Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/861

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838 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sns. III. Ch. 145. 1913. ~ v¤ors° , t$2,400eaeh;tw foreatsupervisors at$2,200 each; ‘°"’*";"*{°§?,“$ ,».°‘“’°%’m?0mtZ‘ ”’°°° “Ir*i§T‘§03°’Z;’Zh?“E.°§; ` » t L G ¤¤P•¤’V¥° . » » dgpiistyaforest superviors, at $1,700_ each; twenty-seven deputy forest supervisors, at $1,600 each; tharty-one deputy forest supermpi; visors, at $1,500 each; eighteen deputy forest supcrvnsors, et $1,400 , each; two forest rangers, at $1,500 each; W¤¤tY·°¤¤ {911** ¤'¤·¤8°”» at $1,400 each; seventy-eight forest rangers, at $1 300_each; two ¤ .1., l‘..;‘3"'°" mmm °"%‘.I.’Ir“"?.»r.·;'°'“r.¤‘ "“g°"g,;t“’é1'}&°°.».°°°,*’· i..?,}}‘3.“p`?.¥r°§" , etc. SBSB 4 1 suditoi-,`$1,so0;,ons clerk, $2,100; threeiclerks, at $2,000 each; thirteen clerks, at $1,800 each; twenty-tive clerks, at $1,600 each; nine clerks, at $1,500 each; seventeen clerks, at $1,400 clerksnat $1,300 each; sc en clerks, at $1,200 each, ty- ““‘¤.,»..,° °‘°'?m." ‘...s"‘°°.,.;‘2.°"¤.‘ ¤m.?’§‘;.r°l&r§s.g1.‘ "’£”3,r°»;.T"‘Lt“*§‘¥»¤‘¥»' c I § 1 ,°.•¤•m"•*‘°¤!· eaelv two clerks, at $840each· one game warden, $1,400- one game “` wardbn, $1,200; one eompfler,,$1,800; one draftsman, $2:000; three draftsmen, at $1,600 each; two draftsmen, at $1,500 each;six draftsmen, at $1,400 each; four draftsman, at $1,300 each; t draftsman, at $1,200 each; two draftsmm, atf$1,100 each; thro: gi·aI’1¤men, 1,020 each; dnfhman, $960· our a $900 Gwh; xartist, $140‘0.i°onear&t, $100(l· , at $900, o ¤ . v Ln each; one map eolrmst, $720; one p tographer, $1,600; one K wcrsphw. $1,400; vm Ph°t°8NPh¤¥'» §1,20¤: me Mm? »

    • °'**°'•‘·°°*‘~ $1,100; one_hthogr·apher, $1,200; one hthogr-apher’s lrelper, 80;

°“°0¤'2»°°°"‘“”..s. “" °‘a.,.m2°° ’ {L? m°°"’“”°".¤,cs."’””°.r..,‘ "§i a2“3"°;?%b'£ 1, ; . · m . s zatory aid antilmengineer, $900; laboratory amistants, at $900 each· one laboratory amistant, $800· one laboratory helper, $720; ‘ one laboratory helper, $600· one packer, $1,000· one pac er, $780; ¤§"$""‘°"·""°" four- watchman at $840 each; one messenger or laborer, $960- three messengers or laborers, at $900 each; four messengers or laborers, at $840 each; three memengers or laborers, at $780 each; four messengers or laborers, at $720 each; su messengers or laborers, at $660 each; five messengers or laborers, at $600 each; two messengers or laborers, at $540 each; three messengers olr;°messe{;ige$r·;2l:)oy;¤;c]:t $480 ; messengers or messe ys a ; twelve messengers or m boys, at¤§;0 eacli; one apprentice $480- one charwo ; one charwoman, $480; one charboyv v woman, $300; eleven charwomen, at $240 each; in all, $2,239,560. °°°°"‘°‘*;°'°;L fGz1~rs:1lsr. umxsms, Fonnsr §»¤:’vxo¤: To Enablethe Secretary 0****, ‘ ture to e eriment an an oontmue inves - nlltisgluctglfiwménlwd tioriasghlnd report ouxlorestry, national forests, forest fires, and laug- $°•°°* bermg, but no part of approppatnon be used forjsiy experiment or test made outside the Junsdnctron of the Um States; toadvisetheownersofwoodlandsasto thegropercareof the same; to investigate and test American timber an timber trees and their uses, and methods for the preservative treatment of timber; to seek, through investigations and the planting of native and foreign species, suitable trees for the =-=< regions; to erect

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eu Il UE - O : I ’ 0 a xm um much prratwn made by thus t shall used for the cciimtruction, maintenance or use building or im rovements made for forestrarzger statnons wrthm the in osed iigds of bona fide homestead set ers who have established residence u n their homestead lands prior to the date of the establishment olmthe forest reservation in ..e.--.. ·· ·~ ¥.’§‘3..°2.t*;%t°“3.?‘°:°?.$““*“ "° “““...,,.,‘*°“·.“**·.,,.:"* “*° ·m·,,,,,,*,,°,,* 9* and improve thepnatioualmqforests; to ¤scertainp&t°crii•lt1ual contai-