Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/109

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SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cs. 141. 1912. 1123 The name of James McElroy, late of Companies B and D, First -'"¤°’ "°¤’°¥- Regiment West Virgins: Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of thirty do per month in lieu of that he is now The name of Levi Taylor, late of-Company K, Eighth Regiment L°" T“"°’·

 Volunteer Cavalghangl pay him a pension at the rate of

thirty-six dollars per mon m heu o that he rs new recei . The name of Joseph Campbell, late of Company H, Seviiiilgr Regi- J°’°’l‘ °““*“’°“ ment Missouri Volunteer Cavalry, and pay him a pension at the rate of thirty dollars Jper month in lieu of that he is now receiving. The name of ohn L. Clifton, late of Ccm any B, Fifty-first Regi· '°'“‘ I" °"’“’“· ment Pennsylvania _Volunteer Infantry ang pay him a pension at the rate of thirty-six dollars per month in heu of that e is now receiving. The name of David T. Weir, late hospital steward, Twenty-sixth °"Y"’ T· w°"'· Regiment Missouri Volunteer Infantry, and pa a pension at the o o er mon eu o a rs no recer . rate fthirtydllarsh. thmh fthtlre w vrng The name of John Selby, late of Comgauray C, Fifty-third Regi· ·'°*‘“ E S°""'· ment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and pay a pension at the rate of thirty dollars {wr month in lieu of that he is now _ _ The name of rlliam Sills,_late of Company F, Tenth Regiment w‘“"'“ “‘““· Illinois Volunteer Cavalry, and a pension at the rate of thirty dollars per month rn lieu 0 t he is now receiving. _ The name of James Price, late of Compggy F, Seventh Regiment ""‘°' P"°°‘ Penmylvania Volunteer Cavalry, and pag a pension at the rate of thirty dollars per month in lieu of that e is_ now recei _ . The name of Alfred Crague, late of Company B, %ty-fourth ·“"°" °“‘¤'°°· Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, and payhim a pension at the rate of fortfy dollars per month in lieu of that he rs now receiving. The name o Jesse M. Williams, late of Comlpsny H, One hundred ·'°'° “· "““““ and twenty-third Regiment Illinois Volunteer antry, and upsy a pension at the rate of thirty dollars per month in lieu of t he rs now receiving. _ _ _ The name of Matthew H. Jamison, late of Company E, Tenth Regn- ,,{"“‘°" K- ·'““" ment Illinois Volrmteer Infantry, and pay a pension at the rate of thuty dollars per month in lieu of that he is now recuvrng. _ The name o Andrew J. Pride, late of Companies and K, Fifty- *"‘”°"·'· """°· ninth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, an pag a pension at the rate of month in lieu of that e rs now receiving. The name of rlliam Tllllibbs, late of Comgainy D, One hundred "m**¤ ”*`· °“>°•· and fifty-second Bejment Illinois Volunteer ant:Z,_ pay lum K pension at the_rate of twenty-four dollars per mon m lieu of that e 1s·now receiving. The name of Hasenwinlrle, late of Company F, Ninety-fourth HWY K*•°¤**¤¤•~ Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and uplsy a pension at the rate of thirty dollars per month m lieu of t he is now receiving; ,%,,,1,,,, The name of Johanna Kmmhola, widow Mathias Krumholz, te ·'°¤*¤¤•‘¤¤*=·>¤ of Cohlgpany F, Seeontrg¤Regimr;r? Volunteer Ialfautry, and pa spensronat rateo w ve 0 arjspermon . u _ The name of Sophia M. Hutchins, former widow of Wallace Hutch- “°"""‘·“ °°"“" me,_late of Company G, First Regiment Minnesota Volunteer Heavy Artrllery, and a her apension at the rate of twelve dollars per month. Pensions mcmsee. c0Th° ““'%° "i‘¥¢’.,1.." °§£.3° ¥§I1».tyE‘D°“3" {EEZ? umm A` mm m an , t t _ _ » an P _ aperi)sior{attherat.eoftwenty permonth1nheuofthatshers now receiving. _ The name of Lot D, Hull, late of Comg.n'y“F·, Twelfth Regiment ’·°‘”· ”““· Ohio Volrmteer Infantry, and Company , _ enty-third ?nra¤t Ohio Volunteer Infanu-y, and a pension at the rate thirty dollars permonthinlieu of that rs now receiving. IBIS'--Y0!. 87-rt 8--8