Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/1134

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2076 INDEX. ‘“‘“.,,,.“°",i,‘°’· "&..», mt..¤.» ""‘ "°“'“’"',...· 2 $17; n an . ... das _Pdian’ Homo: . :...f.. 451 Savage, Jaya, mm n s pmuo un pamwum . cmdice¥r•’P£rne I} .. 021 Savage, 1l¢mdr¤d0. Sansa Roag ljfatiogal Forest, Nev., of 285 841 . . . . 1046 prepnstwn rmm1tn¤mco,ct»c., .. , Savage, . ‘ 1678 pennmincrcasad 1142 Sanu•R•q¢r,_S.g:_ M; mms 8¤••gq•C’ml=,V•., _ _ iwhmd as pnsuon nmprovemen .. pmhmimryaxammsum ¤..

o¤min•ti¤ncf,t0b•n¤d•... 823 8c¤¤¤•a,Il1., _

8•n£¤••Na¢gm¤lFo••¢,0»•g., oonsuuclioudpublicbuildingsutbanud

•tc.,0f.:   8 sta;. . 871

Sak.¤m1pg¤¤¤¤¢ . ° QZZZZZZZZZIZCZZZ 1714 .pEwh¤;m”un:E‘¤m¤¢

 'fnrcoumnlgauuil . $,688 _ ‘   Fh.,md ... ZN 8D

Sapp, B., forpublicbuildug . . ... ,424 pqionincruood ...,,,,..,.. 1850 1011

 _ bucb _ proluninnry exammstmuhrnbc madoof

uumgn swung uilding inland Chdatua, mq •t.,•ut1mrised. . 875 8.0.,to. .. . % · S¤ruo•uBay,1?la., ofinlsnd&rw•yf:omBaui¤¢t,8.C., appruprishcninximpsovemsntof .. 210,810 to . .. . _ % preliminary gnminatbud, to be msdn _ otlnrbur . $ i;pl¤dmgI.i&S•ra¤ot•B•y¤1n‘i :27 8••¤¤unh§ig•*,iw_ cf. Sageng, Agzninu 0. (uaiiii, ````'````'````` lm Augur., c•. .. . . pcnaionincrasedi ... ... 1355 ¤xnmin•¤¤nd,tob•mad• Aulg1|(i‘,’Gs 226,823 ‘°""""*’ '”’°”"i.m..H mm Z2 ¥.;'£5i'1"‘.,¤...,“““£'?>“Y"’”’ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ S? ¤...,"°“"f"L.¢ m, ······· · ‘·‘‘‘··‘‘‘·‘·‘‘‘ _¤.. ¤».A..,, ‘····· @.1::::::. m pension increased 1183 umn extended in dammmg, Stevens Snrull, Qian.] _ _ pPim 4u M (hak,8.C .. I. .. E; . lg me bndga vu. . ... dunssuuagsbove ugusts, . Serv; J¢¤n¢•P., Scvcry, pcnninuincrcaad 1178 pension 1147 Sarvernlattic J. (video), 1275 Savin, George F., was mon .. penaicumcmanad Sage, Ralgh L, · Sum!) National Fame, .KIo, reomem ling of court ¤urtid•t¥i1i¤y •pp fn•·mnintexnno•,•tc.,c(.. 286,841 Academy to reopen the can of, Corps Sawyer, IK, ofC•deh .. _ ... . ... 856 ponnonincngnd 1040

tp¢m1ttod,ou: ... W 8•vy¢r,F'1;¤d=lmE., 1067

Bauer, . ., ponnnnmcraaad potion .. . ... 1443 Sui: Va., 8d¤l•h,I.e¤¢I•a oxnudmtin to be mado of dut:yonC•nu1im . ... 6 harbor ... . 822 rgc1progddutyinO¤ud•0¤ .. 8 Sqn, frank, 8d¤llaR•ga·,Go.':x _· d mm we .. . . lll! n .. , Sonya Jana . -

 , spougn ... i .. . ... IN!

•ppmpns¤ou’ nmp7 cmnect- , , . i¤g,withBmnswickHarba·.. . KB

 Jobs, _ _ _ _•t, suthmimd ... .. 876

d•¤cuncy•ppr¤;n·§sl£1nI¢¤rambu1nng.. 607 Scab•um;Shgcp;'•dO¤|{k,_ 278,881 ""’H, mm . . .. 5 ¤.Z£".§}’¥¤YL?.?".§‘.4».&%2s,;; ‘‘‘‘ r•c1procsl]•2_·1‘;£yi¤O•n•dncn .. 7 may D. C-. m Saugazuak, ., ounmmncn sppmppstion fcrimgrovsmoutofhnrbor. 216,815 Scala, _ _ _ _ _ _ pnlinnmaryoxauninstim tobomadoot an •ppropr1st|¤n§¤rmv@*§rs§¤:g,R¤v¤qhbarber.; .. mgcummodidno muntsblhlp- Blagduéliur, Gans., mont .. . ...· ,· 7W •pp¤p·n¤o° i¤r1mp¤vunm’ tot U2 ]ldil§i¤?=¤mi.¤•6md,t¤b•m•de... 224 appmpristiqnforzoiundto. ... . ... 470 Seagate, _. K, Sauna}, |[ihn•H.,

§¤impmv¤¤mtdhubu¤I2,&)3 swmxmaod ... . ... . .······ · 1083

Bmgng _ ,I’¤. ,1’•¢¢·, prdm¤nrye¤m1¤•ti¢md,tnb•m•d•... 821 inuansd ... ,. ... 100 ¤h•ltSékI•i•, Iii, er Clarks, tannatcunstat 190 penlnnincranad ... . INI