Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/883

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860 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 146. 1913. ¤’· ¤* ¤*'m•¤•· F of one electrician, $1 500* °°°&`°°°' Fg; gz; of one chief lumber; $1,300; For pay of assistant umber, $900, For pay of one plum s helgecrg $6009 For pay of one scavenger, at per month, $720; For pay of chapel organist and choirmaster, $1,200; For pay of superintendent of post cemetery, $1 200; ‘ For pay of engineer and janitor for  %, Acad Forspaéyxpf printer at headquarters, Uni tates tary · mlgidr pay df one ;sfi&t•ant printer at headquarters, United States y I I . Fiiirgay of one ianitresd, Hall, $600; For pay of one master $1,800; _ flap; pay_o;1 t and photographer in the department 0 For ayiof eine aitenographer, typewriter, and attendant in charge of the lib in thegazpartment o _ aw, to be appointed by the Supermtendentiii? the Um States Military Academy, $840; ger pay gone oversee: péthe waterworlrs, $30; _ _ engm steam, electric an refugua appa- ,.§_,.‘§'r§?5r. $$.5% sim; h ’ _ ._ d or one ce atenogra er e an ltt6l1d8U.l:yl.Ii., the depziirtment of rnodbm tig appointed by the Superintendent of the United States t;?_Academy, $8§0; For pay of one mechanic and attendant skill in operation necessary for the preparation of lectures and of materialm the department of awing,_$720; For pay of janitor for bachelor officers' puarters, 8600; For pay of one chief engineer of powerp ant, $2,400; · For pay of three engineers for power p ant, $3,600; For pay of two oilers for power plant, $1,440; _ For pay of one attendant in the department of philosophy for the handling of models and materials used in the instruction of cadets, $480: ` F f neco yist,t writer and ttendant' th de artment of Etiiéllitgh (dull hhteiiy, to biieappoiiited by the Supeuiiintgndeliit of the Unite States Militarybitcademy, $840; Ag? pay 5 Egg boo mder at headquarters, United States Military °m}’» ; For patty of ggvo book sewers in bindery, one at $24 and one at $20 rmon , ; pellordpay of one skilled pressman in the printing office, headquarters. Unite States Military Academy, $1,000 ; For pay of one charwoman, $480; For a of one messenger for the Superintendent of the United States Academy, $720; All the money hereinbefore appropriated for pay of the Military Academy shall be disbursed andp accounted for by omcers of the Quartermaster Corps w pay of the Military Academy and for that · puipose shall congtiigte one fund. curnucexpcmes or current an 0 inary expenses f ll' : Fwd °*"*¤‘°¤¤- For the eipenses of the members tytlie mrd of Visitors, $1,000, or so much ereof as may be necesea ; _ S¤P¢¤¤¤*¤d¤·’~ Contingencies for supermtendent of lhs academy, $3,000; '·*P“¤· °‘° and unproyementgiunamelyz Timber, planks, boards, joists, ‘ w Strips, lathe, shmgles, te, tm, sheet lea , zinc nails, screws, locks, hinges, glass, pamtsi turpentine, oils, varnish, brushes, stone, brick, e, cement, p aster hair, sewer and drain dpipe, blasting powder, , iron, steel, tools, machinery, mantels, an other similar