Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/291

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SIXTY•SECOND CONGRESS. Sm. II. Ch. 353. 1912. 1305 ThenameofHar¢retBabooek,widowofAhraham‘Babeoek uamecmtma. of Company F, Seveptieth Regiment New York Volunteer Infant; and pay her a pennon at_the rate of twenty dollars per monthm heu ol that she as now reeemng. _ The name ofJame¤ Utter, late of Batterkg, First Regiment """‘°·”""· New Jersey Volunteer Iaght Artillery, and pay a pendon at the rateofthirtydollarspermonthinheu ofthatheisnowrecei . The n:m§ of @ Btgorthéalazleiy of gxekmpanp _C, Twentyljgfth °°°"° °·‘°°"‘ Regmen ew o e xm v a a nnon at the rats of thirty-six dollars per month in lilduyof thatgma is now reeavmg. The name of Timothy Donovan, late of Company H, Twenty-ninth ""“°‘“’ ”°'”"“· Regiment Maine Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rateoffortydollarspermonthinlieu ofthatheisnowreoei . The name of James N. Dennis, late of Company H, Seeonvdniegi- """""'·”°""" ment Illmoh_ Volunteer Light Artillexuand pay him a pension at therateoftlu:·)t*ydollara gnonthin ofthatheianowreeexm . The name Emgston, late of Company C, Twentie °’°"’ “""""°"· Rejment Wiseonam olunteu Infantry, and pai him a pension at therateoftlurtfydollara monthinheuofthat eisnowreeeiving. The name o Commog 0. Perry, late of Company B, Twent · °°""°"°"°·"”’·

 ° nt New York Vohmtecr Infan , and Company é,

th ’ New York Volunteer Cav and)fp:{·him a penaionat_therateofthirtydolls:s;.ermonthinlie¤ theis now renewing. ThenameofFru1kF.1¥ullen,1ateo£(}ompany F, '°°"`P°u°° ¥£""° e¤¤§‘?1°‘u'2.Y°'““°'rY.*"**1.Za T.‘£‘h"‘£"¤."‘*" ‘ "°°"°" " ° “‘° o mon in a e is noyrreoen . The name of M. Sutton, late of Company Gtul·€fty·iint ""“°" “· "‘“°"· Regiment llisouri Volunteer Infantng, and pay him a pension at the rate of thirt dollars month in eu of that he is new receiving. R The name of éiarlea Rlxarown, late of Company L, First Regiment °“""‘ """‘ l§aine V Heavy , pntldnpaly him a pension at the rate o thirt' mon in ° o eisnovreoewing. The game of mrlea G. Mason, late of Company E, Qeeond °"‘"" °‘ "'°“ ment Connecticut Volunteer Heavy and {ay hun a pension at therateofthirt dollars monthnnheu ot that e_1¤ now reoemng. mum The name of £)°'.l`homas, vndow of William B. Thomas ¤mu•k.rm.¤¤. late gr Company B, 13::1-th R4;gim:}1;t Volunteer gbavalry, and a apensno’nat rateo tw e oars mon I P The name of William MeCutcheon, late of Coxggang F, Ninth Regi· iiisiml hitccuma ment Pennsylvania Reserves Volunteer Infantrgnpn pay hxm_a pen- •°¤~ sion_at the rate of forty dollars per month in of that he is now The name of George A. Tainter, late of Company 4, Thirteenth °°°""‘m‘°"‘ Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, an pay him a pension attherateofthirtydollarapermonthmheuofthathemnow Thename of.! ‘ hHornung,1ateof Companyli, First Regment """"°"“"'* 0hioVolnnteerI(!$Agitd’Artillery, andpayhnnapemsnon gttherate of thirty dollars monthinlieuoftliatheunov Bwxlmq 'l‘henameo¥¤1;•th¤·E.Bailey,wndowofg]eor¥N.B ,lateol ‘ Cempan C, Fifteenth Regiment Connecticut olunteer 5¤f}’.Y» °ap¢l;hp·zyd;£$apeansiongthe.rateoftwu1tydolla¤per·monthmheu U now 'Ihe name el Daniel late of Company A, N'inety-thi¤l °“"‘"'*"'· °°‘i2‘k"e.r.,·°”“°' .Q¤...v°'“"‘°°‘..¤.’“‘{.·';,:.§".»l’I·€'¤.*l‘E'.‘ £&°'“‘°'* " °‘° rate . mo m dnl! £l of Baum; lat! of ·l¤¤¤¤-Saline. andixty-thirdRejmnt0hioNa¤omlGnard ,andpay