Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/1010

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1952 INDEX. HdIu¤y‘ Aeudensr-Cc¤t5.u ed. P•¤•· 1ld•u¤·y' Po•¢•—Co Liu ed. 1>

 orb•ndi:11sum:;cm¤, etc.   appropriation fol; cozstructiou, etc., cxggzub

or un ry, u . changes ...-- "15 $.‘Z.°.¤“§Z“‘¤.»..c¤.,°‘”°*’s.$1?’jz.;.; ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 2};% 7...°""°{.=E.'°°&E‘“,.d".°‘“"“‘..»k.· T°‘§.;m ‘‘‘‘· ,4** -···· COHS C , ,W I tcrchildrenbnghcol . 262,864 and 716 hrsreqringunahingu 262 F¤rt. ... ?83°71e for buildmgs md 262, 864 Fen Cugbx, Wah ,.. 716 £crordus.ncem1seeum,h.b0ratnry,etc. 262,864 for esublmhing water and sewer sys- §‘?.{“°""°‘*,..,.»."°‘Z'i%‘?F:::·.·::::;::::::i: %§§§ ·;.; "" tureedeehupiul . .. 262,864 sewenypwmue 619,6%,935 3 cadet bunch .. . 262,865 Fort Ogleyhnrpe, Ga., made • bngude post; postcemetery . .. 263,865 desumsteszz ... _ ..,, 119

 ‘‘‘‘‘‘ 1:::::.;% H"? .£..." "'£§¤‘$°m.“°"".¤.1...‘”°'i'f’?°5‘}‘?.‘€'? 582

• es, . ... may i¤r¤mg1£l:re`1iegp1•¤•,•ec . . @865 Baer,Iams•S. .. .’ .. 1287 br men s quarts! . 263 B•rnes5Sylvester W ... . 1374 Ihr `?:p¢ovements at meds, greundaénr as a.m6:£aC .. . n ws 1>emm,‘ ’B•rk1 'é`IZZZZ'.`.`ZZZZZIZZZZZZZ me E $(1. 1*:vek .,. i, Q gutgoni . 132;: eqmpmc¤` east u11ding' .. GHC, . ... . for innmctim building, Put Leuven- . Fuller, Mathew'? .. . 1400 v¤1h,Kaus. . . . :.. 865 Gsp¤•,Tho¤dcreN . .. 1349

  • ¤;;;,,_·;¥,·b·¤¤¤• ·¤··*·¤ ·¤¤···¤- ,,,3 °¤¤·*·%,,,,__,,,_,,{'·¤¤·=*·,,;- --——··--—-··---··--- gg

meme.&&6»hir;'$i°L1eu'·"'¤Z`66i.`iZ$iZ H»¤g».fc1m.¤m· · .,.ZI.EZZZjZCZZZZZ§Zlj§ um Canon, jr., for pub horses. ... . 264 Hommehl:3 Wilham .. 1377 prgtfeaurpmuutedtoednueliurleugth zu §;ve,_Pa ..§ . 1 1;:3 mmm, u¢cq11,1¤ nw .. ZIZZ.Z.ZZ.ZZZZ me mend 584 Idmkmm Wi1E•m!‘ . . ... 1245 inrmbdnheucsoteadetsstiusugmsl N•ger,° . . .. 1372 _ ceremony. 1..: ... 112 Norman Wi11iamZ . ...,. 1239

:wppr¤pnst.1¤¤ fcrpsyclcndeu. $22 Parker, h?·lvestuG . T  gf:

s¤q¤pmeQii§éi.Z&Z§éZZZZZZZZZQZZZ;i;1•,m nueyhkamrlZZZZZZZZZZIZZZZZZZZZZZZZ g4 ` Bon, .. . . 79 J M1;·¤uelA§é•r:>Iz.ilu¤qu6,c(Cub•... 6% Sewud,Wi11hmH . . DID WND, G». ..,, José Pans Din, of Nice.:-agus . . . - 628 Tobe,¥:<iinmd 1337 ?.‘a.‘¥"a"$:;£‘°$2.°‘:;°$;’:‘,,..¤.“‘“ ····· *7% R§'$h"?a{..°'§" ·············· · ·········· 332 _•pp¤a¤¤i.¤¢ mhqma at wm,'xmu1*.'IIZZZZIZZZZZZZZZZZZIZZZZ un Prude, late cadet, an second lieu- Wren, Jdml . _ ...,.. 1876 wmzotinhuuymtheu ... ses Ilacwhnuamziam V cadet service ngt. cnmputegl un Annyoli- Fart cHenry, Mei., torumina. . ... 811 cer’acput1puounserv1cehegesfta... 594 FortRo\ginson,Nebr. riglntofdwafscrosq 16 for lgugegm Nnyy or lhrme Corps 891 Fort \§mgnu, liu., sd to Zum 286 _ pm·¤pmu""1§@&i¢Ak`i&4`6£¤`&ZZZZI 714 mnmq me-meu£p¤»a"""ZZ.'.'.ZZZZZZZZZ zse ’§€2.Y.;‘°?.»;‘27I%£'$£’%‘“‘°“0we¤ °“ ze. """’*{"°.,.M·· “L$‘é'f.&'1.*§?.€r’E';&’”°* me xpm pristiunfcr expemes. . 515,709 °A:;¥.€-E ,,,. 92 e men meynerveasstenogrnphicre- Fart Ke¤gh,llont . $57 _ Emu, ... 575 l[as¤n,O•.l ... % lil;;tas·yIp é°ér·grsy, t mm 1l:3Sl1a.ft»er,ha%..t::;::::::::::: E K;_¤¤¤4¤¤¤‘¤a1g¤.y¤¤  :.1 mlm v.¤¤»¤v¤vW.h.`.ZZZZ§ZZZZZZZZZZZ me deiicnency sppropuauun for ccutmgmt 619 Hgpofmoi ... 810 ` 438 £e§§§ld1j•il, in m h’ ¤k¤dsH .;&.;._ . _ Bhgcuunt? _,1|¤¤s.: ... . .. urmmm, ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘ 2.2 ““ ¤£1°$$.°"‘*‘= ‘‘‘‘ w ;;‘».,.·..E ‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ’“‘°‘° . *9 nusnhm ,... 458 •¤¢_,¤$¢e¢

 .. 2 M umu! .. 866.%

- • ·..-·-···.··-·-·-... mt. . 388. i¤r •ch¤¤h . ... EU/IIS |urmh¤•11n•uu•.•p•s••, . .. $8/N6