Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/215

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SIXTY-SECOND c0NG1zEss sus. rr. cu. 180. mz. 1229 The name of Robert R. Butts late of Com an G, One hundred and ¥¤·•*°¤•*¤¢¤¤¢· fiftytninth Regiment New Yorh Volunteer and pay him a - mm R` B°°°’ pension at the rate of dollars per mon in lieu of that e rs now receiving. The name of Joseph C. Kuebbeler alias Carl Kuhne, late of Com; ·¥¤•¤v¤cg,¤¤·¤¤•¤- ganyitli, Tenth Reigrkment New York Volunteer Cavalry, and Company °""u" nh"` , t New Yo Provisional Cavalry, and ay hrm a pension at the rate of twenty-four dollars per month in lieu of that he is now reeervmg. · The name of Henry E. Barto, late of Compang D First Battalion H¤nrr¤~¤•r¤»· Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry and Com any , Ninety-third . ment ennsylvania Volunteer Infantry ans a him a pension at rate of twenty-four dollars per month inlieu optgat heis new receiving. The name of Anna Currigan Chamberlin, widow of Wesley Chamber- §'§{,’Q"·c¤m n lin, late of Comlplrlnltny G, Twenty-fifth Reément, and Com any A One ¤¤•¤¤•r¤n. 8 hundred and t ’ reth Reiiment, Ohio olunteer Infangy, and pay her a pension at the rate twelve dollars fper month. The name of Richard D. Rusell, late 0 Com any K, Eighty-third },°°*°•••°¤ I1- Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and ipa a pension at the ` rate of thirty dollars per month in lreu_ of t ag he is now receiving. The name of John Pierce, late of Com any G, Sixth R ent Jon rum. · Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, and pa{.lr1m' a pension at ge rate of thirty dollars vger month in lieu of that e is now receiving. The name of illiam Morton, late of Company E, Sixteenth Regi- wmam rama. ment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of thirty dollars per month in lieu of that he is now The name of Samuel A. Moore, late of C0m%a.r;y A, One hun and ¤•¤¤¤•¤ A- Noonforty-fifth Regiment, Ohio National Guard antry, and p?y him a pension at the rate of twenty-four dollars per month m lieu o that he rs new recervrnig. The name 0 Peter Fleminglflate of Companiil-I, Eighty-seventh P•¢¤r F¤¤¤·i¤•· Regiment Indiana Volunteer antry and {pay a pension at_the rate of thirty-six dollars per month in lieu o that he rs now recervrng. The name of James R. Hann, late of Complapy I, Two hundred and 1·¤¤•·R- ¤•¤¤- second Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer antg, and ps? him a pension at the rate of twenty-four dollars per mon rn lreu o that he rs now receivingc _ _ The name of ngamin F. Dnnivan, late of Company II, S1xt&~tlurd will I bmp Regiment Enrolled urr Militia, and pay hrm a pension at e rate vm. of .twelve dollars per month. The name of James M. Alderson, late of Company E, One hundred and eleventh Regiment Hlinois Volunteer Infantry_ and pay him a pension at_the rate of thirty dollars per month rn lreu of that he rs now receiving. _ _ _ The name of Milton Franklin, late of Sixteenth Battery Indrpna H¤¤>¤!’¤¤k¤¤· Volunteer Light Artillery, and pay hun a pensronat the rate of thn·ty dollars per month in lieu of that e is now_r·eoerv1¥A The name of Sallie A. Kirkland former widow of _ ward W. Luca, ir•¤1=¤:_-num". late of Company A, Forty-third Regunent Mimourr Volunteer Infantraghand pay her a pension at the rate of twelve dollars per month. e name of John Travis, `unior, late of Compamee G and D, Four- _ iis:-··f:·•¢ teenth Regiment Kentucky Volunteerlnfautry, and pay hrm a pension ' at the rate of thwyjldollarsper month rn lreu 0 that he ns nowreeervrng. ug'l1;he nauxpe of omg, iatetpf Clelzrgrpany I, Cine hunhdlred and mmm 1. Joe. ' teen Regrm'ent iana oun r an ,pn_p•y a _ sion at the_rate of twenty~four dollars per monlth rn lreu of that gl; now recenvmg. The name of John Parker, irst late of Company F, Thirteenth rm mae. Regiment New York Volunteer- Irri"a¤try, and payalnm a pension at the rate of thirty dollars per month in hen of that rs now receiving.