Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/176

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1190 SIXTY-SECON D CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 177. 1912. pension laws, at the rate of twenhy—fo1u· dollars per month from and after the date of death of said Ho y A.AYoung. -'°**** R*·*¤¢· The name of John Rising, late of Comphgy L, One hundred_ and second Regment Pennsylvania Volunteer antry, and pay a pension at the rate of thirty dollars per month m heu of that he is new receivm . -*1**** 4******* The nizme of Albert Adams, late of Company D, Sixty-fourth RE; ment New York Volunteer Infantg, and pay a pension at rate of thirty dollars per month in eu of t at he is now receivugz m“¤**”· mm The name of Milford E. Buttles, late of Company B, One hun and twelfth Regiment New York Vohmteer Infantry, and tppy a pension at the rate of thirty dollars per month in heu of t is now receiving. ‘ ·'•'”°' H““"· The name of James Hunter, late of Second Independent Battx Minnesota Volnmteer Light Artillery, and pay him a nsion at . . . P° . . rate of forty dollars per month m lieu of that he is now receiving. °****°'°°****°*’· The name of Damel Conner, late of· Company B, First Regiment Indiana Volunteer Cavalry, and pay him a pension at the rate of thirty dollars per month in lieu of that he is now recei . °'°" P' mw" The namaro 0scar`P.1Whitney;flate_;f Co(1ppany enty-third Regiment isconsin ounteer an " a`pension` as the rate of thirty dollars month in of thapihe is new ·'°•¤P'* M°**'•***•· The name of Joseph lated} Com any D; One hundred and twentieth Regiment Indiana Volunteer Inflantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of dollars permonth in lieu of thatihe is now receiving. H ‘_f‘ ‘_ " ,··Lg’,g'g}_;,§;,_¤*‘”· *“*• _The name of John T. Smith, alias Jacoli'Sinith, late of Compan B, First Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Light Artillery, and payhim gpgmsxonrat the rate of twenty-four dollars per month in lieu of that e is now receiving. ‘ ’ .

      • <**•=*·'·W¤*— The name of Andrew J. West, late of· .E 'hvent -

Regiment Illinois Vohmteer Infantry, andcllamlliini a pension htsftlilli rate of thirty-six dollarisger montli in lieu olltlist he is now M*·¤ ¤•¤¤¤· ’l‘he name of Allen hlin, late of Company G, First Regiment Pennsylvama Volunteer Rifles, and pa him` a pension at the rate of thirty dollars per month in lieu of that he is now ¤¤ K- W*¤¤¤*‘· The name of Ezra H. Witmer, late of Companies D and A, Seeond Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry, ,and ay him a pension at the rate of thirty dollars per month in lieu of thailhe is now

  • ·=-*·*·¤¤***~ The Mme of J<>¤i¤h‘ Ruffle, late of Ccmnixfy A Seoond Regiment

New Hampshue Volunteer Infant , and Batteryli, Fourth ent United States Artillery, and ayrliim a pension at the rate `o thirty dollars per month in lieu of that heis now reeei . _:',fl“"" “· °°"°"‘ The name of William H. Couchman late princivpiii musician, Sixtyl eighth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infiantry, and pay him a pension at the rate 0 thirt dollars r month in lieu of that he is now “""‘ "·‘°*“"‘*‘· C0T**¤ of *§·b$wHé_$$p$¤¤. he bf Company E, me Regiment 10 oun v .,an a hima"pensio at _ thirty dollars per month in lieu of thliityhe is now receli of "“““’* H- “"°°'· The name 0 William H. Nevens, late of Company DlDThirty·iirst and Thirty~second Regiments Maine Volunteer Infantry, and a him pl ;;g1:1or1;cag the rate of thirty-si; dollars per month in lieu oftliyat he """“ ‘* "‘”'°’· Tlw Mme 9f liyman L. Rainey, late of Company D, Seventeenth Rwtent Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and pa him a pension at thereto oft ydollars lmenthinlieuofthatheisnovr' . '•*¤**¥•****¢ '1'henameofN]dt(l·han}Iai¤aird IItGdfCOmP·¥l _ himspemionptthe i-ateofthu-tydollsrspermnnthmhea __ haisnowreeeivmg,