Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/326

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1340 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cue. 396-400. 1912. gsxgmimgy- The name_of Susie C. Heilner, widow of Lewis C._Heilner, late rear n ° d£"€““fiT.'d£.”‘p”§}* ££?Ef £l'i¥.¥.’&°£’hi’.“Zhi?‘}§ ?..%’§Z’¥v?£ °h° ’“°° °* s•=¤¤¤¤¤. cnr:. 'lihe name of Samuel H. Craigiullalte of Troop D, Fourtbl Regiment United States Cavahx and pay a pension at the rate of twenty- four dollars per mon in lieu of that he is now Approved, August 24, 1912. ‘ "'i?"v?d” sev.-an sa ra. me mus: of Jams. r:.e.cm1. · ` mm N°` ml Be it enacted by the Senate and House %Eepresenlati#ves_of the United ·};,,y=g,§,§ég',Q,'°°};,_ States of America in Congress assembled, at in the admmistration of mae. the pension laws and the laws governipg the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, or`an(y’bran thereof, James C. Cove], who was a second lieutenant of mpany H, Sixteenth Regiment Iowa Volimteer Infantry, shall hereafter be held and considered to have been discharged honorably as a. member of said company and regiment f,’§’;‘,,'·,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_ on the fourteenth day of Alslril, eighteen hundred and sixty-£ve• Promded, That no pension sh accrue prior to the passage of this Act. 'Approved, August 24, 1912. , · ‘{'£"¤i’·»‘&°i°` cnn. see.-as ae: ru as rene: ee reader nm. [m"°°'N°'m'] Be it enactedby theSenata and Houses Represenlaliveso the United ’,,j,'f‘,,°,‘},$ ,,0,.. States af in Congress asse1nbIed,fhat in the Qstrationpf MM the pension laws and the laws governing the National _Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, or any branc thereof, Patrick Howe shall hereafter be held and considered to have been honorably discharged from the service of the United States as a pnrlivate in Company G, Fifty-nmth Regiment New York Volunteer anti? on the gxrvdn t day of Februmy, eighteen hundred and sixty-five: romded. That no pension sh accrue prior to the passage of this Act. Approved, August 24, 1912. 'iff i}aii§" cnn. soo.-as Act ra me mus: or me wee Kentucky can cdmpmy. """"* ”°·“°·’ Be a mdazpy ne smc and House afzzepmmdam cfm United c:_•;§°‘°°"¥°°" States q/Irimenca an Congress assembled, That there be, and is hereby, r•y¤•¤¢ w- appropriated the sum of thousand and seventeen dollars and forty-eight cents for the relief of the West Kentuclgy Coal Company, of Sturglizgtiengixcliyhto palygolni one barge ff cog; lintesaizlnlgi appurtenances a em , enneseee un - hundred and ism. P ’ ° °° Y ’ “`”°°°°° Approved, August 24, 1912. _ A M. mz cur. 4o0.—A¤ Act An ‘ ‘ the ctw m B iglgmm thnnzing Secrehry _ ar couveybydeedtoll. . { - · 1 _ _ ,,,,,,,1 Hm], ·i ..., N,. dd., &.`I¤°ET`¥ $$3 £¤£`?‘“,..·'£';& a »...3"§."§i’.ZitE‘"e.¤L£§€ ¥°.?.;'“3Z;.°‘ “’° Be it enactedby}be8enatcand Houseqliepresentativesegftlie United phnép¤;;mp:.:§c; States of America1n Congress t the Secretaghof War be, cmpumue mk, and he rs hereby, authonmd and directed to convey to D. . Loveman "*¤¤·· '¤'“*°”°° ‘°· and D. Loveman, president of Bragg Land Company, by m fee_ simople, a strip of land fifteen eetwide off of reservation, east side the Crest Road, north end, sdgoming north side of the iron