%860. F f I 1, h . _, C HW K ommonxr mxrsnsss mrunn Unmw: or ue, ig ts,re airs, _"“ °,,",",° *· and other experges fgr care and preseréviion of the pugic Engg- www a ` ings an groun an the improvement o the existing pu ie u` - ings of the Weather Bureau in the city of Washington; for stationery and blank books, furniture and repairs to same, and freight and exppess charges; for subsistence, care, and purchase of horses and ve `cles, and refgaus of harness, for official purposes only; for advertising, dry goo , twine mats, oils, paints, glass, lumber, hardware, ice, washing towels, and other miscellaneous supphes and expenses not otherwise provided for in the city of Washington, $25,000. Gmwmzm. mxrmzszs Wmrnzn Burman: For carryingsinto effect in G¤¤¤¤¤ amm- .the District of Columbia and elsewhere in the United takes, in the West Indies or on adjacent coasts, in the Hawaiian Islands, and m ' Bermuda, the provisions of an Act approved October first, eighteen ‘°‘-°°· P· 65* hundred and mnety, so far as they relate to the weather service transferred thereby to the Department of égriculture, and for every expenditure requisite for and incident to e establishment, equipment, and maintenance of meteorological observation stations, mchrding cooperation with other bureaus of the Government and societies an mgggrgurggfg with institutionsfofl learning for the dissemination of meteorological infor- ` mation, as o ows: For the emplo nt ofprofessdrs of meteorology tors, dis- $¤¤•>¤ °¤•=¤¤·••¤· trict forecasters, local fomcasters, section directors, research observers, observers, assistant observers, operators, skilled mechanics repairmen, station ageintys, 5%r3, memenger boys, laborers, and other necessary emp o ees, , ;