Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/972

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SIXTY·SECOND CONGRESS. Sts. III. Ch. 150. 1913. 949 as may necessary is authorined to be used for carrymg' suitable Water mums acrom Creek, new carried over Mvhdna wntsr sand c:·l?ik,$£ giiainnnmedrately av and remain available until Ed tlie Ca: `tal 'lraction Com is authorized and uired cmu Traction within ninety dinys said be ready for the range tion 9°·i-?i°°r=Ziav• sms. thereof, to remove its track from Twenty-sixth Street nortli)west ,124, 22 “"`§';'f; between Pennsylvania Avenue and M Street and from M Street ·¤¤¤·¤r¤•¤¤¤ ¤¢ NW northwest between Twentlv-sixth and Twenty-ninth Streets and hun relocate the same inPennsy vania Avenue and across the bridge grovided for to a junction with their present tracks at Twent -ninth treet and Pennsylvania Avenue northwest, and to repave the saiil street spiace and the space on the M Street Bridglpver Bock Creek fromw chsaidtracksareremoved,allinacco cewithplansto be approyed by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia and to their satisfaction, and the same law now governing the pa and repairing of street pavements between rails and for a distance oi two feet exterior thereto shall govern on the bridgaulherein provided for. And Capital_Tr-action Company shall the completion of ,,,§°$’g'{‘?,,§_°' °"’ sand br1dge,fp3y°1nto the Treasury of the United States, one-half to the credit o District of Columbia and one-half to the credit of the United States a portion of the total cost of said bridge and all mcidental work thereto equal to one-third thereof, and the same shall be avalid and subsistinglien againstthefranchises and of said Capital Traction Complanyjmand shall be a lgal indeb of said company in favor of e trict of Columbia, `ointly for its use and the use of the United States, as aforesaid, and] the said lien may be enforced in the name of the District of Columbia gy bill of equity brought by the Commissioners of the said District of lumbia in the Supreme Court of said District or by any other lawful goroceedings against the said Capital Traction Company, and the mmis· m¤_g¤¤•:_¤¤¤¤ ¤* sioners of the District of olumbia. are hereby further authorimsd and val se. rr rn. directed, under and in accordance with the provisions of subehap)ter one of chapter fifteen of the Code of Law for the District of Colum ia, to institute in the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia a proceeding in rem te condemn the land necessary te open Pennsylvania Avenue northwest between Twenty-srxth an Twenty-eighth Streets te sumcient width for the construction of this bridge, the cost of sand condemnation to be paid out of this appropriation: Provided, how- m"*,,__,_,,,,,, ever, Thatdthe entire amoust foundfto d ue and azwqrdgd lbydthe wwwu insai asamagesoran inrespeco ean_c berycondemngd for ai opening, pgs the costgcaneggxpenses of said rceeedmgs,shall assessedy euryas n . 0 _ p· The amounts assessed as benefits wlben collected shall be covered ¤£.'?"" °' ° "°° into the Treasu? of the United States to the credit of the revenues of the District o Columbia and the United States rn equal parts. hmmm tum And the Chief of Engineers, United States Armgisrsauthorrzed and {cred to comm,- ,directed to transfer to the Commissioners of the trrct of Columbia °*°°°”· the land under his jurisdiction in square aleven_hu.ndred and nmety- four which is necessary, rn the yudgment of sard commissioners, for the construction of the aforesaid bridge and approaches. umn mm That the Clpmmissionteflsof the Dritglct obgoluabratsare m$`T·%,é,%,§_¤t author-rzed' , w eneverin err 'udgmen cpu cm res require: , ui; toprepare a new highway planior any portion of theprstrict of Colum- B" me mq NL bis, and submit the same for approval, after public hearing, to the highway commission, created by_Act of Congress gpproved March 3;}; gggfg; second, eighteen hundred and ninety-th1:ee, entrtl , "An Act to provide a permanent system ofhrghwagls m that part of theD1str\ct of Columbia lying outside of crtres"· at such highway plans shall be prepared under the provisions oi said Act of Congress and an