Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/283

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SIXTY·SEOOND CONGRESS. sm. I1. cu. ass. mz. 1297 The name of Sylvanus G. P le, late of Company I, One hundred °¥"•¤°• °· '•¤*'* and seventy-eighth Rymmt zgio Vohmteer Infann·Ly,_ and pa him a pension at the rate twenty-four dollars per mon m lieu ollthat hergunow I _ B ’ _ Gum G_ Hmm name of George G. Hughes, ate of Captain ard s independent company, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and him a‘£Ension_at the rate_ of twenty-four dollars per month in eu of t he is now Thhugine oflose h R. Peek late of Com any I, Fourteenthkgg J°°°"°B'P°°k' ment West Virginia Riolunteer Infantry a pension at rate_ of twenty-fonr dollars per month m of that he is new 'Hne of William D. Parks, late-qf_Company F Fourth Regi- """‘“‘ °·""“ ment Provisional Enrolled Missouri Militia, and pay lum a pension at the rateof twenty-four dollars per month in lieu of that he is mghe naxllllg Elizabeth Stafen, widow of Christopher Staifen, late £€:'mse•. of Company F, Ninetieth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and

 a pension at the rate of twelve dollars per month. mh. MNA

_ name of Alps Shailate on Compafg F, One .uvuss..-p, . I . $.23. ,._¤.‘£ at xmltv ldlgllxss “p'2.§°?;.'¤0..¤.‘”..';"I..f.““.f *23% 1.. .2 mllzhe nanT%f Edward late of Company D, Bgnent “"‘“’ """’· Illinois Volunteer Light Artillery, and pay a pension at rate of thirty dollars month in lieu of that he is now receiving. Tmumm The name_of g?hTomas Inman, late of Company H, Fifty-fourth Regiment Illmons Volunteer Infantry, andtgyhhini a pension at the “'ih‘2‘.?.Q’T3.7.‘}‘ii*’“ "&1"b‘L¥I;i‘ ‘i'$°L‘f‘E0...p'i...° ii "S¤¤.°" ”'i§‘.g.'*’§..;..t ¤····· ¤-········· Provisional Enrollegdyliissouri hlilitia, and up:y inns pension gt the "‘%.‘f.*.1"i‘Q"..?.»‘}°}¤'.;‘5¤' s·:::::,*·:;;*2 2,*;*°¤...°* p.:,“a*·F*;m§·¢...;,. Mm ’ . Zf°'°€¤§X”"‘E‘Q?.‘¤¥.Y}"“"°.$.'..’§"l.'?i‘;.“m¥';t¥'2»‘} 5§‘.?1T2“i2£§.$“‘ma.°“ ‘*‘· °““’ The game of Ngnetnie Slayton widow of Austin C. Slaytoiitufate of §1‘;,‘§Y§‘g,,,.,,._ ?mpany K, Regim(§ntW§e1m(;>n1nVolunteer %antry, and pay pensi te tw ve 0 am r mon m'l‘lle namgIofaI{1%¤1§. Wilson? lata of Compgfany F, 0ne_hundred and nm. nl wnm. fourth Regiment cis Volunteer Infantry, and pay lnm a pensir 1 attherateofdiirtydollarapermonthmheuof thathexsnow $°*i·Zi°g¤:.·:.:.*cE...,|,¤·* ";..?.··**~nL¢*: ,2 mfmiw ms; '°`°‘"‘°"’°°" m Y _ , . .

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. . Llll . ThenameoIByron Iilly,lat•9fO0m%:1!E»'I'h}F*Y*°°°¤d_ 68** mn y ment out vsmnm money, mdgyh _ • 1>•¤¤¤·z et ¤=¤ me ¤f °“·ii’L ‘}..m.°”"'..‘£°'vF“.1¤°i”°" ll "°°·¤..`}‘ mi .3 “o...”°' '§“é"·'ii2..,.¤md- wm T- "·*· · · . 7 . Begimmt Indiana Voluntee Infantry apensnon nt_the _ rlhof thirty-si:¢doHar| mentbhlieu thstlwllnowreeenvmg. sm", D_,,~,°L 'l‘henameo{Samu•lB‘?l.Prest¤n, lateofQempanyG, me¤gVe¤-meusVolnmte¤·ihf:·a\;·y, •¤dp•·{mh¤;¤•P¤¤¤!¤&**h¢?•*• , ofthrrtydollara month lieuofthat 1snow °,,wmm.n_ 'l‘hen¤¤edmrad lat•ofC<‘:n?’pa`1:I‘yI,On;{ll\ and R¤!1'¤¤W` , tea a pe¤· ·i·•v•_•g ¢¥•erat•eHertydellu•p¢m¤u¤thinli•¤el"tl¤,at·h•¤aow reeavmg.