Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/167

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SIXTY·SEOOND CONGRESS. Sm. II. Ch. 177. 1912. 1181 an D, First Reg1m' ent Pennsylvania Volunteer L1gh' t A.rtillery‘ , lindypay a pension at'the rate of thirty dollara per month in lieu of that he is now _ The name of John Donechy, late of Co D, One hundred and ·'°'*¤”°°•°‘*¥-

 Regiment P  Vol1m try and {pay him a

pene1onat_therateof dollamperunonthinlieuothatheh now receiving. I ThenameofJoaephInnglateofCom DThirdRegimen' t ’°•°¤“·°¤¤· Pennsylvania Volunteer Heavy Artillery, alinadniia ,him a pension at the rate of thxrtiilollare per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. The name of omae_ . Brown, late of Compan A, One hundred '“*°¤••·’·¤¤>*¤ and thirtyjeeventh Regiment Illinois Volunteer gfantry, and pay himapemionattherateoftwentyéourdouampermonthinheuof that he u now receiving. The name of Sidney J. Crocker late of Company C, Thirteenth “°°¥’·°*°*=*•*- Regiment Pwlvania Reserve Volunteer Infantny, and Company C, One hun and ninetieth Regiment Penney vania Volunteer Infantry, pay him apension at_the rate of thirty-six dollersper monthmlxenofthatheienowrecelving. 4 ThenameofDanielSeger lateofQompanyB, SeeondR?iment ”•¤*•‘¤•••*· Iowa Volunteer Cavalry, and ay him a pension at the rate o thirty dollar¤permonthinli¤uoftlixlntheianowreeeivin%) The name of Marion Harrk, late of Company , Fifty-seventh *'•**°¤¤·¤*= Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantrii and pay him a pension at the rateofth11tydol1a:‘f>em·monthin euof that he ienow The name of Da _' Vestal late of Crggipany H, Fourth Repiment, ¤•*¤V•¤¤- and Company H,One hundred andeg Bigxrrent, OhioVo unteer Infantry an payhim a pension at rateof y dollars per month inlieuofthatheienowreceiviiilgio _ The name of Jamea Milton mae, late of Company D, Sixty- ,n·Lg:· ¤¤·¤¤ fourth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and pag a pension at therateo thirtydollanpermonthmlieuofthat eienowreceiving. The name of ‘ Si lee, late of Com§:-ny D, Sgxty-fourth Reg- uvunvu. mint Ohio Volunteer Infantry, andopzyao a pension at the rate of thirty-aix dollars month in lieu he u now receive?. f°'1'he name of Jpagea §. Polk Brady, late o{lC0mphai¤g , Sixty- m_·=?•• K- P¤¤¤ urth Regiment Ohio' olunteer Infan , an a pension ' attherateofthirtydollaraperm0ntl'1r!mlieu;:>·{ythatheknow reeervmg. The nameofluliua Demule, lateofCom£ha:y C, Fourteenth Regi- ¥¤¤¤»v•¤¤¤e mentIllinohVolunteerCavalnl·yI2andtg:y _ apensnonattherate of thirty dollars r month in u of he I new reeeivmg. The nzmglg H. Rlisdall, latégf Comlpiziy D, .1`Y8Dt§·55:: ¤•v¤¤¤·¤·¤¤·¤- Regnnen olunteer y _ a pension a nteofthirtydollan monthin:uof&the1enowreee1v·1%tll The name of Nard gtk Johnson, late of Company F, Thu-ty ¤¤¤ ¤·¤—¥¤¤¤~»¤ Regiment Kentuekplzzlunteer Infantry, and paiehgm a pensspn at therateofthitfydo xgionthinlieuofthat The name Robert r, late of Company I, First Regiment ¤•>¤•¤¤¤*¤*· VirginiaVolunteerInfantry andpayhi1:rapene1on_attherateof thirtydollars monthinlieuofthatheianowxeeexymg. _ 'l‘henameor.;dwellTinaman,lateofCompanyK I•‘1fthR?nnant ¥·¤¤*•¤’¤¤-·¤· OhioVolunteerCavalry,andlp:‘yhirnapene1onattl1erateo thirty dollarepermonthirllieuof·t henanowrecexvmg. _ 'lhe name of Charlea W. Bama, late of Company K, Sixty-third °'··*‘•"-¤·¤*· Regiment Ohio Volunteerlnfantry, andpayhimapenamn atthe rateofthirty-aixdolhn monthirilieuofthathemnowreeei ' The name of D§nie1 Ezkiéata of Cisipany Seventy-eexuélsxi ”•¤*•' '•°*· Regiment ohmteer an , ay a pension ratedthirtydollanpqmonthintlrgucftgiathebnowreeaiving.