Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/993

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970 six·1*Y.sEc0ND c0NGREss sms. m. cu. 150. me. -*¤*·P·°°°· thir·tieth, nineteen hundred and thirteen, approved August twenty- iourth, nineteen hundred and twelve, to reunburse the government of the District of Columbia for the site acquired for a reformatory for said District, is hereby made available for the acquisition, by purchase or condemnation, of land adjacent or contiguous to the (present workhouse site at Occoquan, Virginia, the title to such lan _ to be °·¤‘°¤¤*“""· taken directly to and in the name of the United States; and m case a price satisfactory to the Commissioners of the of Columbia can not be agreed upon for the purchase of such land or m case the title can not be made satisfactory to the Attomey General of the United States, then the latter is directed to procure such land by condemnation, aud the expenses of p evidence of title, or condemnation, nga-mea modcx- or both, shall be aid out of approfpriation; and the provision °°ii¤i.‘¤‘ii°r>l°lT{l of existing law which requires the site or a reformatory to be not less than one thousand acres in extent and all other laws and parts of laws in conflict herewith are repealed; · In all, for workhouse, $211,610. mma. MILITIA OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. F th llwing beexpendedund h th 'y ddirec` ¤=r·¤i¤¤· or eio o ,to crt eau ont an tron of the commanding general, who is hereby authorized and empowered to lrnake necessary contractsdand nhpoelyzp fo _ ¤·¤¤¤.¤¤¤· orexpenseso cam ,111 uding o rses rofficersrequrred to be mounted, and sughire not to be deducted from their mounted pay, instruction, practice marches and practice cruises, drills, and parades, fuel, light, heat, care, and air of armories, omces, and storehouses,fpractice ships, boats, ery and dock, alongside o dock, telepl1one service, and for general incident expenses of the service, $25,000. Ream `or rent of armories, offices, storehouses, and quarters for_noncommissioned officers of the Army detailed for duty with the militia, $17,664. For lockers, furniture, and a paratus for armories, $600. For printing, stationery, an postage, fl,500. For cleaning and repairing uniforms, arms, and equipments, and contingent expenses, $2,000. For custodian in charge of United States property and storerooms, $1,000. For clerk, office of The Adjutant General $1,000. For expenses of target practice and matches, $1,250.

  • ’•¥·>’”°°¤¤~ For pay of troops, other than Government employees, to be dis

hursed under the authority and direction of the commanding general, $24,000. REFUND OF ERRONEOUS COLLECTIONS. R~f¤¤¤ ¤f¤¤¤¤·¤¤= To enable the commissioners, in an case where s ial assess- °°”°”"°'”‘l”°"°`°‘ ments, school tuition charges, rents, or? fees of an cli:i·cacter have been erroneously covered mto the Treasury to the credit of the United States and the District of Columbia in ual parts, to refund such erroneous payments, wholly or in part, inl:llu the refrmding of fees paid for buildin permits authorized by tlili]l)istrict a proprratron Act approved §arch second, nineteen hrmdred and elgven $500, or·so mu thereof as may be necessary. ’ l S I ..2;:, °° “R"' ANAOOSTIA·¤RIVER mars. ‘°°*“'**“"°· °“‘~ For continuing the reclamation and develo ment of the ’ Rrver_and Flats, from the Anacostia Bridgepnortheast trxct Imc, to be expended under the supervision of the Chief of En-