Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/17

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SIXTY-SECOND `CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cns. 76, 104. 1912. 1031 Washington Territory Indian war, and a him a pension at the rate of sixteen dollars per- month in lieu of their he is now receiving. The name of Patrick Moloney, late of Compan C, Ninth Regiment P•¤¤·=k 1¢¤1¤¤•v- United States Infantry, Oregon and Washington Territory Indian WSI', and pay him a_ pension at the rate of sixteen dollars per month in lieu of that he is now The Iniairnielpf (¥·ichard§on, 11:1e$f1CaptainInI·¥embrie’s com- *4*¤¤¤*¢=*·•¤*•¤¤· pan egimen n oun o unteer an , Oregon andyWashington Territoryedgidim war, and pay him a pegnyon at the rate of sixteen dollars per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. The name of Sophronia Vanderbeek, widow of Calvin V. Vander- P¤¤¤¤¤· vm,. beek, late of Eleventh Comipany, Signal Corps, United States Volun- a•Z·°i'.¤°°°h teers, War with Spain, an pay her a pension at the rate of twelve dollars per month and two do lars per month additional on account of ge mine; child of the said Calvin V. Vanderbeek until he reaches e age o years. _ The name of James N. Collins, late of Captain S. L. Sparkman’s }’•¤¤¤¤¤;,i¤:¤r••••¤·m mdependent company, Florida Mounted Volunteers Seminole Indian °°°° ' war, and payohim a pension at the rate of sixteen dollars per month in lieu of that is now _ The name of Edward Pfister, late of Troop F, Sixth Regiment }’f,';*h·,,,,“,

 States Ctszalry, and pay him a pension at the rate of fifteen °

o ars per mon . ‘ · The name of William Clemom, late of Captain Cone’s company, §,Pgg*:g'g,9f_;£;F"· Florida Mounted Volunteers, Seminole Indian war, anchgiay him a pension at_the rate of sixteen dollars per month in lieu that he is now receiving. Approved, April 12, 1912. CHAP. 104.-An Act ran nsions and increase of 'ons certainsoldiere ¥• * im and asm or me cava veg.- mhdmeglm wise-; and aepal:$¤ eaiiam or mlaaaa __§_§;_L!';; and nilors or dd war. [reno, ne. a.] merwa an aaa , a e Secre o e S..’%:.“;·:.“’*·J“~%s~**·"·’”**·:7’**;4:·":·:.#·""·% ZM.: W Interior be and he is heregy, authorized and to place on the pension roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the pension awa- The name of Charles O. Lombard late of Com any G Forty-sixth ’°°•*°¤'_“*°’°•'•"· Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Infantm, and) pay him_a pension cmmo at_ the rate of thirty dollars per month in eu of that he 18 now re- 061 . . Tvlilagname of Abram R. Newmarkllatle of Company F, Fourth _Regi- —***¤¤ "~ 1********* ment New York Volunteer Heavy eiy, and pay a pension at the rate of thirtiidollars per month in lieu of that he rs now The name of arslrall A. Duers, late of Company H, Twentyymn ¥•¤¤·¤ A- ¤¤•¤ Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry, and pa; a pension at the rate of thirt§dcllars§er month in lieu of that e rs now The name of euben umlialrlger, late of Comgaurgy E, Seyenteen ,,}}g§"°¤ ”“"* Regiment Indiana Volunteer anti-y, and pay _ a pension at the rate of thirty dollars er month m lieu of that he is now The name of Udorallil. Moore, former widow of John W. Morris, ate {°,°d‘},‘{.*,°'£ yum of Company F, Second Regiment Arkansas Volunteer Infantry, and paygier a pension at the rate of twelve dollars month. _ _ e name of Alfred Bowden, late of Company%f_Twelfth Regiment §{§§°;,},‘;,'§’;_'°"· Ilhnors Volunteer Infantry, and gg him a pensron_at the rate of thirty dollars per month in lieu of t he is now receiving. '1‘he name o Kata],. John, widow of Abia C. John late_of Company ""° L- ·'°*”*· A and hospital steward, Thirty-fourth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of twenty-four dollars per