Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/1018

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1960 INDEX. Horrmq, Ridurrd, Pin Haunt Olive, M C. Pluupenangnini,-rgasfd.3 .. 1173 acquiringm sige lor public building at, one, n . nm , au onzcd .,...,.,, 878 fenaion .. 1415 Hou •¢ Olympus National Ionumenl, Wash., one, _John W., 1360 }r0cl;?a¤on dgéhnishing area of .. 1737 PCIIIDII m ... aunt casanl, . Horse, julia.: Ti, aplnrofnh tion for Indian school ... 525 Jenson increased 1364 or- ohn E. mer . . 525 om,_f’ ¤.L0lcn Wi, Navy, 893 _ erecting public building 875 Xorscman_ ,_Albert, )loantKlea•an¢,_ nmon increased 1195 acquiring site and erecting public buildfi . . . P arm: Baptqws, Army, _ ing ac, auxlmmod ,,,,, sn; approprlmuon for conetrucuon d. .. 671 Haunt Ragmgr National Payk, Wah., ...······--·.-...-.·-····...·- 0 ., , u . . .

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anon, William, Mount V , Ill. ypeminn innjrciwd ···.--.--···-·...·-- 1229 limit of cost. increased, public building 866 oulcy, Louis IZ, · Mount Vernon, N K, xpenmcgié; .·.-.. -. . 1242 uappropriztion for Bglic building .. 422 _ , ounlam_ an y, . lpennicgnr ..-···..- .11iB •ppwp;·rtcauor1ioilor purchase, manuiacturcix, 871 0 ·-··-·•n¤·¤•¤•-••--.-·» de£<!1¢¤¢Y ¤pP1'¤P|'1¤60¤ if -·-·······~··-· 323 eiglitfhour workda condition 127 Y &¤••1¤3¢0_I¤U.eFl¤·., _ of to be as for contmctés aughomed ., ,27 | ·• Immun} on 0Y..,. , vv, [oh '· _ eigl1t·h wwkda 127 Hpenmon incrbnsed ... . 1107 for ammuealiaon, et.c.?foc:prnctico ...,,, 127, 612 oss, yrclgael, Mountain Grove, Ho., $5:513: 1¤c1::;ed .. . .‘ 1161 fo! public building tt, 878 appr·0pW pq fa! qulnntlk \§\1¤¢·° K0\¢N¤1M ,¢¢¢·, La1•*T"--H"-"NH". _ spr·eadof .. z .. N2.846 ¤.leot,tooroughiorcu1tivation,tnadjoin- }y}| °fbuuqun°|{_,,, _,__ _,,. 1444 971133, HQ}, ______ _ ____ ______ 78 ohms pg"' and Matson Pichuv P500- School, Army, Fort Riley, copyright extended to .· 488 appropriation for instruction expenses . . 570, 704 penaltg for infringing copynghwd WOT}! County, M Dal., How Bog; ,,, . .,,,., 439 bndgetarht,b§·wed amos Iiiggu-i Riva-, wl

 fu'           c r¤¤°c°unty‘•·••~•••"··-·.

Hom, Vzgpguble to .. · 733 nengngglgy crhgxpron ilms of prim 240 I _ up ··-»•.•.•.••••-•-·· . du§y cn Canadian . . .. 6 receiving for sale, exhibition, etc ... 241

 dug nn Cgggdg gg __,, .., ,,,,,,. B pumghmgnt lg ,____________ _ __________ Ml

Hcwr Vdncla. · 0-. uw, Jam .4., xpunishment for unauthorised uae, etc., oi. . 656 ming incgqnd ____________________ _, _ _ 13lQ ¤¢¢. Mw Ann <¤~i¤·¤). www LL, fawn xfhcreaaed- , ,,..,.. . ..,. . . 1104 Iranian incqnd .,, , ,,,,,,______ ]_]_{0 w . n. » , John X. kpension increased ... . 1339 Finn inueabed .,,..., , _ _ IMS when Gm . . . . - ·>·¤¤·. _ acquu-mg me and reecqng public building duty on Canadian 6 at, Lutbeariaed. .. 874 reciprocal duty in Canada on . ... 7 Hound (My, I U-, Horny, Abraham, · appropriation for impyovemwi of 01110 penskn increased . . .. 1086 River, _ by nmng, etc-. levoea; away, Andrew J. I oggqzgrdrtlilrre by city ... · . 216 fmrgn ...,..,..,,, _ ,,,,,______ 12$$ I a'! y • • limit. oi cost. increased, public building 8N Hggment fdr damages to property of ... 1286 loan! Avy, M C'., oyer, Samuel, _ acquiring site for public building at, union increased 1210 mhorized ... . . m yxm, Jam, umm; 3,,. · · 1*,, penncm increased ..--...·--.. 1197 pension mjgénm .. . . ms ¤v~·l¤=¤,nJ¤¤¤¤. ,3,,,, Hmm! Carmel, Ill., ‘ lyummn ’'’ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘'‘‘ acquirlngaiwanglerectingpublicbuilding °!"“"”•J°""• . . . lm tg mm,,,,”d ____ _ ____ 4 ____________ 8., 4 Hggment to, for mxunev -··...- . ---.. ·’°"”‘ D”"• “‘·» , incrqdgd 1216

  • ·*•**°P¤*¤¤v*¤•ii•¤¤**¤¤- -·-· *47 ¢m'¤r4¤¢y·n.¤rmg:•an¤¤c¤na·.. •

Pern! hy, Pa., exempt duty in (`sllah. 10 condemned cannon granted to Grand Baths A. (uiebn), imny Poatat. ... .. 1011 panaiunincreand .. .. . 1444