Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/859

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836 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. III. .C¤. 145. 1913. ,¤*¤,¤·¤•¢¤¤*·¤,,*· To investigate and encourage the ado tion of im ved methods m` of farm management and farm practice, gud for faniilrctleinonstration mm, work, $375,0002 Provided, That of the amount hereby appro riated ,,gf“· °“*-’°' "°°* the sum of $8,800 may be used in the investigation, an ut1.lliza' tion· of cact.1 and other dry-land plants as food for stock; d ,, {gw For farmers copperative demonstrations and for the study and ' demonsbtzeiltion gl Sgglgesogo methods of meeting the ravages of the cotton- wee , , · §*;g*,::°*•¤¤*°¢· For the investigation and improvement of methods of oro produc- Bundinsgsi tion imder semiand or dry—land- conditions, $130,000: """" Thtat this liyttaitsson in thisP1Act as to the cost of farm buildings shall

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},`*g';*,!·¤°¤ 0,,, _For studying methods of clearing off "1 ed-oil"’ lands with a Lat:-drier VLOYY utgllzatmop for t\1;lal Jiprposesg for tl].611'l1’l'|§8 on· ortes w m eann' g · th tili- · zation_o by-pi0ducts in the process of , iii coiipxera- U mq mp uc; with thegSlt;.;g.tes,_c0mpuu?, or uégivnduals, or otherwise, (:3,000; ““¤**· or mves onsmoonnec onwi westernirng ti t °mm°d mu the utilization of lands reclaimed l1Dd8l‘lZh6I’6C]8.l'1lBU:H(AIi~(}:F;1Dd 0t?hr§i· Pmtmmmmp- LIBIQB nah audjzng semiarid regions, $75,000; or emyestiga onan im ement ff °t.s, dthe thods

      • 8* °`°‘ of fg-mt growing, harvesting, p , St01'l1i)g, and Pihg,

xg zgrfexperimenta 0 fruits within the United gtates °*f°*§** **0**** GS . ; ,

T9 WIUVQW ¤}*d cnrelor experimental gardens and nnds,_managiipeéill  csgxasprivgaatones, greenhouses, and pgiit and fruit

PN ** **888, » ; P’°d“°"*¢· ”;{,"°" or orticultural investigations, inclu the stud f d , ‘°§LZ“Z `TIZ il %.::*:‘r*:t;u*~‘¤PPme· :;:1:* mxszs mk sitcom °¥nii*a*`iE‘iig 0, _ _ uance 0 ar. ‘ b°ii»i¢°$`i¤rk m the agricultural Act d’i9A\1E£;Btesrl1til, nineteen huvhcillretludixill ttiveliig ('I'hu·ty-seventh Statutes at , page three hundred and one), and the study of landscape and v etab e gardening, iioriculture, and £§<g_•;_¢g¤ém mmm related subjects, $$0,960: Pro1n%, That of this amount $10,000 may me t0m;nive&t;ga1;e7r;ll:)•;) cultivagpn, acclimating of , en 0 improv an ease-resistant t thereof; ,:t’l}2.F22r"e..&· °" For continuing the necessary imfpmremene to establish me main. tam a general experiment farm_an agricultural station on the Arlingv°"‘* "‘ “°‘ *0** °¤*·°*·°» m *}*0 $****6 nf V¤‘g’¤1¤¤, IQ ewordance with the provisions tgghcegatct of Congress approved April eighteenth, nineteen hundred, Fmisn ¤¤•·1 me I*l0ri1ivesf t' ’ f d d I : · · · ·»·~·~==~·==·=¤»»— at may, w‘i§c1?.?§,‘L?u$5§$ ‘€&a“§, §’m°§‘ fé‘I3S“8‘3f2f§1S’§r°i‘$t§§ of rare and valuable seeds, bulbs, trees, shruais, vines, cuttings and EES f${-irf;er?i§;1¤(;•eu1t2nt?hieiru(iritI;’oIli°uti "°“"’i‘i‘L?§"·°“d ‘°'°’;*’°”*‘ uc on an tivation in this country, $83,000· ·*d¤**¤*¤°¤**'¤ ¤· For general administ ti _ · · nm mentioned are of tm§3,,Z§0$T”.§’ér“t?3r¤°§“3r°§°f&’rcL“§i‘ JiéZ°c§}’.§}"(‘?i - bureau, phe assxstantchne of bureau_ the chief clerk, the officers in %202£ape“b”‘?.ZL°ife5°“5‘}’iz“r%”ll§Ss '“"' "’°"°'°"· ‘“"* ‘°’ ‘“‘B· en re , 690- In all, for general expenses, $1,944,305; y m¤$$b_g,·¤v¤¤¢¤··¤»' M ·¤·· sun msuzmvjrrora or varuanuz smms: For urchase phrppsagaggré désglipgrgozéafnvduable segids, iliplhs, trees; SUPP]?-h {**6], lifansporitation, apei, twine amy 0 gal md electric current, rent outside ofp ‘ ’ P0· · ’ gas' . the District 0 Columbia, official trav- ¢hng¢§rpeneeg,andallnece¤uymateriala¤dreair·s 0 ‘ md d*¤¤’¤l>¤t1ng the same; for repairs and the eil¤p1o§rnlei)rl1iteilu§>::1»£