Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/210

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1224 SIXTY-sEc0ND CONGRESS. ssa. II. cs. 179. 1912.

                  • 1 *’°***¤°~ The name of William Bodixie, late of Company H,_Twenty-fourth

Regiment Neyv Jem? Volunteer Infantry, and pag 8 pension 8* the rate of thirt dollars per month in l1eu of that e is now reeeivmg. F·***¤ -*· it ¤¤¤ N Thpiname of J. AHRoss, lpltteucif Compémy Ei]-iFI;il1st

 teer ea , an pay apensron a

thiawratemdl thirt d(i>l‘l;.lr·s r moliyth in ligury of that he is now_rece1vmg. C•***¤ W-E<*8¤‘· The name of Calvin W?°Edgar, late of Company F, Ilnghtieth Regiment Illll1?1B Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a_pension at_ the rate of thn·ty-six dollars per month in heu of that he IS now ·’°•·P*· ¤¤"•** The name*of£Tc§eph Stmvlerll, la? pa Cpzppmy Giufgnetllryun d and t thegiment ew o o unteer an , an _ pay $I%1¥>e-sxfslgili at the rate of twenty-four dollars per month m lieu of t at W.1'00B1- ° . 4***** *’•”*¤ Theiiiisrxiinoof Alfreidngarvis, late of Company G, Thirty-sixth Regiupagp Voluntwrhhfalnhyéfanldnpaly him a pension at the rate t otin'e t teisnowreoei' . · ¤¤r<¤ ¤·¤¤¤>¤ ;zTheyn¤?mv2‘;_l`i>tl)6Il·l¢l'y<§r; Broolis, late of£:impan5;11I;lvF1ll>§ty-eighth egun' ent — o teer , a ension at the rate of tv1:ii•nl:];1l1o11r dldllars per miarrlth in ll)3 of thatllie is now recei .

      • ¤•¤¤¤-¤¤‘¤· Hnluéme of G. Birch, late of Company I, Sixteenth RE-

ment Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry, and pay him a pension at e rate of thirty dollars per month in lieu of that he is now recei . ¤e·>rs·¤¤¤1¤¢r- The name of George Coulter, late of Comgxy D, 'I\ventietll&i—· ment New York Volunteer Cavalry, and pay a pension ·at the rate of thirty dollars Tgler month in lieu of that he is now reeei . gETh¤¤¤A·B¢¤¢hl¤· R The namlelcéf operas A. Sfogkslxgr, late of Colmlplany ”` egiment iana o unteer av , and ` t t rate of thirty dollars per month in lieu of thzyhe is iiozmrglciiai 9 . 6 ~‘¢*‘"" "· W §*·zs:·2s.:;El%**“§· §°“°°'1"’;1.’“°w‘?‘i‘°°’“*’°1‘.1l'I’ °¤°.’;;'“Q·ii"“ an y egxmen ew 0 tear ,

 a pension at the rate of thirty-six doll)ai1·: per monghliiylieu of 5;%

e ns new reeen . ¤°*°¤°¤ '*°•*•“**· Tl;ev1aan;e`<;§§l•Ffomp,nlF1et:l·and, late of Coxgpany gigleventh Regimen es u·g1ma oun Infan_try,an a apensi at the rate of l•l111"li%l;:llIl'B§6l' month m hou of thlztlre is now reoefvling.

  • '•'*°" “**°¥· N Tthl: rzzamelipli ley eiHeyhlaiiteI§.oalfh!e‘av1;rJ StatesNships

° ¢!'¤ » _ ¤» Ft tates , _ap¢'lh;3yhh1n1 a penmon at the rate of thirty dollal: per month insllgu o 9 e 18 new memvm . lh"' °‘ H°‘°°"‘ The name of Henry Holter, late of Comipany Q, Forty-Efth Regiment Pennsylvania Volnmteer Infantry, an pg him a pension at the rate of thirty-mx dollars per month rn lieu that he is now receiving. "°" *"°’* The name of Fred Myers, late of Com any I Nineteenth t Michigan Volunteer Infantry, and paygim a’pension at the rate of _‘ tlurty dollars oper month m eu of t t he xs now "'*"¤ “·*’°°°··'°- The name Wilham S. Donohue, late of Compan H, One hundred and forty-ninth Regiment Ohio National Guard ay £h;11;s:mpensnon_at the rate of twenty dollars per monthin of fiat w “*"’°"*•°·*‘°•‘· Thenameof oma•0.Nea1,late fCompan F'1\ren -¤gh’ th Regmentjllinoia Voluntea Infant1y,‘;x1dtgr:y han a penaiotll at the ¤··~¤· -···-··— "%’1.'f...°""°’..?°1.1.."‘”·"°E·.é"?t?.1“f.'§ 1’1‘£} 3*.. ° h°1i“<$‘L'1.'°°°i'i”" . . , I mpau undred and tlnrtneth Bzgnmurt Pennsylvania Volunteer. Infantry, and Company B, Regiment Pennsylvania Vol1mteerCavalry, andpayhim
