Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/271

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SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sus. II. Cm. 266, 267, 271. 1912. 1285 cnn. sea.-as lm Authorizing nmmw. abbba to make homutad me-y. fEi’£‘i£¤°}§ Be it enacted by the Senate and House Re esentatioea the m"°°°'N°°7'] United States ag America in Congress That Danigil W. l&•¤¤¢lWiA¤gg*;; Abbott bs, me s is bmby empowered to make may of me acquire :’...'t;. ° title to the south half of the southeast quarter an the south ali of the southwest qgzrter of section six in township ten south, range twenezggit east, ise meridian, under the provisions of e hom laws of the United States, notwi ding he may have huetofore exhausted his right to make entry under said laws, and crsombrpsomahashall bezplencredit underanyent1gmadebyhirnunderthis""°°· Act, for the period oi such actual residence as he may have maintained on said land or on land embraced in the legal subdivision of lgptd adjoining said land prior to the time he makes entry under this Approved, July 31, 1912. July 81, 1912. cnn. sev.-an Act For the mus: bs the nenwue ·1·¤¤.p¤m¤¤¤‘ com , .i‘fE}.. owner ol the American steamer Dorothy. _ Pay l?¤'•*°» N°- 6%-] Be·i!enactedbyt]teSe1nateand Houseo Representativeso the United States 0ongressasaemble¤Lf1‘hattheclaim<`iftheDela·,,,,”§‘,‘ ware _ tion Company,. owner of the American steamer ¥• was ¤¤1¢ M Dorothy,_ mbured m collision with the United States steam collier ··i>$'·§¤by.·· Sterling in hesapeake Bay on December third, nineteen hundred and eleven, for and on account of the damage to said steamsgg Dorotheoby reason of said collision, may be submitted to the Uni States urt in the district in which suit shall be filed by the United States to recover damages and losses by said collision, under and in Jbmexeubs or compliance with the rules of said court sitting as a court of admiralttg; °°"'** and the said court shall have jurisdiction to hear and determine e whole controversy and to enter a judgment or decree for the amount of thedamagessustainedbyreesonofsaidcollision, ifanyshall be found to be due, either for or against the United States upon the same principles and measure of liability, with costs as m hhepcases m admiralty ween private parties, and with the same rights of

 2. That should damages be found to be due the said Delaware ,{:_"‘°"‘ °‘ ""“‘

Transportation Com any, as owner ofsaid steamship Dorothy, the amoimt of the final d)ecree therefor shall paid out 9 gay money m hmm the United States Treasury not otherwise sgppropna : Provided, commémmbt bs That said suit shall be brought and common wrthm four months '““· from the date of the passage of this Act. Approved, July 31, 1912. cnn. mi.-A. sb•c¤.s¤g.p.¤.so¤»c¤¤bsu•c. aq;. *[H‘1‘h§L§· Be as mma as smc and ams Reg:•¢nl¤twu' of the Ubsua °’""°* M °°·* States of.Ameri::ya in Oongese asernblg _ the Secretary of the <¤¤·n=u•¢.m•¤. Interior be and he is here y, authorized and to place on the '}""°",,,, P ,,,,, 'on subject to the rovisions and limitations of the pension

 the name of Cornelia   Bragg, widow of Edward S. Bragg, late

a bngadier general of United States Volunteers during the late (Evil War, pay her a pension at the rate of fifty dollars per month. Approv•d,`Aug¤st 1, 1912.