Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/1082

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2024 INDEX. ’ ‘ .. . .. , ui , ua . ... Pmereased A 1081 Pincressed, S 1287 Stiles, Laura ... . . 1089 Sullivan, Eugene .. 1058 Still, Stephen J 1307 Sullivan, John . 1140 Still, Uzal K ... 1308 Sullivan, John S .. 1008 Stillman, James T . 1208 Sullivan, Joseph P 1839 Stimpson Curtis .,.. 1274 Sullivan, Owen ... 1288 Stine, William G , . . 1412 Sullivan, Patrick. .. IW7 Stobo, John ... 1289 Sumner, Sumn ll . ... . . 1305 Stoekslagg, Thomas A . 1224 Sumner, Thomas J ... ._ . 12M Stocum, ector I .. 18iB Sumpter, W . . . 1380 Stoddard, Lewh. . . .. 1238 Sumpter, J — .. 1077 gttzkker, iohn Y; ... . , gugorland, games Si .. .. ..--· . . 1% ‘ ..; ,. . . ..,., u erland, oseph . . . Ston:,Gl:rcLs L ... 1216 Butlmuland, William 0 ... · ·-... . . . 1807 Stone, John ... 1047 Suter, Robert .. · ... . ... I 181 Stone, Joseph . 1101 Sutton, Amos R ... . ...··.. 1389 Stone, Menon . 1198 Suhon, Francis I .. . . ...·. . 115 Stone, Melville W . . 1189 Sutton, Georg%R. ,... . . . .. 1115 Stone, Thomas A ... . .. 1110 Sutton, John ... . I3!) Stone '1'homasW . . .. ._. 1188 Sutton, J F . .. 1(B7 Stonehraker John W; ., 1108 Sutton, Ste .. . 1081 Stone ° , . ... , . . , IMI Sutton, W` .. . IMI Stoner, B . . . 1177 Sutton, J .. 1420 Stuy, W , . Q . 1819 Swalley, William ... ,, ... » .. 1177 Sto;zRu:h¤dT . -.-.1..,., 1125 Swander, Joanna . , . ... 1418 S David L. .. .. . 4 . ..,. 1191 Swaney, Jams A . . . t . 1388 Stout, H... ... , ... .` .. 1241 Swanmn,Gud=af ... -.. 1385 Stout William . 1 .. 1100 Swanson, John W . . 1485 Stovall, Courtenay A . .. 1448 Swarthouk Olive Q ... 1250 Stover, Charles C .. . - 1157 S , Clnrles ... . ,... 1110 Stover, Jacob R ... , , 1212 Swutwood, Ebeneem ... . .·.·.. IIN gtrader, .i ;._ ... . . . Swaeey, Ai . gg s¤r1¤,b1m1¤: ...,... me swam :John .. . .. mr Strain, H ...,.. . . . . 1210 Sweet, yamee  ; . . .. . 1257 Suang, William ... 1828 Sweet, James W ·.. , BU Stratton, W . IMO Sweigart, latin ... . .. 1214 Stratton, Francis E . · .. .; ... 1251 _ Bm Della L, . . ...-·.. 1215 S¤·atton,John H.Q.i . ; 1285 . B Bam¤e1 ... , ..·. . 1187 Straus, John . ...,. . 1197 Switaer,L=r?mhJ . . ···.. . .,.. 1177 Street, 0liverW...L ... ,..,. . ,... 1079 ,'Switaer,N _ . .---,-..,... 1817 Streeter, George 0 a .. .. 1137 Switser William L .. , .. IS! g¤¢§IBI’,JE¤P0I’§··---·····-··-·····••·· gykuo ••••e•·••••••'•••'•••••• trerght, e .. .. . ..,... er Strevell, hgh. ... -.. .. . .. 1224 'lggzr, Ipuderdale L .. , .. .. 1285 Strickland, Simon C q.,.; .. 1051 mg, George W .. 1088 Strickler ImacN .,. ..-. 1420 ,JamesK ... . . _ .·~·... ... 1154 Striker, Joseph 1 ‘ - .. 1807 Tait, Allred C . - .·.. 1252 Stringer, Oliver C .. 1421 Tsinter Gorge A . ...-. L., 135 Stringer, Thomas L . .. . . 1158 Tally, John ... - ---. ·. ... . IIN Strippy,W`mi1redW  ; . . . 1335 Talmage, Ouner A . . ...·.. 1319 Strong, GeorgeW., Iowa Vols".; .. 1110 Ta EmmaL., .. . .. 1259 Strong, George W., New Jersey Vols. ,.. 1175 'faxa Sumner B 1247 Strong, Heston G . . . 1421 Tarhr, Roscoe C .. . ...·-.. 1339 8trong,OrrenR . ..,.. . . Q., IB4 Tuvin IAurent.ineV .. -..-..—... 1249 Strong, William . . . IIN Tates, Jacob . , 1197 Strother JarnesS ... ., ... .. 1430 Tatlow, Samuel ... . ‘1I77 Strout, Daniel H .. V 1885 Taylor, Edward B . . - -... . . · 1093 Stuart, Charles . uns Taylor, Jacob .. 1042 Stuart, Charles B ... 1041 Taylor, James . . , . . . . . . 1414 Stuart, Henry C ... .. .,. . 1210 Taylor, Jamu 0 .. . ...-· · .. 1274 8tuart,HenryT ... ,.. t ·.1271 Taylor,JamesT . .4 -- - .. 1279 Bl.ub . . . HQ Taylor, Jeremiah ... . ..- · - .. 1299 Stull, ve: . .. ... 1385 Taylor, Jeremiah H , . --· . - 1049 Btuls, Akzzytm. 1238 Taylor, John F ,.. . . L ..--... · . . . 1166 8¤1¤l¥|I, J . -..-, 1087 Taylor, John L.._ .-- · -·----.·.- . 1252

  -., . . .. 1409 Taylor, John It  .  - .--· . . IIN

.. . .. mas '1\ylor,JohnW . .. 1214 Ko%B. . .. 'I1=yl‘:,;onph, New Yak . IIN Btntennan, Nancy .. . . . 1489 '.l\;\or, mp D . . 1299

 Samuel B . . 1888 'hylu, .. . ... 1129

John! .. . .. Ill! 'I'aylp,Lo¤h.,.. . ... IW