Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/1103

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mom; 2045 ProckznumZon•—Continued. Pan. Prooiaimu, N Pan. setting npert Ituby National Forest, Nev. . 1747 apgrnprindgzyfer ,...,.. 346,% St. Joe N3I.10D81Fol%t, Idaho .. 1697 e crency appropriation for, 004, §r...¤"*‘°s'?§°$.t°¤°i‘,‘£2t?“¤..,· "°“ ······· {**12 .¤ wr. { be .i.“°1.°“‘·"""·°°“ a o_ 0 .. 7 ts ' Selway National Forest, Idaho . 1695 · divid)ua1c(§e¤;:. . ... 904 Weshakie National Forest, Wio 1699 Prude, Willrhm W, nsttingasrdo Colorado National onument, late a cadet at West Point, may be ap- Qolo--. , .. _ 1 681 minted second lieutenant of in- · Devil Poetgrle National Monument Gal. 1715 try and retired ... . . , 805 portionsof oval Re¤erv•tionoiSan1uan, Pm-ne Juice or Wine, 5. R., for uses of other executive duty on . 5 epartments 1725 reciprocal uty in Gund; on .,,,,___ 1 certain rtio tnnsfured to Porto Publ B ildi , _ Rico.}?...?..-_ .. i.. 1754 apgacmpirtintjznlffor Supervising Architect, warning qgsunst violations of neutrality chiefs, etc . . . 374, 752 keuring war between Italy and 'hrr· 1719 for em%§ye:¤_Eyable hom expensee of 3 y .., pu c .. 75 persons not to take partinliexicandin- estimateerequind; reabictiononper- éurbancéers . 1732 I egnal services ... . .. . 375 ., or officern, etc., tnmsfer-red perm{on1¢nr¢!!:eased ,... 1424 sundry civil Act . . . . . . 752 Pmccor, Jacob B., for Ablwvxlle S. G - ... 418

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1, ., or .. , pengigm ,,,,,, , _ ,,,__,,,,,, , ..,,,__.,,,.. . 12N) for Amana, . .. . .. 418 "°"“““·"*·· €""’"·.,d -- or M H »‘· ····················· 3: appropriation orm ermungetc .. , I Y1 urn, . . ... . Mp, uw,.,·» (L g_ gw for Auguste Ga . . . 4.18 apmpriation for converting, to a repni! fo¥A¤¤1j·¤,v’l`¤! -··--·····- · ·-··-··· ·-- 418 Pm __________,,,,,_,,_,_ 347,906 ffg;Barre;d:_£ii§.v; ... g bffigii} img: District of Columbia, etc., for Bellgfnntaind, Ohio. ...·.·. 418 Funisbable under its ciminal lan. 45 gr gemygham, Wash ., py , r 0 1_ . . gessgiiors ...,. . , 1315 for Benmngn~mkVt __,,,,__,,,,____,,_,. 413 py·0uu,,,g·p,1bgw {,,.,,.1,, mq _ _ for Biddeford, e . 413 ¤ppr¤p¤¤¤¤¤ for expe¤¤¤¤; $661*-10¤·*¤l for 455 gr§51h¤g¤&M§¤t5& .. gg hearmgs` .,,,_,.,.,,,,... . . . r mmgrc _ _____,___,,__ _ , , , • deficiency s pm riation for expenses . @0 for Bloomington, Ind .. 418 PP0l°£CZ'I:07l0fLF¢GlL?£Z£.,0f.Emp¥ Q", _ b'B°¤h‘FI•T°!-·-·····•~·-•• ···· •·• inquiry to be made by _ Relatrons for Boonville No .. 418 Commision into provmons for .. 416 for Boston, Mlass., custgmhouse .. . . 413 "°‘f’°°3 -~ ...i ..,.4 .,,1 ¥‘.:$§°m‘;‘:2€¤$'&°a§· °'“° ··············· 2}: ‘”“‘ ;‘;T.'é:.‘??B'2`C’f‘T‘? . mo ;¤.gmr¤g.,‘¤T¤a.‘.‘;:..::;:;::1;;; 33 pm,m·, r rown , ex. ., 3 Ewa" · L" _,,,.,,,,,... . . . . 1045 fgr Butler, Pa ..,. . ... 413 pepmn muapd `'`° `• for Camden Me 418

 Hioepmtal, Wa•h·mgt0n&D._C., *0 _ , Pa  . ...,,, no

appropnauon for support vf BSUWW P" C We- ····················· soisjuiiiminwiid `'`°‘‘` §§f.`.'.ZZZfifZZiZIZ`iss,$g gm r:°v`r}’y¤..`.`YYIZQZZIZZZIZQQQZZZ ii: Awww, 1.;:112;) t { _ wd gig; Ced‘;;:»°¤;¤i)·G• . . .. :13 ·ppmp}::§:: Kettle Point, gnilc 802 §):¤(gl?rlgtp¤, W. Vg ,_,,,, _., ,,_,.,,. meme£?$:}s;':a`.`.`.`.'.`.`.ZZZ§XIII). 'am r¤»c1qli12»iiré§i&fi§.`fZZZZZZZZCZZZZCZZQZ 419 ,.,,,,,,;,,1,,,, of wi-mime by stm md wz fig; lh 9};*; -···-·········-···· :11: ‘ material` 802 for Cl veland Ohio, rent .. . ... 419 d°£Qm °m?dg°d be ld mann- for €‘¤1¤mb¤¤¤: Ohiv. mt ~---·—··------- 419 old u he building, to so ats . . P . . . Kane .. . 4 bm"; of pnco xoducod _____________ _ , 115 for Concordmk . . . . . . . . 19 bermgofcourtat. ... .·:·-·_ -··-···- ;---- 59 `` P~··**·-,;,;,_"¤"·~ ····' ”"·'**' ’*°"’°“" ro?¤m`2‘.‘i§§f’”i;...:::::::;;::1:::;:1;;; m mgy hyidgcngnlmern or Warren River, 15 Ala. .- t.: . BnetolCounty,R.I ..--·· · f , Y ··-· - -·---·· ·· PM, -" mu m mm or Danville, Va., rent .. 419 ,cqm·n·¤g gm ;°,'P,,b]ic building gt, au- 878 &K1¤;;Og¤:ib -·····-···-- ~ --—-··· · 3: ..*·"°'i’°‘* -········ ·= ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘`°`° fg perry '*r ..[Z[YZiZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 41e

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