Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/136

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1150 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sus. II. Cue. 158, 175. 1912. "°"¤‘°"' "’°’°“'°‘*· The name of William W. Barber, late of Captain E. T. Kendriclfe mmm w' mmm independent company, Florida. Mounted Volimteere, Seminole Indmn War, and y him a pension at the rate of sixteen dollam per month in lieu of gt he is now _ "’¤**' W- ’•°**- The name of Wrigit W. Patrick, late of Captain Bulloclfs indedent company, lorida M0'\lIliBd'v0l\ll1l•£‘!, Semmole Indian - W2; and ayhimapensionattherateofmxteeiidollarspermonth in lieu of that he is now receiving. · _ ‘ §’§§;*j’,”°;,“¤_ The name of John Johnson, late of E, Fourth Regiment United States Infantfiy, War with Spam, and payhim a pension at the rate of twelve dollars permonth. · · gg§¤‘;¤,n¤¤g¤¤g!·_ The name of Benjamin J. Oswald, late of I, Twenty- wue. second Regiment United States Infantry, and pay _ a pension at the rate of thirty dollars month in lieu of that e is now receiving. ¤¤¤ ¤¤•¤1·••¤- The name of Sam Singer , late of Com any D, Fourth Regijnent United States Infantry, mon and 'Pemtory dian War, and y him a pension at the rate of sixteen dollars per month in lieu of thzt he is now Approved, June 5, 1912. June mz. CHAP. 176.-An ActGrantug' pennen•' and increase o£pen¤ona’ tocertaineol ’ lu- R·ui’“·l and sailors of the Civil War and certain widows and dependent children of eol£;` [Punta. Ian] and sailor? of said war. _ · """"" ‘· Bei¢e·nactedby¢h¢Sen¤teaad~Houee !J•eUn€!el 8tdcaqfAmeriouigi0mng·usass¢n»bkZ ttheSecreq{aryof the Interior be and he 15 here y, authorized directed to place on the Kension roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the pension P•¤·¤¤=¤•, I, i¤¤¤•¤¤·B,, The name of Alexander Bable, late of Co E One hundred and ninety-second Regiment Ohio Voluntee1%:1{t€Ly; and pay him as pension at the_rete of twenty-four dollars per mon in lieu of that is now recei . . g ¥°¤¤ md- The name ofvilggu Ford, late of Company~C, Ninth Bepiment Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, and {pay lum a pension at the rate o thirty dol- - ,,,“,°,,_ lars rmonthin ieu of athoisnowrecei ° . · . mon 0· ¤¤¤i¤¤in Tlifname of Flora O. McGinnis, widow of Eohn J. McGinnis, late of Company B, One hundred and sixty-fifth Regiment New York Volunteer Izifhantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of twelve dollars per mon . P•~i¤¤• \¤¤¤~¢<\· The name of Reuben H. Dillon, late of Com anies B and K Fifth mmm Dim" Regiment, and Comlpi:-ny K, Sixth Regiment Wpest Virginia Volimteer Cavalry, and pay a pension at the rate of thirty dollars per ml 0 molnhth in lieu pg t};t61eBis now . ¤ · . enameo o . ryan, too Com E FourthR:§n.m° ent Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry, and gay pension at e rate of thirty dollars per month in lieu of at he is now receiving. ¥**°•¤*°*l’·°°°°*“· The name of Leicester B. Goodell, late of Company B, Thirty-fourth

t Illinois Vol unwer Infgm try, and pay him a pension at the rate

of -e1xdollerspermonth1nheu.ofthat heisnowrecei . § c¤,,”_ The name of W._(h1ll¤y, widow of Frank C. Culley, late of Company F, Eighth Regiment Ohio Volimteer Infantry, and pay md her a pension at the rate of twelve dollars 8:- month. . ¤_”···;_*;·,¤_•:•¤¤~ The name of Henry W. Wise, late of mpany C, Ninety-ninth Regrment Indiana Vo ante: Infantry, and pag him a,pemnon at the rateofthxrtydollarspermonthinheuofthat eisnow ’ "'·””‘°“"· _ The name of Smith, late of Company F One .nd suty-sixth Regiment Pennsylvania Drafted Infantry, and gy hun a at the rate of twenty-four dollars per month in uof that eisnowreceiving. "