Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/280

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IZB4 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cm. .388-342. 1912. ¢····r=¤·¤g·g* ¤;¤·· Oklahoma National Gund, ih {ram buil io;-mer! sed { th

g,g;.£.»£ Umm sem use emu, andlocated on ngiugmwedqge, snonixeei

‘ numbered 101:3 in the uty d;Alva in Woods County, State of Oklahoma, sand b ding to regnmved lrom its (glresent location and used as an fg gnhtna sompany, su removal to be without expense e m tates. Appmrved, August 22, 1912. August 2. mz. _ lH·‘·***~J CHAP. 889.-An ActFcrtbe·nlid¢lInbnJ.'1`roxell. [Private, Na. 973.] _ Be at enaded the Senate and H Repreeentati Ile United

zf:·;“n‘:;:‘·w> States of in Congress mm {Phat in tlreiiitdginistration

mm. of the pensmn laws and_the laws gumerning the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiem, or any branch thereof, John J. Troxell shall hereafter be and oonsndered to have been honorahly discharged from the military service of the United States as a lieutenant of Company H, Fifty-second Regnent Ohio Volunteer Infantry, xpggru on the Itwenty-thiT;d’tday of Octe lurk eighteen hundrege and sixty- tms Act. no pension s aeerue pnor o I 4 passage o ¤ » ' t t f Approved, August 22, 1912. "E€'i.%£°}z cnr. eso.-is see me we relief te spun cmpwx md Isaac cum. [Private, Natl . · Be·denadedby theSena!eandHouee the Umm _$*&*°,9;*;,,;P,';_°" grtztes of Amerika in Qmgreas at the Secrgftary of the P•r·¤¤M<» asury be, and he is herebybsuthonzed and directed to pay te Stephen Campbell and Isaae _ erdorf, out of any money m the T!¢¤¤¤1',Y ¤0§0i·h¤IK180.‘iPPt0T1¤ted, the sum of one hundred dollars eaeh, ass ?ud sugn,m _ tyo dollarssis hereby}a:ppropriated as rew or _ seruees nn ca turing tw ~ to Rob States post e&ee at Jersey S`l1;£·1eT;’m1?s;ln:11};l·d pprov , ugust 22, 1912.

  • [‘{“'i %.&¥§" cnn. su.-as sez For me rene: ot John r. sassy.
  • ""““· "‘* ’°·' Be ez mma by the emu and new Repreaentati ue mm

mm P may State; ofgmeriea in Oorgrue a••embled%'hat in the of 1,,,,,.,;,,mé cw thsigeinsnon laws John . Easley, late of Battery D, First Regiment nm- U States Artillery, shall hereafter held and considered to have - been honorably m the military service of the United States on th, eighteen and sixth};-Eve: No ,,,,,,,,,,,,,_ » P¤¤¤0¤ 0601110 prior passage o t Act. Approved, August 22, 1912. ··*{g?·,';,’g~,,}{{’— cnn. sm.-is se ru ese reliet ent. [Private, N0. IN.] B¢ B enacted the Senate nd H _ _ mom- 8w“q_A in 0 a oueeo{ veaqft7•e United p,,,,,,,,, be , 0**9***0 _ , t Secretary of the °’I}reaaury ,audhe1shu·eby, aufhon:edandd1reetedt¤1;•;y,qug mylmm thelreaanymtothuwmeappropruted, theaumol four and twenty-two dollars and twmgunve cents to Joe Cook,ofu¤¤h•§€¤¤.Nenda,£oundandheldto A duehimby the $•¤¤t•r.v ¤f Aenmltnre md: cpntnet ct Felnsry eighth. nineteen