Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/1123

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mnnx. 2065 Rent, D. C.5Continued. P•s•- Resident 1’•s•· aptpropriaétron 3; Navy Dspartment gg, deiiiciency appropriation for expsnss . 651 or n nor gtmen .. , or com rr .. 16 {or gist Officet oipfrtugeut ... gl clerk hirepgcrbgeggmber, 1911, to be paid 628 or Ertmen Decem ... for partment of Commerce and for August, 1912, to be paid on day of ' Labor . . . 411, 788 adjournment ,..,..,,,,_ 644 for buildings, Quartermneter Corps, for Decembeg 1912, to be paid on day of of églrgy ... . 585, 718 Rmb adjournment. 1021 appropriation for. .’ .. . . .. 465 pension increased 1382 Repatriation, _ _ _ Rutourantv, D. C. (sea ¤laoExcise Law D. C.), convention recognizing right of, with Costa declaration as to, by excise board, for ale xhlgca ... 12:, _ Mflm.6 .. . ._  : .. 1008 rceragu Rutmvnt o , ombmazwm •·n, msup lement.:1-y, extending timeiur ex- purchases of structural steel, armor, etc., cg? of 1508 go; ships of the Navy not to be madgg, 912 intematio convention American m . . . . : . . . blics , f turalized °tizo¤s.. 1658 Reticules etc., mpmngiméibg arcmtgrer cl duty dn mum .. . . s appropriation for, House of ilepresentagss 748 rec meal duty m Canada on, leather 8 ti , Runs Judpu, craig; ..;.r..,°. ... M 7::; appmpiiation in emu . . . 411, no f , Senate . .. Revenue gcnu_ , oilgricgl egisumoe ,.,,..._,,,,,,,.,,... 36 zgrgprratron for and . 381, 759 deidmgdzppmpmtion for extra services, appropriation for and gemmj reporten, House of Repeélm 932 ¤pG¤%l..:. ······...-·--······--- 914 V€8... O _ » for eign eervicee, omcial reporters, Senéu am -··~·····-·- 3 Repruenlatiuf Congnu, _ f¤!¤¤$¤¤¤i¤8¤\¤!§¤**€•!¤8\*]*¤°¤|·N°* · "’l§,$°.'Z,'i$“¤£"§.f‘·?°' °°“"’°"““°" ···‘‘‘··· £·Z£ ¤Z.°'...2 “‘§€l‘.?.*'§2; ···· :::;:::::1:;; 3 ·`°jj§ff,`,',`.ZZZZIIZZZZZZZZZZ sssjm s¤1¤¤M¤-y¤B.i ° ,M}éiir . m fozfgg go"}; plyggd on roll of employm 746 gt Arundel qovergd., depot -. . 43

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for yea: 1912, immedi· 86 {ono ¤dgi3¤:)¤A\ tzdetn to be lppomwd- - g 1 v,,·|,_b;, __________________ _ , reparre cu rr ... de6c·ie:1?yyiirt•propriation for mileage .. 51 deiigiency appropriation for completion, for compensation .. 618 dc. two revenue cuttsra ... . . . . 48 apportionment to States under Thirteenth 13 tg: relief of Kodhk volcano .615, m

   Rsvmucugzzr Service' Divmon’ , Thaawy

in same manner as for governor., . : . 14 Depqrtrnent, _ clerk hire for bgeggmber, 1911, to he paid 828 appropnatm;:Ilo:t:alane¤ ... 874, Decem r ... . ... , for August, 1912, to be paid on day ol ‘ Revcmufrpvrg Customs _ gd umm t ,,.. . .. 844 rnprratnon for cpilsctmg. ... _ . ... 434 for Dec]§mber,·¥912, to be paid on day od dpescrency appropriation for collecung 598, recess adjournment . 1021 _ · 618, 628, 915 Sling statement of expenses of candidate, permanent e?pr0pnation for collecting, rerequirementsmodiiied .. SN .. : .. ... 434 forbidden to grvebgrormses gt appoint- 28 reorganrntpnp M limit o';wc'g;tr·i;fiitiommk?y? to utimatos to be submitted for expenses campaign for nomination and elec- 28 ”d“1§ti0 810%*2,Ga% . gz tion ... . ... P°¤¤ . ·--.. . provrsh ‘ I °vm;' blici te tribe- Revenues, Frgnedr upon ¢A¢,_

 ¤r;°{¢uii°s°Q;n re- 25 •pP!¤Pc!;•t;i;¤°‘b¥ i¤v¤u•d¤¤ md P¤¤••· {M

' u ,.. . _ ... . . . · °`?Z}°5i»°;°&M mzwm, _ nmasnmse, _ _ 158 M ternatronal entfor . 1511 ame¤de:,1s;‘tion M

    , .. · . 456 section 1118  $56

Ryan"', e¢e,,3·;u;,1*ndia1•Reea1u¢€ons, ssctg0n%g ... . . gg appropriation for mv¤¤¢is•¤¤¤¤ wd NF •°°*!"” ······~····--······-- - ---- - - .· veys for .-.-- - --·---·--·-··- 519 ’°“!°“ gg ···················- - · --·~ ·· Q RMKM 0 miwimuw. _ °°°*!°“ ··········-········--- - --—-- Ip &0|1f&¤IIlI]!0IIIDt|0|'| -..···· ·- 385.743 ”ct!m1329 ’'‘‘*'‘'·· · ···· g or ,xPm,,,_ ________ _ ________________ 336, 143 section 1342 .. . i°rdukhim______ _____ ___ ____ _ ______ 3@,74§ .. . . ,,_ _ ____ g clerks to be placed on roll of employ- section gee; appqigunent, etc": .. . . . 868.746 um ·•··---—--- · ·······-—- - --.. . § fw eigem. 191% i¤¤¤•d¤*·¤v •¤¤· as •¤·==a·>¤ ig ------··----·----··-------·- B ¤ ¤ ·····-·-···-··-·--······--···-- ·- ···-····-········-·----~··