Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/1021

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rmmx, 1963 National Qernezmka-Continued. Pan. National For..¢•—Continued. rs;. appropriation for Confederate burial plats, area diminihed, Helena, Mont ,. 17Q we, ¢t¢ ---- - ·-·-·---·-··. 441 Idaho, Idaho . ,...,.,., 1139 for monuments, etc., in Cuba and Cbina.. 441 J eHe Mont .. . . 1731 for burial of indigent patients, Hot . . 1771 Spnngs Hospita , Ark. . . . . 441 Kooouui, Mont . . . 1749 dg§cig¤c»y gppyogngtjgn foy_ _ _ _ ___ ______ Q]9 c°]g_______ _____ ____________ for superinten ents 601 Lewis an Clark, Mont . . ... 1753 for headstones lor soldiers’ graves 619, 935 Lolo, Kong ,_______,_,________ _ ________ 1739 for burial of indigent soldiers ... 619 Madison, Mont 1763 acceptance of Confederate cemetery, Little Migoula, Mont _,__,___________________ 1763 t Ilock, Ark.} .. : . 663 Nebrukzrlggebr . . . : 1771 P1! ID 0 !\|P6¤1\ 811 0 I- OIQOD, .. 1704 _ tional Cemetery .. . . 664 Rainier, Wed; ...,...,.,,.,,,__, 1718 superintendents salaries .. 240 St. Joe, Idaho . . ..., 1743 additional to Arlington, Va . ,., 240 San Juan, Colo ,,,,,,,,,,___ , ______ , ,___ 1393 allowance for quarters and fuel . 240 Sioux, S. Dak . . . 1729 Natrona] Cam Exposition, Fifth, Teton, Wyo ... 1737 exhibit from Agricultural Department to Umpqua, Oreg 1708 _ be displayed at . .. 301 Unoom , Colo 1735 Natumal Cun·nu.·;;, Wallowa, .,,,,., , ,,,.,,__ 1635 appropriation or superintendent, redemp- Weiss! . 1702 tion of .. 377, 755 White {River, Colo . 1765 for repairs to cutting machine, etc 377, 755 Whitman, Omg . .. 1684 for superintendent, clerks, etc . . - 378, 756 Cacheto , Colo ... 1775 for examinations .. 378, 756 , Cal., andgreg ... 1753 for inctive paper, etc . . 432 Cal ... 1750 National Electric Signaling Company, Trinity, Cal . . : ... . . - . 1745 deficiency appropriation for unpaid balance 922 boundaries Illldliéd, Cache, Idaho and National Forest Reservation Cmnmiuion, Utah . . 1724 appropriation for national forest lands, etc., Cascade Oreg . 1684 under ..,.,.,..., 287, 842 Crater, Creg. and Cal .. 1711 National Forests (see also Forest Service), Deschutes, . ._ ... 1700 appro riation for sdministratron of .. 280, 839 Dixie, Utah an Ariz .. 1773 sage of timber; restriction, Black Hills Frshlalce, Utah. .. . 1677 and Harney National Forests ... 280 Gallatin, Mont ... . . 1761 for selecting, etc., lands in, to be opened Humboldt, Nev .. 1746 go homestead angry _,,,,._,___,,,, 287, 842 Igamksu, Idaho . ... 1777 {or survey, etc., of agriculturxl in 287, 842 lilamath, Cal. and Oleg or construe permanen xm ve- allwllf, ONK. · .--·--.·.---.. f menu . . ci ... ié . . lighlzss, 843 gnu, Ilatah . .. or destroying un uirre in '- capa, sv .. . fornia . . .. 293 Mono, Cal. and Nev . . .. 1710 for destroying ground squirrels in . . . 847 Nevada, Nev . 1766 for advertising restoration to public do- Nezpercc. Idaho . .. 1704 main of lands in . . 455 Payette, Idaho ,... 1709, 1777 for to phic surveys of lands in. . . . . 458 Pond Orerlle, Idaho ,,. 1777 for cgilication, etc., of agricultural Sgoua, Mont. and S. Dsk .. . . .. 1706 lands in, ,,,___,,,,, , ..,,.,____,,,, 845 Siskiyou, and Cal ,,,, , ,,__,, 1708 dedciency appropriation for surveying 620 Snoqualmie, aah 1718 for restoring lands in .. . .. 620, 624 Superior, Minn . . . 1762 for improvement of .. , . . z. .. 937 Umatilla, Oreg ... 1686 acceptance of lands from Michigan for . . . . 241 Calaveras B? Tree, Cal., selection of publdgraut of public lands in lieu .. . 241 lic an national forest land allowed ditional 10 per cent of receipts to be used in exrhange forlaudsconveyod for. . 108 gn- roads, etc.; cooperation wrtgss 843 nppropriatiou or  ; . 108 ¤·‘% €WC·· ---- ·- ·······- . ..---· y gtio -11; dgrhjnidgd. A1>¤¤¤>l¤» MOM —-··-—···· wwllimulmii . . . rm ra o o .. . . . ’ creatron or enl ment in criied States Bmnemem, com ... fmiddemwpt by 3:0, C°ngm_ 497 Beartooth, Mont ... __ _ _ Bitterroot Mont. ... 1.38 established, Bridger, Wyo ...,..,.. - . . 1713 Black Hills, S. Dak 1680 Durango, Colo . 1697 Blackieet, Mont ..,... . 1751 Florida, Fla .,. 1679 Bonneville, Wyo __,..,.. . ..,..._, , ,,., 17m Harney, S. Dak ,,...,..,,,..,,_,,,,.,, 1680 Cabinet, Mont ..--·---.. 1740 Mmm. Ons .. 1683 Chelan, Wash . 1701 Ochoco, 01% .. 1713 Clearwater, ldsbo -·-------·-·- · --·----· 1696 0h11<>x¤3ng•¤b -------···-·-··-·-·-·- 1701 Clevelandf Cal . . ... . . . . 1768 Paulina, ... . 17(5 Cwur d'A eng, Idaho, , , . .,.,..,,., 1698 Rugy, Nev ,,,,,_ _ ,,,_, , ,,,,,___, , ,,,. 1747 Coronado Ariz . 1749 St. oe, Idaho. ._ 1®7 Custer, Mont .. 1748 Santa Rosa National Forest, Nev ... 1678 Flathead, Mont ... . ..., 1752 Sanuam, Ong . . . . 1712 Fremont, Oreg . . ... 1690 Se1way,_Idabo . 1096 Harney, S. Dak .. . 1729 Wadiahc, Wyo . . . . IDD