Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/323

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SIXTY-SE00m> 00NGm=;ss. Sm. 11. )C¤s._394, aes. mz. 1337 ¤¤a1·.s••.·AnAetFe•thendi•1dF•di¤¤¤d•reb•. `Be itenaded t7te8cna¢e ndH . Rprecenlatweh !7•eUn1Zted—"—`——’[rnn¤. Z‘“1$.‘,‘l.£."‘§§§ emiigiq 0% “’??.l§‘¥f“{‘“J¤§?a‘tE° “’g‘§‘Q”"£i° ··"'···“'·-—~°"`·1:=····‘$§·· O1' 11 D DOTS rooted. -eigh Begnmen o o un 1- Intanu-y, ereaf me ww- “*:¤a:.**"%?·‘;°· §·· W · P*‘§·;3 °··¤:2:·£ held agd eonsidered to have been discharged honorably from the militaryaervioeof theUnitedState¤asamemberofsa1dcompan and regent on the thirtieth day of June, eighteen hundred and ,.,,,,,_ a¤t_Y· : Provided, That no tgy, bounty, pension, or other ¤•¤¤¤n·¤¤¤•.••¤. emoumentehallaeuruepxiorto pamage thisAet. Approved, August 24, 1912. GEAP.80$.—AnActGiantlngpe¤si¤¤a¤din¤ease9fp¤¤¤l¤mtec¢hin¤oldl¤¤

 thu €1ie“&v11 Wu, me z°#1g:•W餷Mae:§em mauve $1 mn   r¤¤v•¤•- ¤¤· M1

B ir made! the senate and H the Ueiud 8tat::gAmeri;'in theSecretagof theIn·· """°“· tprior , andheishere y, authqnae<la¤d_d1rectedtofpaeeonthe Fusion roll, subject to the pruvmone lumtetmm o the pension Ws- hun. The name of Martin Merkeeon, late of Company F, Thirty-fifth I¢•¤¤¤1|¤k••¤¤· wut gltatestyogupxler Irafautry, War mttll: Spam, and pay pensm ra o ve ollars mon . _. Thae numeuo? Begaeeca Strouther, depenpggnti mother of Charles °‘°°°°°‘ °°°°°"" Strouther, late of Coxapany G, Forty-mnth Regiment United States Volunteer Infantry, ar with Spam, and pay er a pension at the rataeh of twelve Ogollars permgngn. _ _ mgof compa K mm L ,__ ' , MTOWB IMHO! so jr. T@$,,..¤·—...# www xwmésim w~.·.:;.·:.¤»·~·?'·~·* " e ra . Milne nagne of Mzéie Boutiette, widow of Gyrilpgngtiette, late ncout °""°' °°°°'“‘ aug tattilkrmy, and payher a pennon et the rate of t'T!¥:n:me oFVirll1i::¤ H. Hinkel, late of 'Ijroop Hdllfifth R?l.¤1ant mu $.m¤¤•¤. Shifii S°"J;'e§i.';‘.{‘n%;.‘%‘} 5.1’li’1.*?'£.2.;'$“’?..%2¤$£., ° '°‘° ° ““"’ Q • Thexmhe of wmam c. nmsm, late ercempinyyn one hundred ‘"““'°·""‘* and £fty-ninth Regiment Indiana Volunteer antry, War with $1>Ei¤» •;¤¢;h1;··!hI;i!¤¤ e P¤¤=i°¤! %* °h° "'*°° °* "'°"‘Y d°u“" P°’ '“°““‘ ` f, , ‘ _ _ Putin. m'1‘§ue game or wma mvenhgk, 1•t• of {Dom my D, Tiurd Bev- "‘““"f·'”"‘°*· ment Vol¢;u?teerdI11ifi.ar1:try, Earns:-th and pay lum a Y ` ‘ Pticnnineranetl. ’°“n.`°’LZ£.. 0¢’ av.¤'TT're of 1·¤»p A. mm Resimmt ·¤··-··-······- United States Ctgalré, and 5:5 l;1mi’•¤%:'¤¤¤n_a§ rate of twenty e . c , The ¤%:$°ma:`en°i°1?mu¤e, ueaefuelepzm W. w.  »&"‘ " ¥‘· ""

 &g;hL;1_a pension pt_ the rate of ‘

` dollars ° t is new recenvmg. _ _ Nm. · _ The name Etnliailé, late of Oonnpanyh, '1'egth Rep- wnrnnnun. m¤ntOhioV¤hm "' Mmm arwith2am,•¤dpay_him•pu1- sion at the rate of twenty d per mon Al?I?¥'°Y•d• A¤¢¤¤¢ 3% im- `