Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/31

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SIXTY·SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 108. 1912. 1045 _ ThonameofJ bWymire1ateofCom GTwo1fthRegi-' '•¤¤¤"•v¤*¤- gent Kansasd"£glu·:h0teer Ihfanhuy, lnnd }}ayhsh§:Irii;;:?pen§ion at_the rate thirty-six ars mon m e o is n recon .

1ame of Jzmgsfr  gancuxgifof Cugmpagy     J•¤¤•N.B••c¤a

Regimen ·]lhnms o un an an a a penn at rate of twenty-four dollars per month lieupoiy that he is no): rocei . Thzuiighme of John M. Herman, late of Company K, Twelfth Regi- ·'··*·¤ ¤·¤¤-•¤· ment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and pay lllm a pension at the rate of Tt}lv°enty-fourfdoHam_pei·J‘mI£>r1:)thtyin llgou ng; téiat he is 160% mnuhhmy name o u , to om , ust Regn- · ngegit Nelbnxnlta Voluntftehr Ca¥i:lry,fatn|d pay iugiision at the rate t o mo m no at exsnow

f\§Q;ruwnPbImatf}1-Q, latedof Cozalplnny E],9'l>‘•llird t agiment H°’•°• P- I¤*¤·

Islan tear av , ay a pensi n a rato of twenty-four dohnars per month hgh of that he is gow I ghe fnagge of Elizgbetgif HEI;tere[tt, yndozv of Handel mmuebnh W. bea 0 m an - gllmll use a ° Infantry, ancfopaélher a_pension at `e rate of twenty dollars por month m lieu t she xs now receiving. The name of Amos E. Morgan late 0 Companies and E, lgighth Aw: Hman. Regiment Volunteer Caval% and up:y a pension at the rate of thuty dollars per month m u of t he 18 now recewmg. The name of <%than Huéntlziiate cg Comggily K, Second Rnii- -1¤¤~¤=·¤ ¤¤¤¤•v· mont osotaoteorav , a-` ens1o`nt ratrleh of thirty ¢tl<il;l(x;rs·l;ir:1¢;rLmoA1;lth inhL¢;u·<;i%f§a.t?he isiéxhiraf 3 use o name o w . en, m an egim' t ¤4w•r¤1·· Vermont Volunteer Infantry and pa; him E pgnsidn at the ratemdf twenty-four dollars per month in lieu of that he is now The name of Honora A. Williams widow of George Wilhams, late ¤¤¤¢•A-Wminm of Company A, Seventh Regiment Pennsylvania Reserves Volunteer Infantry, and pag her a pension at the rate of twenty dollars por month m lieu o at sho is now receiving. The name of Alonzo Moe, late of Company K, Fourth Regiment ·'*'¤¤·° ¥°•· Michigan Volunteer Cavalry nnd_pay lnm a pension at the rate of twenty-four dollars Q- month m hou of that he 18 now_ receiving. The name of He Angel, late of Company M, Sixth Regiment ¤°"°**°¢"- Michigan Volunteer Cavalry, and pay him e pension at l•ll9_1'8l'»8 of tw{_1£ty-four dcgnlalrscper n;o·ng)1n han of ghgghe is neg Mh A an e name ter te o m an *4*** · Re&ment Massachusetts Volunrger Infantxh thy a at _ e_rate of twenty-four dollars per mon in hou of that he is now recon . . C “?% 0%.0*000..., #·.?t00..0.· 000.10.;.0* “fi"00~::·.“% ¥00.2:· 1;;.0 0* “`”‘“‘°“" om an , - nrt en use o un r antry, gndy pay her a gension at the rate of twenty dollars por month m heu of that she is now receiving. _ The name of Mandred O. Savage, late of Company C, Third _Rogi· """‘“°·”""‘ ment Memo Volunteer Infantry, and Comgiaiy C, Ffnrst Rinment Mamo Volunteer Heavy Artille , and pay a pension at e rate of twenty-four dollars er monlh in lieu of that he is now ' The name of John lgeeney, late of Company K, Nmth Regiment J°‘“‘ '°°"’· Illinois Volunteer and &{y a pension at the rate of forx dollars per month in eu of t he is now receiving. BOM I I e name of Robert Smith, late ca tam Company, Massachusetts Volunteer Sharpshooters, ang pesky hun a pension at the rate of twenty-four dollars per month in lieu 0 that he IS now 1;0¤BlY1ng. H H- '_m._ The name of Ilan;- H. Warner, late of Comnany C, Eighty-mnth °“" Regiment Illinois V unteer Infantry, and pay _ a pension at the rate offifty dollarspermonthmheu of thathexsnowreeeivmg.